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Messages - Jonathan Ross
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« on: January 06, 2012, 00:36 »
Hi photoplan,
I really like your icon, do you mind me asking how you did it?
Thanks, Jonathan
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:44 »
Hi All, I thought you might like to see this break down of Micro sales. I hope it is of help. http://blog.picniche.com/Best, Jonathan
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:40 »
Exactly Shady Sue,
We are image exclusive only as are just about every stock agency, I would never put all my eggs in one basket I even tell our contributors the same thing " Don't put all your work at Spaces ". The one part of your view that I question is that the store controls the price of what we sell our images for that is not the case. In multi distribution in Macro you set the price and every distributor has to follow that price, it cannot be changed by the distributor.
Thanks for the feedback, Jonathan
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:36 »
Thanks Lagereek and Rinderart,
I appreciate all the support it has been a lot of work this past year but 2012 is looking like we have reached the peak and will be able to outsource more of our work and hire even more help. Everything is in place now and we have a great staff. Thank you again for the support.
Cheers, Jonathan
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:12 »
Hi Sean,
Would you rather have your cola drinks sold by only Safeway even if they are the largest distributor? I would prefer Safeway and all the other stores carry our product we don't want to sell to just Safeway patrons. The larger audience you can get to see your images the more sales are made. I have clear proof from running another Multi distributional agency for the past 7 years that my sales there were bigger and still are bigger than my sales through the biggest stock agency in the business Getty Images because the other agency multi distributes, please share where your data is coming from I am curious. It seems to me with the exception of Istock exclusive that everyone in stock multi distributes, especially Micro shooters. Just a question no heat, I would love to hear what your thoughts are on this.
Best, Jonathan
« on: January 01, 2012, 14:43 »
Hi Dan,
So great to hear. I find if you can keep your overhead down and offer your photographers, strong market information, support, and respect and I think you will have a great collection. This is the direction agencies need to turn. Constant feedback and direction when asked for, art directors to help plan shoots, editing that is done asap and the best key wording money can buy with a 50/50 split. Add that recipe with a strong distribution model, solid niche collection plus excellent photographers and it is only a matter of time. Best of luck in 2012.
Cheers, Jonathan
« on: December 31, 2011, 16:58 »
Hi Largereek, Great to hear. Are you willing to share the name of your stock agency? I would love to see what you have created. It takes a lot of time and effort and to have been at it for so long you must be doing something right. Our newest agency is www.spacesimages.com if you want to take a peak. You can always PM me. Best, Jonathan
« on: December 31, 2011, 16:52 »
Hi Rinderart,
Great story, here is to a Happy New Year and a prosperous one as well.
Best, Jonathan
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:44 »
Happy Holidays to all,
May the spirit of the holiday season pass from you to everyone you love. All my best wishes to everyone here on MSG thank you for being there.
Cheers, Jonathan
« on: December 19, 2011, 16:22 »
Hi SkylineHunter,
If I am correct I think you are asking for a monthly return not a yearly. My per image per month sales average is $1.11 per image on 3500 images in Micro. With an average total for the year at $46,620. I am not an exclusive at Istock and my work is distributed between 10 sites. Hope this helps.
Happy Holidays, Jonathan
« on: December 16, 2011, 20:21 »
Hi Rubyroo, Thanks for the tip that completely explains why every time I take a photo of a person they look like an idiot. P from here on out I wanna be a Pro. By the way MWAC has a great Face Book site I joined today the only problem is some people don't get its a gag so you have to be careful not to accidentally offend someone Best, Jonathan
« on: December 16, 2011, 15:50 »
Hi Paulie, Put it on M for " Man Style " this is the roughest and toughest It surprises me that a realtor has to get a license to sell a house but a photographer, all they have to do is pick up a camera and shoot and once an image sells even for 10 cents they are now a professional. I was asked to play in a soccer game once and they would pay me $10 I turned down the gig just to hold onto my amatuer ranking Best, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 20:31 »
Hi Everyone,
I knew I shouldn't have posted that link. Just trying to offer some friendly advice no horn tooting going on here. Good luck everyone.
Best, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 18:03 »
Good for you JJneff,
Especially if you love your work. Feeding the family and loving what you do, there is nothing better.
