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General - Stock Video / Re: VB and Dissolve heading south
« on: January 11, 2016, 22:57 »
haven't seen a VB sale since I got one in Nov.
Wow, absolutely identical for me. And the two months before Nov were my best on VB (admittedly that isn't saying much, but still much better than one or none).

But SS is dead for me, completely. Had 1 sale on P5 this month.
Pretty similar for me, again. Two sales on each, but that's just barely better than none.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe profits more than double in latest quarter
« on: December 17, 2015, 23:54 »
I guess I should have seen that coming and bought Adobe stock.  :'(
As of today's close, according to yahoo graph data, over the last 2 years, ADBE is up 62%. Coincidentally, SSTK is down 62%.  (Since ADBE announced it was buying FT, it's up 29%, vs a 51% drop in SSTK -- not as interesting as the 2 year comparison, but more relevant).

I finally received a response from Shutterstock regarding the video filters. At least they were honest.

Paraphrase: it's by design and not going away.
This doesn't surprise me, but does greatly disappoint me.

I asked about this issue last December, and was quoted a post on the SS forum which said, in part, that they have taken my "concern to heart and will actively work to resolve it". Specifically:
" ... we are gearing up to qualitatively and quantitatively test an updated logic - users selecting HD will not only see original HD videos, but all videos that are available in HD. Same for SD and 4K. [snip] Rest assured, you will love the new filter experience that we hope to roll out sometime in January next year. " (Please note that "January next year" meant January, 2015.)

So they've been aware of this as an issue for well over a year, but do not GAD. In fact, that same post strongly discouraged uploading duplicate clips of the same video in different sizes.

Number of Clips ===is approximately equal=== to monthly Income
That's an interesting observation, and does seem to be approximately true for me, too.

However, looking back, 3 years ago it was more like 2:1, $:clips. 2 years ago and last year, more like 1.5:1.

So while my portfolio size has been increasing, the ratio has been decreasing. My overall, average income has increased only about 10% over the last 3 years, while my portfolio size has just about doubled. So running hard just to stay in place.

Software / Re: Lost Adobe Bridge panel to copy and paste metadata
« on: December 03, 2015, 00:21 »
If I understand what you are asking, try this:

Select the "Window" menu, and look for a checkmark next to "Metadata Panel". If there isn't one, click on it, and the panel should appear. If there is one, then I don't know what the problem might be.

I'm exclusive. My credit sales are at 42% of my peak in 2012. Sub sales are not awesome, but they soften the huge decline in credit sales.
Exclusive here, too. My credit sales also peaked in 2012, though the decline in 2013 was minuscule. Through the first 11 months, my credit sales are at 46% of 2012's first 11 months. So quite similar. Though as others have said, the collapse has greatly accelerated, and in fact Nov will definitely be my WME as an exclusive (it won't be close). Sub sales along with GI sales add a bit of flavor, but they surely don't make up for the credit sale downfall.

Looking back to those big sudden changes in Sept 2012, it seems that every move since then has been a disaster for suppliers, and a disaster for iStock too, given its falling financial results.  But still new changes are implemented, and still the sales fall...
And a disaster for buyers, too.  They hit the disaster trifecta.

VideoBlocks / Re: Videoblocks 4K
« on: November 20, 2015, 00:27 »
Nope, not here either. I've had one or two on P5, several on SS, but none on VB. Then again, I haven't had a single sale this month on VB yet. My port must be dead there by now.

ClipCanvas paid me the entire balance due today, which was amazingly fast (I must have hit the pay cycle just right). I must say, Paypal really takes their cut. It's bad enough that the exchange rate they used for EUR to USD was 1.11 (the current exchange rate is 1.138), but they also charged an almost 4 EUR "fee" (reason unspecified). Since the balance wasn't that large, Paypal's total cut wasn't far from 10%.  :o

I do wish ClipCanvas could get back on their feet. It's hard to justify the time to upload given how few sales I've had, however since they've paid me what they owe (unlike you-know-who), I feel I should support them by UL'ing some more clips.  :)

Same here. I can guess only that SS is taking a larger and larger piece of the pie. That's not good for anyone (well, other than SS).

New look or not,site is -still- slower than a turtle doing pot,
;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

I hadn't been on since the new site was introduced, and had never noticed the slowness before that. But before I posted earlier I tried to look at a clip, and it was excruciating. I was hoping it was a "one-off", or just something about my connection. So it's disappointing to hear it isn't just me.

But I will say that the few interactions I had with support in the past were all wonderful (and the two words 'support' and 'wonderful' don't often go together). I wish they could get their act together, but it must be extremely difficult in the current environment.

I wonder if the commission rate is back up to 50%? They announced a "temporary" drop to 40% in March 2014, promising to raise it back up after 12 months. If they haven't done that, then that would seem to indicate things aren't getting better there. In fact, I see now, sadly, that I can answer that question. At least as of my last sale in May 2015, it was still 40%.  :(

I have about 25% of my port there, and haven't had a single sale since January 2014. I haven't bothered uploading there this year at all, but I see no reason (yet) to go and delete what I have uploaded.
I'm embarrassed to say this, but I just learned that my above statement was not correct.

