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Messages - jamirae
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« on: January 19, 2012, 09:36 »
As a former Getty-iStock employee who was also let go in July (after doing GREAT work there), I can only say there is a much better door open for these people. I'm now at Shutterstock, and we're hiring like crazy. So we'd love to hear from talented people who have much to contribute in this industry. All my best to the 30 iStock people at this time of transition. I know from personal experience that it can be scary for you (and those close to you) right now, but it may get a lot better as it did for me.
That's great to hear! congrats on your new-found position at SS! Thanks for sharing that info here.
« on: January 18, 2012, 18:54 »
Great info on lypses Jami. For the ones where they provide all that assistance and swag it makes sense to insist on exclusivity. For the more recent ones where they didn't provide any assistance it seems a lot to ask.
Personally, I'm not sure why people are so into hosting these. You give away a bunch of your good ideas, you flood a niche with content, devaluing all the efforts by individuals already with that content, and for the most part, you don't even get to shoot yourself, because you're so busy putting out fires.
I've been curious because of the locations ... not hosting; just attending ... but it seems to be nothing more than a very expensive social event. 
in some cases they can end up being just that, however, I would say that I got a lot of value out of attending and hosting. yes, we had same models, same locations, but the models get rotated at locations so, for instance the models I had at a barn shoot were different for my group then for the previous group that rotated in when I rotated to the next location out behind the barn at the chicken coop. And while sometimes you have a same concept, I see a lot of different ideas from different photographers in the same and different groups. And it's a teamwork approach where you help each other out and build on ideas. That's what I got out of it. I must admit at some of the 'lypses I attended there was a bit of drama but you need to expect that when you have so many different personalities in one place. That's why if you decide to attend one, pick one that has a low number of attendee spots (like 12 or less). There are some rules also that are provided in advance. things like "No shooting over another photographer's shoulder" and "if you see someone else with an idea, don't steal it" Golden Rule stuff ("do unto others as you'd have done unto you") that we all should have learned in Kindergarten but often need to be reminded of now that we are 'grown up.'  For the most part a good organizer will cover these and the attendees will honor the 'rules.' As for making your money back.. I can say that I DID earn back what I spent on some of the minilypses (about half of the ones I attended) from the images I took at the specific lypse. Mostly it was the RedRock 'lypses that AJ Rich (aka RichVintage) hosted. He is also the one who wrote the article that is referred to in the new minilypse guidelines. AJ knows how to run a 'lypse, knows how to get great locations and models and is an all around class act.
« on: January 18, 2012, 17:27 »
Slightly off-topic but some customer just tweeted that they're unable to buy credits;
"@shayniebelles Shayniebelles @iStock hi, i've been tryin to buy credits (50) from your web for a couple of days now but no avail. system is not accepting it. pls help"
Their system is trying to tell this guy something. "Shop elsewhere". 
I already tweeted a reply to her and told her to try other options like dreamstime, shutterstock, etc... I listed about 5 others.
« on: January 18, 2012, 16:57 »
If you are going to keep any images up, I suggest you make them photo + before you start deactivating.
For the reason I suggest something like "the new PP program", or possibly "because IS now takes up to 85% of a sale so buy my images elsewhere for less and I'll still get paid more" I also typed "lobo" as the reason for some.
It is quite painful though. I opened them all in new tabs and then deactivated one tab at a time pasting in the reason.
good point, since the number of photo+ images you can have is based on a percentage of your portfolio.
« on: January 18, 2012, 16:56 »
Were inspectors affected by the layoff? I just got the looniest rejection I've ever received. I've been rejected for keywords before in cases where I was reaching somewhat for the concept implied by the shot, but this is the first time that keywords were rejected for things which are blatantly, obviously visible in the image: "house", "tree" and stuff like that.
I doubt it. Inspectors are more like contract workers and not direct employees.
« on: January 18, 2012, 16:55 »
Who do you suppose will be the next IS?
There won't be another, for lots of reasons. No other agency is strong enough or their business model will not support an attractive enough package to gain exclusive contributors in sufficient numbers. C
In future contributors will also be more wary of agencies, regard them with a healthy suspicion and be less inclined to offer them their "love".
Maybe a site owned by all contributors, all at the same level. Some kind of cooperative website... Something that could not be sold, and where contributors make the decisions...
I would be the first to participate.
Check out Warmpicture.com
« on: January 18, 2012, 15:17 »
makes me sad. I have truly loved iStockphoto as it was.
"I have truly loved" ? Do me a favour. It was supposed to be your agency and you should have maintained a business relationship with them.
There's what you were supposed to be doing and what you actually do. I completely get the emotional attachment - and I was never a pom-pom carrier.
