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Messages - Amos Struck

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Alexa traffic for microstock
« on: October 27, 2009, 08:30 »
Your input on the German buyer's experience and also your interviews have been really interesting Amosnet :)

Sounds like Fotolia has put most of their efforts and money into building the site to please the buyers.  That is smart business. 

However in the process they seem to be neglecting contributor relations, and if that is not corrected it will hurt them in the long run.

It's really hard to reach german buyers, they are quite picky and they want a save and easy solution. iStockphoto is also doint a good job in germany with their buero in Berlin and
Shutterstock is also doing well in some other niche markets in germany. If you can talk german, then you can see Martin Ruges (Fotolia) Video on Youtube, he explain why Fotolia is so big in Europe.

I want to know how is the microstock business running in your country?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alexa traffic for microstock
« on: October 27, 2009, 08:19 »
Because its the major player on the german market and the quality is quite OK.

From the perspective of a Fotographer from Germany Fotolia is quite good to sell through a german website often.

And as i can see from my Stock Photo Buyers page, they all love Fotolia to buy, much more then iStockphoto (sorry to say that).

I see that you've never compared the relative merits of the different agency's "Partnerprogramm"... either for buyers or sellers... you don't think that's of interest to potential buyers or sellers?

I have compared the "Partnerprogramm" of all the Agencies for Buyers and Sellers but it do not really help if the customers like one agency more then the others.
I know that my "Blogs" are maybee not really look independent but as i recommend the agencies which offer a propper German support from german people.
You can not earn any money on affiliation photo sellers to any agency at the moment, they dont pay enough.

I dont want to describe myselfe as a Microstock specialist, iam just a blogger who write about the german microstock market.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alexa traffic for microstock
« on: October 24, 2009, 15:14 »
Because its the major player on the german market and the quality is quite OK.

From the perspective of a Fotographer from Germany Fotolia is quite good to sell through a german website often.

And as i can see from my Stock Photo Buyers page, they all love Fotolia to buy, much more then iStockphoto (sorry to say that).

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alexa traffic for microstock
« on: October 24, 2009, 11:36 »
Fotolia has a office in Berlin with real people in it.

iStockphoto has more than 8 People in the office in Berlin and expanding (see my interview with Dittmar Frohmann at Youtube) for all europe.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alexa traffic for microstock
« on: October 24, 2009, 04:56 »
For the stats junkies out there, I made a comment about Fotolia on another thread that seemingly nobody else cares about, but I found interesting: :p

Where people go on Fotolia.com:
63.4%      de.fotolia.com

Putting your French comments in context:
6.3%      fr.fotolia.com

While they're clearly quite true, the % of traffic to the German part of the site just astounded me.

I wonder how much of this comes down to something as basic as the fact that "photo" is spelt with an "f" in German?

Another interesting tidbit for those who are into this sort of thing (and missed it in previous discussions) is that we now get a breakdown of US to non-US revenue on SS - my US earnings have been somewhere around 15-18%, which is much lower than expected.

To me the breakdown there is also interesting because it gives us an idea of traffic from submitters vs. buyers:
    *   84.0%      shutterstock.com
    * 12.7% submit.shutterstock.com
    * 2.7% admin.shutterstock.com
    * 0.5% footage.shutterstock.com
    * 0.1% secure.shutterstock.com

Anybody else care about these things??

Thanks for the update... nice to know that I'm not the only traffic stats nerd out there ;)

These Traffic Ranks for Germany are right, as i can see on my german microstock blogs is Fotolia the most used agency.

One reason is maybe the "F" of Fotolia because German Foto is quite the same but another reason is the German/European Look of the agency. Also the Translation is very good and it really is useable as German Website not as a english translated site. Some other reason is the german office and german telephone number on the site, it gives you trust.

About Shutterstock, they are quite big in germany too but they are not so often seen in the market here because their marketing face another group of people then the other agencys do.

Hey Guys,

back from Book Fair with some nice video interviews.
The first 2 Video Interviews are with Adam Riggs (Shutterstock) and Dittmar Frohmann (iStockphoto Europe).
I didn't use all of your questions and my interview partner did only answer few of them.