I had not logged in to ClipCanvas in over a year. Today I decided to close my account, and discovered that I had had a few sales since the last sale I knew about in Jan 2014. It's not great, but I had 2 more in 2014, and 2 more this year (the last one being in May). They used to send emails to report sales, but it seems like they stopped doing that.

I requested payment, and I'll see if that happens or not. If it does, I may throw up some clips just to keep my account going.

How can they call it subscription? They are selling credits packs and calling it "subscription" in order to steal the money from their own contributors? How can one remain exclusive of these kind of con artists? They must be desperate for cash what means that they must be going out of business soon.
I'm absolutely as upset about this as everyone else. I'm sure my income, which has already been halved in the last year or so, is going to take an even bigger hit now.

But this also hurts iStock's bottom line.  Let's say there's a buyer who would buy 60 credits, enough for 20 Signature files (I'm exclusive, but I suspect the math works similarly for Essential files). They'd pay $520, and iStock would get (in my case) 70% of that, or $364. The equivalent monthly sub gives the buyer 25 Sig files, and they pay only $150. Even if iStock kept 100%, they'd still be making about 40% of what they would have made.

So it seems like a desperate move by iStock to grab subscribers, at any cost. And that cost will be very steep, indeed.

139 / Re: New One month subscription plan
« on: October 06, 2015, 17:24 »
As has the US, sort of (or at least, my area of it).

There's a banner on the iStock home page that reads: "Get a 10 image one-month subscription for as low as $40. Buy now".

However, at the moment, the page linked to by the "Buy now" link does not yet mention the 10 image option. Typical iStock / Getty.
What happens if you click on the 'Plans and Pricing' link in the footer area of any iS page?

Is 'as low as $40' correct grammar in US English? Looks wrong and very downmarket* to me. It should be 'as little as'. (It says, "As low as 25" here.)
*which is the way iS is heading.
That's the same page that the banner links to.

And it's now live, showing the same pricing as the Australian page (well, except 10 Sig images are $99 USD, not $100 AUD).

140 / Re: New One month subscription plan
« on: October 06, 2015, 16:50 »
As has the US, sort of (or at least, my area of it).

There's a banner on the iStock home page that reads: "Get a 10 image one-month subscription for as low as $40. Buy now".

However, at the moment, the page linked to by the "Buy now" link does not yet mention the 10 image option. Typical iStock / Getty.

What I pointed out is that, yes, this plan is disadvantageous for us but many others give us more than our "regular" royalties, in %.

I think that, in average, percentage subs are not paid less than regular, much probably is the opposite.

Just that.
I think the main point you are missing is that you are comparing this new plan to other sub plans.

This new plan will replace almost all CREDIT sales, other than the tiniest of buyers who are interested in buying only one image at a time, once in a great while. (If there are any of those remaining, since most of those left when they changed to "any size, one price").

So regardless if the percentage is 10% or 40%, our RPD will plummet if this plan is rolled out worldwide.

142 / Re: New One month subscription plan
« on: October 05, 2015, 21:33 »
That works out at a commission rate of 7%.  Or, to describe it differently, they get to keep 93% and pay their suppliers 7%.
:o  :o

And it is probably even worse, because 93% / 7% assumes that every "subscriber" always downloads their maximum allotment. While most probably will, some won't for various reasons, leaving 100% of non-sales to iS / Getty.

I believe Exclusives get between $8 and $14 for a sale.
Not all exclusives. I'm at 30% commission, and my Signature sales are mostly around $7-$8, with some as high as almost $10, and others below $5. I'd guess my average is close to $7. Essential sales are obviously less, generally around $2 - $2.50.

My last bunch of sales at SS has been at a pathetically low RPD, even lower than I'm getting at iStock so in all likelihood I'm going to drop SS and iS in favor of Pond5.
How in the world is that possible? How did you "achieve" that (I know that isn't the right word)?

My monthly RPD at SS has never been lower than $19, and the average has been going up each year ($20 in 2013, $25.43 in 2014, $27.51 so far this year). The one HD sale I had on iS before essentially removing all of my clips was < $8. So I am beyond shocked to hear it's possible for anyone (independent) to have a higher RPD on iS than on SS.  :o Even before they lowered prices, my RPD in 2014 was a pitiful < $14.

My sales there have been very good so far.Do i at least have the right to NOT feel enthusiastic about it and start spreading thumbs up to everyone cheering them on?
You absolutely do; the internet is a free country.  :D

Just as any of us can complain a year from now how we haven't had a sale on VideoBlocks in, like, forever, because suddenly there's 2,000,000 other clips competing with ours. I have no idea how that could happen, though ....  ::)

145 / Re: strange fact help
« on: September 22, 2015, 18:16 »
My answer assumes you don't have the photo anywhere else.
It's possible it was sold and not notified yet (sometimes GI sales seem to come in a month or a couple of months late. And it's possible it was stolen.
The article is dated Nov 2015, so it certainly should have been reported already.