I think that at its very best, a successful business, particularly one that is changing how things are done, is a very exciting and engaging thing. On top of which there are a number of really wonderful contributors who were active participants in the supplier side of the community. I don't think that was illusory, even though it is now largely gone (wholly gone for me and the forums are heading for ghost towns compared to what they once were).
Call me foolish (and Douglas Freer suggested I was in need of psychiatric counseling for going exclusive!) but I was at one time very engaged with being part of the business and its growth and success. It felt like a partnership. Perhaps I just saw what I wanted to see. At any rate, I get the attachment thing (wouldn't have called it love, but that's just a quibble).
couldn't agree more with this sentiment. I truly felt that it was a strong partnership at one time. Until they basically thumbed their noses at all of us starting with the canister change fiasco.
« on: January 17, 2012, 22:03 »
A Twitter post from six hours ago says there were 30 layoffs. I don't know how big the company is, how many they employ. Is that a lot?
I can't find that twitter post, might have been deleted.
nope here it is:
« on: January 17, 2012, 21:50 »
According to Manta.com they have (had) 116 employees. That data might be questionable since they say that iStockphoto, LP was established in 2008 - but then that could be when they organized under the "LP" status? director is listed as Kelly Thompson.
Manta also lists iStockphoto Ulc at the same address with 50 employees - director there is listed as Darren Brown. I'm not familiar with Canadian business structures to not sure what Ulc is, but I"m guessing someone here may know?
But I'd say it's still pretty close. I wonder what effect this has on the other offices outside of Canada - like Germany? didn't they open an office there? and I thought another one somewhere too?
« on: January 17, 2012, 21:40 »
To be a fly on the wall...
poploser Tyler Hellard Listening to @iStock layoff stories with old co-workers. And wow... just wow.
it's very sad. I feel for all of those laid off. I had several friends laid off when the economy tanked. A few are still looking for work, thankfully most found other work, though not as high paying as the jobs they had been with for years. As much as I am angry about what istock has done to its contributors this is truly a sad day to see them lay-off employees. I guess that financial assistance for the new and improved minilypse program really seems like a crazy thing to do when you're going to be laying off employees a few weeks after you announce this.
« on: January 17, 2012, 19:28 »
Thanks. I thought i was searching wrong. I was rushed
« on: January 17, 2012, 19:01 »
I just did a quick search on Twitter for "istock" and "Istockphoto" and didn't see anything about layoffs. I'll try again later but if someone finds any facts on this, please post.
« on: January 17, 2012, 16:04 »
I think someone at iStock must be reading this thread. They have disabled displaying monthly stats so we can't do any more screen grabs to post here.
haha.. I think you give them too much credit.  It was taking a long time to load for me earlier so probably it's just the general site issues that were being reported earlier.
« on: January 17, 2012, 13:10 »
Okay, I'll share. Here's my 2011 stats. We're already half-way through January and I'm at 25% of what I made for all of last January. So unless the next two weeks pick up considerably, it's going to be my worst January since many years ago.
this is roylaties but the downloads graph looks about the same.
« on: January 16, 2012, 17:00 »
How do I see where they sold if it was photos.com thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?
You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and Photos.com under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales.
I must be dense. are you saying I can see the sales from TS and Photos.com individually? I only see a download page with total PP downloads for each image.
Don't worry...it's not you. There's just too many places to view our stats.
Go to My Uploads where regular sales are listed. Don't go to the Partner Program page listed in the left column. That page only shows the overall sales, but in order to see individual sales, you have to enter through the regular sales page on My Uploads. Click on either Royalties, DLs/mo, or DLs for a particular image. There you will see the list of all your regular sales. Along the top of the list, there's a row of links to various types of sales (EL, PP, Old Credits), and at the end is a link called Partner Program. Click on it, and that's where you can see each individual sale for a particular image.
oh.. that's dumb. I have to do it image by image. what a pain! Jakob Nielsen (father of "Designing Web USability") would be proud -- NOT!
« on: January 15, 2012, 22:25 »
How do I see where they sold if it was photos.com thinkstock or some other partner. Don't they tell us?
You can also see how individual images are performing on TS and Photos.com under My Uploads by clicking one of the three DL links and then clinking the Partner Program link in the list of various types of sales.
I must be dense. are you saying I can see the sales from TS and Photos.com individually? I only see a download page with total PP downloads for each image.
« on: January 14, 2012, 17:02 »
oh.. and now I see the finally came out with the new minilypse program that they told me they were working on back in 2007: http://www.istockphoto.com/forum_messages.php?threadid=339193&page=1
so apparently now they offer funding and even more assistance.