Interview with Adam Riggs - President and CFO of Shutterstock

Dittmar Frohmann - Senior European Manager at iStockphoto Europe

I will publish some text interviews in the next few days at my Blog: www.fotos-verkaufen.de

You can also see some photos from Book Fair 2009 here:

Thank you for your questions.

I will use some on the interviews today and give some feedback in this thread.

Hello Microstockers,

i need you questions for the book fair in Frankfurt (biggest Book Fair in the World btw).

Who i will meet?
I will meet there with Shutterstock (Adam Riggs), iStockphoto (Dittmar Frohmann) and Fotolia (Martin Ruge). I will have lots of time to ask them questions and i will try to make some interviews with my video camera.

I will interview them, so tell me YOUR! question!
What should i ask these guys?

I will be happy to write they answers into this post.

Just to mention, with our Microstock Plugin http://www.microstockplugin.com you can enable the affiliate program of Fotolia and we will automaticaly set backlinks to the bought image with your partner id.

Is there any need to give you a photo upload process where you can upload your free images and anybody else can use them in blogs for free (or with an affiliate link or so)?

Any more ideas how to get more visitors for your blog/website/portfolio with our plugin?

Crestock.com / Re: Introducing the Crestock WordPress Plugin
« on: October 02, 2009, 03:14 »

Points you are missing:
I do not want to pay for ten credits if I need just two Images to complete a post, 'non site registration' and if I go to a microstock website spend 1 credit I purchased for $1 or 1 I can use it in my blog without the link back to artist or the website I purchased it from if I am promoting a service I want special rates, I blog and would not use it as it needs to plug in to blog editing tools like Live Writer and Microsoft Word where I compose and publist to my blogs, I never blog via the website.

David  ;)

Hey David, back again ;-) i love your good suggestions and it seems like you are really ahead of your time ;-).

I will try to answer your ideas and request list:

1.) 'non site registration' pay-as-you-go would be a nice option - also for us. But i think Fotolia will not add this functionality in next few months - maybe there is another agency which wanna join us.

2.) The Backlink shown in the video is just demoing the affiliate program. Just leave the affiliate program aside if you don't want any links back to the agency detail page. But you will not participate from 15% commission on every sale of your referrer, its your choice.

3.) If you are promoting a service you need to get special rates, absolutely true and we will come up with a solution for that shortly.

@click_click: Photos are provided by Fotolia because we use their Database through an direct connection to search and buy the pictures. After you have bought the picture, it will get downloaded to your server directly.

Crestock.com / Re: Introducing the Crestock WordPress Plugin
« on: October 01, 2009, 13:56 »
I agree, I don't know why some sites don't create something like this for seemless purchase of images through wordpress.  I think bloggers would be happy to spend a few $$ for easy grabbing on images.

Hello Leaf,

its already here, http://www.microstockplugin.com.
Seamless search and purchase of images through Wordpress, add copyright notice automaticaly, enable the Affiliate program and get automatic backlinks with your Affiliate ID on every purchased pictures,  automatic SEO optimization with your own keywords, available in 4 languages and many many more.

You can view a short in-use video here http://www.screencast.com/t/xFOE4yAM0

PS: No watermarks of course!

Hello Guys,

i'am happy to announce some more news about the Microstock Photo Plugin.

1.) Lee Torrens (www.microstockdiaries.com) has joined the Plugin Development
2.) New Official Website is launched: www.microstockplugin.com
3.) Earn affiliate commision with every photo - just enable the affiliate function - we will do the rest!
4.) Add own caption for affiliate links
5.) Added Multi-language function - English, Spanish, Russian and German
6.) Added Spanish search - Search now in English, Spanish and German
.... more features will be added soon.

We would be happy if you provide us feedback and bring in your own ideas!

Download the Microstock Photo Plugin now!


you will find an e-mail from me!

@clustershot: Any news regarding your superb API you want to supply. I want to impliment new stockphoto agencies into my first microstock Wordpress Plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/microstock-photo-plugin/)

The WordPress plug-in is one step in the right direction as it returns images that a blogger can purchase to use in thier blog, but the tool I would like to see is a service that is agency independant so it is different.

