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Messages - Desintegrator

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General - Top Sites / Re: 4096 x 2160p vs 3840x2160
« on: November 18, 2019, 13:12 »
I've just realized the HD downsampled versions of 4K clips are offered with very small file sizes Shutterstock.
A 10second clip is 8 Megabytes. That's around 6mbit/s bitrate.

Isn't that unacceptably low? I cannot imagine providing useful quality for further processing in that size. That should be around Youtube quality which is sometimes questionable even for final delivery. And stock clips should be considered like raw material for further processing.

I always have the intention to provide HD clips in 100mbit/s the minimum

General - Top Sites / Re: 4096 x 2160p vs 3840x2160
« on: November 16, 2019, 10:00 »
Is it logical to shoot in 4096x2160 in 24p then? Or can i just export it in 23,976?

For the buyer, 23.976 or 24 matters exactly zero (0), since a clip without audio can be played at 23.976, 24, or even 25 without any noticable difference. It is 1 click (OK, maybe 2 or 3) in any software.

If you provide 23.976, and their project is 24, it means they will play your clip 0.1% faster. This is how it's done every day in Europe (and the rest of the PAL world) with 24p movies. They all play back at 25p (4% faster).

yes, the difference between 23.976 and 24 is 1 frame in 1000 frames. Most stock videos are not even 1000 frames long

If I look at things in the long run it's not really a recent decrease for me, more like there was an exceptional bump in sales in the first half of 2019. My recent sales are not matching that, but are in line with some slow long term growth.

Could date first half of 2019 bump be some Fotolia users using up dormant credits after seeing that the site will close?

Hey, They do not submit to StoryBlocks after their stunt.

That's fortunate!

130 / Re: Zero sales of new files
« on: November 13, 2019, 15:04 »
It has happened before. Looking at images the page doesn't remember the "fresh content" setting, goes back to "most relevant" every time

Like it or not you earn more on BB through SS then you do on SS alone they are just not sharing that! Feel free to ask others as well.
How you earn more if commissions are fixed and you pay additional 15%? How much exactly you receive for hd and for 4K?

Well i'm also suspicious about the claim that they are getting more, but even telling some numbers won't really make justice in this question, as video commisions are all over the place at SS anyways. In my experience a HD sale can yield anything from 1.5 USD to 140. Maybe most of them seem to be in the 18-25 range with all kind off different numbers but really it seems to me that it can be anything

And Shutterstock doesn't even show if a sale was HD or 4K. I just know that i've had commissions over 100USD even for clips that are not available in 4k

General Stock Discussion / Re: Adding an agency: Depositphotos?
« on: November 11, 2019, 14:14 »
I'm thinking about dropping Depositphotos.  It's annoying that I'm almost only getting 0.32 commissions. It's quite low. And sometimes even lower ones appear, like 0.16. Very rarely I get something bigger, but it's too infrequent to move the average significantly. Nowadays my RPD is around 0.37 USD which is very low. Image RPD at Shutterstock for example is usually quite close to 1 USD

I can't answer the tax questions, BB gets a higher % than you on your own and passes that along to you so you get more per sale on ShuttterStock. Now keep in mind this service is not for everyone! If you want full control over your work then do not use BB! It is a huge time saver and you need to factor that in as well as time is money. To each their own on this.

But how do they get higher percentage? Do they have a special contract with SS?

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia officially closed
« on: November 09, 2019, 07:49 »

You forgot the Dollar Photo Club debacle which probably was the worst thing Fotolia could have done

Haha, yes, thats why on fotolia/above i don't have about 1500 of my images, and now way i would figure out which ones to reupload them. That D-Day was something.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia officially closed
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:49 »
I was hoping they would forget to close FT as I don't like using the AS site. It's the most frustrating site of them all, why under 'my statistics' does it default to top sellers!! A simple remember last settings would save me 9 clicks every time I refresh the page. Also, is there a way to see what files have sold on a particular day because I've given up searching for it!

Bookmark this URL:

And then you can see recent sales with one click
Even if the selection box at the top will say "Top Sellers" even when you open it this was, actually results "Activity" will be shown immediately

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia officially closed
« on: November 05, 2019, 09:30 »
Agreed.  The AS website might be prettier, but the FOT website was more functional.

Agreed. The only big problem with the Fotolia contributor site was that thumbnails were way to small, sometimes i struggled to recognize images. But functionally it was better than almost any stock site i've ever seen.

But i'm missing the big size credit sales even more than the user interface

DepositPhotos / Re: Suspicious email
« on: November 04, 2019, 20:52 »
If they want to work with you, they can just buy your photos from deposit. Work together, I think likely means I want a deal.

