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Messages - thesentinel

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101 / Re: IS traffic - 51% less in 9 months
« on: January 19, 2011, 17:30 »
Go to Alexa and it's a different story, don't believe either of them.

oops ShadySue beat me too it!

Everyone has their price.

103 / Re: Search
« on: January 04, 2011, 15:19 »
Iirc, there was/is a problem since latest fandabidozie F5 with non CV terms that contributors have added were/are not coming up in search results.

Were these terms non CV?

104 / Re: Props to istock for early payouts
« on: December 23, 2010, 08:39 »
[I've never worked for a company that closes for Christmas, nor do I personally know of anyone who is off all of next week.

Well many print and design related companies here in Aberdeen Scotland are off from today or tomorrow until January 5th!

105 / Re: Props to istock for early payouts
« on: December 23, 2010, 07:39 »
Yeah, not much to do with being generous to folks who need the money for Christmas; everything to do with getting out of there on time for their vacation.

Exactly. Same folk that are going to cut my income by 10% in a few days time. Seems that them getting 80% and me getting 20% just wasn't enough for them. From my next payment it's going to be 82% to them against 18% to me.

There is absolutely no reason whatso-f**king-ever to give them credit or 'kudos' of any kind. They are a bunch of greedy, exploitive corporate f**k-pigs who are reaming you for every cent they think they can get away with.

I can scarcely believe that you kow-tow, thank and applaud them for paying your measly sum a few days 'early', even though they actually had all of the customers' money weeks or months ago anyway. It is positively embarrassing when I see microstockers yielding and spreading their cheeks so cheaply. Pathetic.

Just proves what they say about us Brits eh, always so quiet and reserved :-)

106 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: November 17, 2010, 12:11 »
Certain old files eligible for the XXXL size when it was introduced didn't get changed, thus losing money on what could have been an xxxl sale.
Someone is making a killing on some barely altered Nasa blue marble images when all the rest were removed, mine were removed but they had  been  more worked on than the survivors. Apply this to  numerous other removal instances too.

107 / Re: Accurate account of sales
« on: November 02, 2010, 10:02 »
Then there's the XXXL file issue when older files that size were not fully upgraded to the new size when it came into being.

As someone who is currently projecting to miss or just stay in 40% band by the equivalent of a very few days sales I'm keeping an eye on all such errors in their favour.

(eta it's in their favour for me to loose thousands of dollars though not so for them to undercharge)

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Photographers Brawl
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:30 »
Sean visiting Jonathan at the latest Russian Convention?


 there is one $2,000 prize. Not $2,000 per category. Even though they can't win they are encouraging people from the banned states/countries to enter so that their images will be in the lightbox, the images will just be disqualified in the contest. In addition they have removed the "previous year" rule. So you can nominate anything you want - as long as you don't delete it from the site.

If others are doing what I'm doing then they need this contest to stop people from deleting their portfolios one image at a time.

I read this differently, not that I have interest in entering:

"On December 15 we will award 10 Stockys to iStock artists in categories like Artistic Vision, Technical Achievement, and Most Useful. Each award comes with a fancy icon, pride, and $2000 cash."

Indeed, as in many apparent acts of folly, follow the money.

111 / Re: iStock's Agency Collection Pricing
« on: October 15, 2010, 03:27 »
When you shop elsewhere, be it Walmart or Saks Fifth Avenue, if you decided that you wanted to buy something last week and didn't buy, then the price is different this week, do you get upset at the store for not notifying you? You likely just regret that you didn't buy when the price was better or change your mind about buying, right?

This is not the same kind of situation, a designer will most likely be using comps to show their client a variety of proposals for their project, be it a flier, brochure, advert etc etc.

In doing so the images chosen will be have selected to meet an agreed price point.  Come client approval the designer then returns to buy the approved images and finds the image has increased in price by a matter of magnitudes if it had been placed, without prior warning, in Vetta or Agency.

This has happened where I work. Not everyone this happens to will seek out some redress - they'll make a mental note to buy elsewhere.