The reason for this post was to show that the market for websized images has matured and is begining to pick up speed, with Getty being market leaders and where Getty go many follow, they have just launched a web size image service, there is just no need to download a large hi-resolution file for a blog or website.

If a service is well thought out there are many ways images can be sized and delivered direct to a browser or application without having to visit a website, I write and publish my blog entries without having to log-on to my blog, so why do I have to visit a website, register, pay for credits etc: to search and download just to add an image into my Blog, that is the reason blogs are poorly serviced not the cost.

It looks like a few of us are thinking along the same lines for this market.

David  ;D

Hey David,

you are absolutely right with your ideas and suggestions but if you see how the big agencies work with their own API then you will realize that they will need some (more) time to supply such web app.

We are now working on the iStockphoto implimentation and on Dreamstime (but API of Dreamstime do not supply what we need at the moment) - so it will be a mutli microstock plugin in future (soon).

As i can see, only Fotolia has developed a good API for external programs and plugins - all big ones like Shutterstock, 123rf... dont have ANY API and that will soon will bring them problems to compete on the market.

We have now released the Plugin to Wordpress Plugin Directory - you can find it here:

If anybody has an idea how to spread the word for this plugin that would be really helpfull for us.


Thank you for your reply.

I have discussed that with Fotolia and they have approved the API Key and the use of the API.
Its their will to push as much as pictures into the market, thats why they will be happy if they need
more servers to sell their pictures ;-).

So, tell me what plugin you will need to sell you photos on your blog, maybee we will create one.

Hello Guys,

i'am the inventor and creator of this plugin. Its West Germany quality, so no need to be afraid about it. We have developed it in Kiev to save some money ;-).

Iam one of the german microstock bloggers and thats why i have created this plugin.
Its mainly for "non" Microstock Users, thats why my affiliate id is in it.

Iam not really affiliated with fotolia, iam just a normal user there, this is not a official fotolia plugin.

About the login and password thing, we need this to authorize you at the fotolia API and make it possible to search and buy photos. We are using the standard authorisation procedures of this API and everybody with PHP knowledge can see the source code of the plugin.

We are working on a expansion for istockphoto and dreamstime.

The Idea was born on a discussion about missing blog photos with Robert Kneschke. I wanted to add photos from shutterstock, but they dont have a API (yet).

So please try this plugin and give me a feedback, we will kindly develop it further.


Issues, Errors, Questions? Use our FAQ Section:

Adobe Stock / Re: Strange e-mail from Fotolia
« on: February 04, 2008, 13:01 »
as1.emv2.com is Fotolias Supplier for E-Mailing and Newsletters

A program which you write several keywords and It will return you the tumbnails of concordant images in the microstock sites you want (eligible from a list of sites).

Excuse my bad english.

What you are searching for is already available here:

BTW thanks for your answer!

Anybody? No one ones a free software who helps selling more photos?

Hi all,

iam searching for some ideas to build a new software for the stock photo people or customers.

We can realice the software in Java, C-Sharp or .Net 3.0
It can be a Windows Software, a Website, a Online tools or something else.

Now i need your suggestions, what Software are you missing every day?
What Service do you need to sell more Photos?
What Tools do you miss to edit/upload/sell/buy Photos faster or easier?

If you provide the Idea and help managing the development, you will get a massive co-partnership in this Software!

You can contact me via PN! or discuss it in here!

Off Topic / Website Tools - What do you want?
« on: January 25, 2008, 17:19 »
Hi Community,

iam thinking alot about website tools to give the stock photographers more abilities to show their portfolio.

Thats why iam now asking you, if you can have a free tool to promote your stock photo portfolio whats available at stock photo agencies, whats your wish tool?

For example: A Widget what you can customize to fit in your website which shows all the choosen photos from Fotolia, Istock and Shutterstock and links directly to them?

Tell me your Ideas! Can be that we make this thing happen!

General Stock Discussion / Re: portrait professional
« on: January 11, 2008, 18:23 »
its quite ok if you make the changes manually.

Thank you for your support, please keep posting and voting!

Its all for the community!


General Stock Discussion / Re: www.iFotolia.com
« on: January 09, 2008, 15:48 »
Its a Copyright fraud!

You need to get a good lawyer!

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