Cheers, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 16:55 »
Hi All,
I just received an e-mail from someone on this site that was having trouble watching the video I uploaded. I suggest if you have a slow internet speed you let it upload all the way first then try it, it is a large file and I don't think it is worth making it smaller it was just a bit of information and sharing. I don't do anything with it I just keep it around for fun, some day I might have someone do a good edit of my motion but if it doesn't grow in sales I don't see making the effort. I hope you find some use from it if not that is okay to. Good luck to all you film makers.
Best, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 15:45 »
Hi All,
Just did a quick search on Istock video and found their sell through rate to be at bellow 50%, that means for every video they are accepting 50% are making one download or more in their life so far. Might want to check back on this formula in a few months to help gauge growth. I have seen some very good motion on Istock.
Best, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 15:30 »
Thanks Sharpshoot.
Best, J
« on: December 15, 2011, 14:39 »
Hi Traveller,
Well they have the highest motion sales in the business and when you shoot video for Getty as with stills they only represent as content exclusive. Maybe pull them all and put them in Micro but if I am not shooting the correct content then maybe not. I would love any serious data on what is selling for more than $50 a clip per year I thought we did our research and we brought in an Emmy winning crew so they no how to block a shot properly and also were able to do all the editing so I don't know the answer better than I shared. I did the lighting and casting the rest we worked as a team to decide how to tell a story that was the reason for bringing in the professionals to learn from. I agree a story must be told in 3 seconds, that is the average length of time a clip is used on national television.
Best, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 14:21 »
Hi Elenathewise,
Thanks for the feedback. I am just showing a couple of seconds of each clip, each clip runs from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. My feedback comes from some pretty big motion shooters in stock. Two of the top motion shooters for Getty have told me the same pay results and they have quit producing until the sales can offset the cost and time of production, these people shoot national ads and have been involved in motion for years so I trust their data. Our subject matter was supported by Getty as what is the highest selling content in motion stock so I think we are on the right track for what sells and they accepted every clip we sent. Can I ask what you think is needed in motion that will sell well I would be very interested in hearing as it might drive us back to shooting motion again. Thank you for your reply.
Best, Jonathan
« on: December 15, 2011, 13:15 »
Hi All, I did an R&D test on motion and spent a good deal of money and time with a very professional camera team using the Red system. We shot lifestyle the most popular selling motion we followed everything that we could as far as making content that should sell from our analysis but alas after 600 clips shot for Getty they return less per clip than my stills. Here is a short clip showing some of the stuff we shot. It isn't the best reel but it shows the lighting locations and level of talent we were shooting and on the best camera at the time. Always good to do research but for me I am sitting on the fence until I see motion sales start to at least double still sales, there is that much more work and money involved. Here is a link to our reel, like I said it isn't edited very well but it gives you an idea of the quality. http://www.andersenross.com/demoreel.movBest, Jonathan
« on: December 14, 2011, 22:11 »
Hi stepheng101, If you are seeing good sales on your videos and can do the math on how many clips can I shoot in a day and how many stills can I shoot multiplied by the numbers you mentioned it should give you a good idea of what your return will be. The only other advice I can offer is deversifacation is always safer than everything in one basket and more fun when you can switch back and forth when you tire of one or the other. Never underestimate the FUN faxtor I would love to hear your results as you press forward. Best of luck, Jonathan
« on: December 13, 2011, 16:10 »
Hi All, You might wan to check out stock agencies Alexa rating. Check out Istock and Getty's Alexa ratings. Always a good way to follow their traffic. http://www.alexa.com/ Search the Analytics and you can learn some interesting stuff. Best, Jonathan
« on: December 09, 2011, 14:29 »
Thanks RT,
I went ahead and agreed like you said it might not be a lot of money but every bit helps especially if you just have to click a button.
Best, J
« on: December 06, 2011, 22:30 »
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the reply. I think I will go ahead and agree I don't really see what there is to lose.
Thanks, Jonathan
« on: December 06, 2011, 17:14 »
Hi All, I found this article very interesting and I am also a big Rodney Smith fan. I thought I would pass it on I think it offers some interesting perspective into our craft as photographers. http://rodneysmith.com/blog/?p=2881Cheers, Jonathan
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