112 / Re: Intolerable cruelty
« on: October 12, 2010, 10:30 »

I should've expected all this "a newbie dares bashing another user's work" attitude . It's so more manly to stand behind some ironic remarks .

It's hard to imagine what kind of response you were expecting with such a melodramatic thread title, help from the UN ?

113 / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: October 06, 2010, 12:32 »
In a world wide market place what do you mean by local, local to me is Aberdeen, Scotland, with its Oil Industry and tourism. There must be many hundreds of 'locals' the same size, so an agency should have many hundreds of paid area sales reps?

What they do have though is many contributors personally interfacing on a daily basis with buyers, probably a contributory factor to the growth of this sector.

I didn't say 500. I said a bit under 500, think somewhere around 420-475.

You can think what you want, but experience and research tells me otherwise.

How many diamond exclusives do you reckon are on $80k+? There can't be very many.

Offhand, I'd say 300+. Probably closer to 400 than 300.

From where I'm sitting I'd say that is an overestimate :-\

Definitely! Somewhere between 70 - 100 would be my guess, probably on the lower end of that scale. Working from my own data (as an independent) you'd probably need to be averaging something like 2200 sales per month.
A little under 500.

Well again from where I'm sitting, at approx 99 in the istockcharts list which is not too inaccurate at this level, I have doubts of hitting the 150,000 approx 80k usd, target to retain my 40%, I know from the forums that there's at least one - 30 places above me  - that say they won't, and there's approx 15 non exclusive above me at least, so you can see my doubt about this '500'......would that it was.

I knew somewhere in all the posts I'd read that some had had calls from RogerMexico, and on page 111 of the first thread ( ) we learn that none other than pom pom waving cheerleader Stacey in reply to pink_cotton_candy who'd  also had a call said:

 " I've just finished reading the additional 40 pages since I stopped reading last night. I too had a voicemail from Andrew last night. That impresses me, though I haven't spoken to anyone yet, the phone call alone told me that contributors continue to matter. as you said Dawn, if exclusives leave, the better for those of us who stay."

However the afterglow of that call didn't last too long iirc.

How many diamond exclusives do you reckon are on $80k+? There can't be very many.

Offhand, I'd say 300+. Probably closer to 400 than 300.

From where I'm sitting I'd say that is an overestimate :-\

118 / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: September 24, 2010, 15:19 »
But without the good guys we can only expect an acceleration of the rape and pillage.

119 / Re: iStock in strange image ownership controversy
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:10 »
I find the comments attributed to "cutcaster" a bit surprising in that thread.

In a thread about forum privileges withdrawal we get to see the potential benefits of some moderation.

121 / Re: Istock sales levels
« on: September 21, 2010, 15:54 »
Firehose off and on here too - very erratic swings day to day or within a day.

Relative cost?

You'd have thought so, but it's all happening in public.E

ETA Oops loop beat me to it.
If I recall correctly the ever entertaining Ms Stacey / Yecats etc.  claims to have had a personal call from Roger Mexico.

I'm not surprised about that. Stacey Newman (I assume that's who you mean) is one of the biggest cheerleaders on the forums. I imagine she is friends with a lot of the admins.

The irony is she went on a mega strop a year or two ago when her downloads went down.
I can't imagine what she'd be saying if, like Jo Ann, she'd been an independent enticed into exclusivity under false pretences.

Remember that there is also a separate forum for exclusives, where I'd imagine there is quite a bit of discussion going on, hidden from public view where it may be more damaging (though I can't imagine what could be more damaging than some of the things already being said in public.)

You'd have thought so, but it's all happening in public.E

ETA Oops loop beat me to it.
If I recall correctly the ever entertaining Ms Stacey / Yecats etc.  claims to have had a personal call from Roger Mexico.

125 / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: September 11, 2010, 08:33 »
Just a quote from the IS forums, in relation to these ones...........

" Don't bother with that forum anymore.I found the same loonies over there that are on here"

You consider yourself a loony?
I consider you ignored from now on.  Go on and enjoy your 15% royalties.

Vlad is quoting the infamous shank ali ! The chief loony of all loonies, and by remote control he's extended his lunacy here - I'm sure he'd be chuffed!

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