Probably yes. But even if it's unlikely, it's not impossible, to come up with a deal that's beneficial for both parties, by "cutting out the middleman". But quite little chance that it would worth the time and effort to negotiate such thing

DepositPhotos / Re: Suspicious email
« on: November 04, 2019, 15:28 »
Nothing similar lately. Could be spam, or not..
But i remember once i've been contacted by someone who found a photo of mine on Depositphotos. He wanted to buy directly from me. I've emailed him the picture and he sent me money. Cash in an envelope by post :D

139 / Re: Zero sales of new files
« on: November 03, 2019, 10:29 »
I think it has to do something with Andorra being the first on the list of countries...
Actually for a while my SS account was set to Andorra, I didn't know how it happened, just noticed it one day.  And after that for months I actually couldn't care to change it
It's 4th behind Afghanistan, Algeria, and Albania, but it makes sense that it's just an accident.

Anyway, silly me..., for a moment I was afraid that Putin had occupied lovely Andorra too, and now most of Andorra is Russian.

True, it's not the first. Could be something with the listbox... I haven't think it through well with the alphbetical order of counties. I just remember that some time after SS introduced this new kind of profile page thing i discovered that my location was set to Andorra somehow

I don't think buyers check our profiles anyways. For a while SS used to have a counter for profile views. I was getting 1 or 2 per week while selling 500-600 photos weekly

140 / Re: Zero sales of new files
« on: November 03, 2019, 08:11 »
most of andorra are russian...

yeas miha most are from russian...good trial from new york city..but is legal to shoot those? i know you can0't fly your drone in new york city...flyijng lawless makes trouble soon for less...

Yes, I know all that.
What I didn't know is that most of that beautiful Andorra is Russian.  :'(

I'll repeat this so it's not lost in the paragraph. "To date, there are 516 Russians in Andorra." and Andorra has population of approximately 77,281 What struck me was 168 SS artists registered their location as Andorra. I don't really believe that's accurate, I don't know, I have no way of checking. I think it's just something that's unreliable and not checked by SS during registration. Add that many contributors have no location listed.

If I open an account, I might use Tierra del Fuego next time. That sounds exotic, even if it's windy with a cool moderate climate? I have cousins in Argentina.

I think it has to do something with Andorra being the first on the list of countries...
Actually for a while my SS account was set to Andorra, I didn't know how it happened, just noticed it one day.  And after that for months I actually couldn't care to change it

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 sales
« on: October 23, 2019, 09:45 »
Similar here.
Until spring 2019 Pond5 video sales were on par with Shutterstock, sometimes even exceeding it.
In the last couple of months it yields less than 1/5 of my SS sales.

142 / Re: September numbers...
« on: October 18, 2019, 10:04 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

The rates are indeed an insult. However, like most of us, I do microstock for a profit, so I have a look at the numbers.

In terms of revenue, IS is the second highest earner. In terms of RPI, it's the first, ex-aequo with SS. In terms of RPD, it fluctuates, but it's usually the second or the third, after Alamy and SS.

So, yes, I have the feeling IS is taking a lot from me, and that the way they treat us is outrageous. However, there are some financial reasons explaining why I'm staying... more or less the same reasons that push me to have a main job where I'm not very well treated...

For me the last drop was when with this new ESP system all transparency about sales seems to have been lost, and also the inability to remove images or managing online files in any way. I have the feeling that after uploading they can do with my images whatever they want, selling them at any conditions, not caring that i'm still the copyright owner

143 / Re: September numbers...
« on: October 18, 2019, 08:20 »
Why is anyone still uploading there?

These rates are an insult

Editorial footage would be great. For me it seems like editorial has bigger share in the video world than in photos.

General - Stock Video / Re: Storyblocks - Member library
« on: October 03, 2019, 10:00 »
Doing some quick searches show that their content is quite limited. That's fortunate.
Stay away and let's keep it that way!

Other Parameters / Pricing Configuration / Pond 5

Price: (my intented price)
Price smaller sizes: Automatically

What price are you specifying? If it's lower than 5 then the program will override it with 5 as that's the minimum value on Pond5.

I've had an observation.
Looks like it cannot handle decimal points. My usual price for photos was 14.9 for years. It ends up with $5. When I set it 15 it works well. But i think  in the past it used to work with 14.9 as well. I will just go with 15 from now on.

Other Parameters / Pricing Configuration / Pond 5

Price: (my intented price)
Price smaller sizes: Automatically

Hi! I've just realized that for a while my photos uploaded on Pond5 are set to $5, even if in Stocksubmitter they are set to $15
Price setting works fine for videos in the meanwhile

Pond5 / Re: Non exclusive will be cut to 40% on pond5
« on: April 11, 2019, 06:23 »
I've just got my first sale with only 40% commission ...

Pretty sad.

I'm raising prices.

150 / Re: Have sales plummeted for all or just me?
« on: March 19, 2019, 05:53 »
Alamy sales have never been good, but in the last almost one year they are just a of the already low volume of the past

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