Stolen? It seems highly unlikely that a site such as is going to steal an image (and if they were going to do so, even more unlikely that they'd add the (c) / credit line).

It was either reported last year and Riccardo missed it, or it wasn't reported (um, accidentally, one hopes).

146 / Re: RPD plummet
« on: September 02, 2015, 19:35 »
Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of very unhappy people on this forum that constantly complain about Istock? And for months and months and months to no end. It's the herd mentality.

Then their are very few people that even remotely suggest life is good on the other side and the result it very abusive and negative on this forum. So in effect it silences people. Even mention you are doing well on Istock and you get kicked in the nuts, not by one, but by many.

I work hard at shooting stock photos, I am exclusive, and I make a great living doing it. I submit images and they sell.

Naysayers will always be unhappy and blame anything, everyone, and everything on their own failures. Naysayers often band together to live the dreary existence of being negative almost to cult status.

It's a pattern I see on this forum far too frequently to the point of being utterly boring and repetitive.
I am likely one of those people to whom you refer. I am well aware that it gets boring and repetitive, that is one reason why I post infrequently.  I am very happy that you are doing so well at iStock. Congratulations, your hard work and talent are paying off. If you have had your nuts kicked in by me at any time, I am sorry. I certainly wouldn't do that on purpose. I think the only reason others might do it is because they find it hard to believe that such positive posts are actually authentic. People probably think that Getty has shills here, trying to put a positive slant on conversations whenever possible. It is unfortunate that we can't know who here is real, and who is not.

I used to absolutely love iStock. I thought it was the best microstock site on the internet. That's why I left independence and became exclusive in 2010. It all started to unravel only 2 months later. (It had actually begun in 2009, however it was Sep 2010 when RCs were introduced, and the first Big Lie was revealed: Their "grandfathering" contract was entirely worthless.) Things have been deteriorating ever since, with each new change leading to less and less income. So I think I have a legitimate reason to be angry and unhappy. But I do try to limit such posts, as I realize they serve no useful purpose other to vent my frustrations.

147 / Re: RPD plummet
« on: September 01, 2015, 19:06 »
In my opinion (and this time it is only an opinion, indeed :) ) the exclusive stats are misleading for a simple reason: it is fair to assume that those IS exclusives have, in average, much larger ports than the regular non-exclusives.
The average revenue of a few exclusive "pro" ports will be obviously inflated when compared with the average revenue of similar non-exclusive "pro" ports, but mixed with a much larger number of small newbies ports.

These stats compare apples with oranges.
If we are to believe that the iStock exclusive numbers are correct, then that might indicate that over the last year, those exclusives with smaller ports have become independent in droves, heavily shifting the balance towards those with larger ports. That explanation makes sense (though it might be completely wrong  :) ). Thanks.

148 / Re: RPD plummet
« on: September 01, 2015, 19:02 »
FWIW, my credit RPD is rising. Clearly, that is based on vastly fewer credit downloads, as my overall $$ is shooting down due to subs*. My hypothesis is that iS are doing their best to get subs buyers (there have been a few vacancies over the past few months specifically to sell subs, and there are still several vacancies for same at the moment), so many of the people who are buying credits are the smaller buyers who have no need for a subs package, or even a large credit bundle, hence are paying more per image.
I think a better way to see if that is the case is to look at your average $/RCs. That's because your RPD can be influenced by a change in the ratio of Ess to Sig/Sig+ sales. $/RCs shows exactly what you're referring to: Is the average price of credits going up or down for your typical buyer? In my case, it's pretty much unchanged, between $1.68 and $1.78 this year, with no clear direction month-to-month.

149 / Re: RPD plummet
« on: September 01, 2015, 17:28 »
My trend is similar to the poll results on the right. Upload to one site, get more than all the sites combined (that have an earnings rating) and do a 10th of the work.
Based on my own personal results (which obviously is all any of us have to go by), the figure for iStock exclusive looks entirely bogus. Unfortunately there is no chart or table that shows historical data, but my memory is that the results shown now are actually higher than they were a year ago. That is so entirely different from my own results that I simply can't believe it.
The number is pretty low actually.  245 in the poll means that the average amount made was only $1225.
If you re-read my perhaps poorly written post, you'll see that I wasn't talking about the absolute number (since I was not aware of the $5/pt conversion ratio). I was talking about where it was relative to last year, which by my memory was considerably lower.

However, not trusting my memory, I just used the Wayback Machine to see. The archive shows that the figure for iStock exclusive on Sep 1, 2014 was 150.9.

That is why, based on my own port's performance, the current number seems bogus -- or, at worst, worthless. Because I'm seeing a 40% to 50% drop in earnings, not a 60% increase.

150 / Re: istock exclusivity question
« on: September 01, 2015, 16:40 »
I am non exclusive for a couple monts, as I see, my istock revenue down to almost half but the other site sales going well, for now, my other site's total revenues are bigger than istock earnings, so it was better for me to be a non exclusive ;)
Ha, perhaps that explains my results this year. Maybe I became non-exclusive this year, I just didn't know it.  ;D

Congrats on making the transition so smoothly and successfully.

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