I read over all the information about the 'new' minilypse program a few days ago. Frankly, I didn't see how much different it is from the old program except perhaps to try to add some visibility to an almost dead program by starting a "sis - boom - bah" thread. Nobody had announced any new minilypses in months except for the two super-minilypses iStock themselves put on. There wasn't even a 2011 Toronto or a 2011 RedRock minilypse two events that had been held annually for years. I guess the cheerleading worked. Since the January 5 announcement three new lypses have been proposed (Switzerland, Sacramento & Minneapolis) and interest has been revived in two others (Orlando & South Africa).
In particular, I didn't see where they offered any financial assistance. Basically all they ever did was offer swag in return for exclusive photos. That doesn't appear to have changed.
Or did I miss something?
actually the Sacramento one has been in early planning stages for a few months now - I only know this because I know the organizers and they contacted me offline regarding some of the details on running a 'lypse. and they do offer financial support.. under the "What's in it for me" heading - I bolded the part about financial support: What you (the Organizer of a Minilypse) get: - Step-by-Step guidance including access to planning resources including a Organizer's Guidebook with all sorts of papers and checklists and stuff like that. - Access to technical and logistical resources at HQ to help plan - Lighting and technical suggestions, setup diagrams and resources - Creative briefs and regionally relevant shooting concepts - Financial support to help cover event costs (hiring models, equipment rentals, facilities costs). This is based on the size of your event and the current state of our sponsorship budget. - Custom suggestions for improving your event; such as potentially including workshops, live inspections or lighting discussions - Glory and bragging rights when it's all done with and I might add that none of those other things were offered previously (except maybe the last one)
« on: January 13, 2012, 18:56 »
My how things have changed.
So true. I don't think (m)any of us could have anticipated how much.
you got that right!
« on: January 13, 2012, 18:06 »
Great info on lypses Jami. For the ones where they provide all that assistance and swag it makes sense to insist on exclusivity. For the more recent ones where they didn't provide any assistance it seems a lot to ask.
true, but most attendees are exclusive anyway. back when I was attending these I didn't think twice about it because I always expected to be exclusive there. My how things have changed.
« on: January 13, 2012, 13:59 »
They are different things but for the minilypses IS doesn't charge, the organizers (contributors) put a price on them to cover costs of studio space, models, muas, etc.. The regular lypses are sometimes free I think although the one I went to in London was not free. I only attended one of the minilypses but other than t-shirts I'm not sure what part IS played in it, unless they offer more than that I won't be attending a minilypse especially when you can do the same thing by just meeting up with a few people and do it on your own if you want.
Thanks for the clarification. Makes sense.
okay.. for those who've never been involved in a minilypse, thought I'd add a bit more details based on my own experience. I have helped organized 5 or 6 of them, one of which I was the lead organizer. For each one istock supplied "swag" which varied, but included things like t-shirts, lanyards, mousepads, and a handy lens cleaning cloth (the one thing I still use all the time  ). The first one was in 2006 (Desert'lypse in Phoenix) and iStock provided some funding along with the swag. We didn't have official minilypse forms back then (model releases and photographer release form) from what I recall as the program was still early in its infancy. The lead organizer was Emyerson (Ethan - now an istock admin and moderator, but he wasn't all that back then  ). The next year I helped out with RedRock 1 in Utah and they also got some funding from iStock to help with fees (location fees, paying models, etc). We also paid to attend as well. oh, and iStock now had some streamlined forms - releases- for us to use that helped out a lot. Then in the fall of 2007 I organized the 2nd Desert'lypse in Phoenix. When I contacted iStock about financial assistance and sponsoring the event, they told me that they were no longer funding minilypses but would be coming out with a whole new program for these events. However, because I had contacted them at the beginning of the year when I was planning the event and they said they would provide funding, I did end up getting a small amount that helped to pay for the costs involved. Attendees also paid but I think i ended up shilling out an additional $300 out of my pocket to cover models and location costs. So as far as I know iStock may still provide some swag, but the last one I attended in November 2010, I dont think we got much (if any) swag from iStock and I dont think there was any funding provided from them either. We created our own t-shirts through Cafepress for most of the ones I helped with. Really, all the work is done by the organizers - all photographers/contributors and iStock makes it easy with the forms and quick approval of the releases. I would say that those events were all worth it to me, i learned a lot and most importantly got to know so many other stock contributors to share ideas with and just chat. Now, though, I have a shooting buddy here in town and we get together about once a quarter and plan a shoot with models and a specific theme/location. it's about the same as a half day at a minilypse but less photographers and the chaos involved with such a big event.
« on: January 12, 2012, 16:23 »
This would seem to contradict the direction they've been headed with pricing.
If there were no more exclusives then wouldn't most of the Vetta and Agency prices drop back to micro level? All that would be left of the higher priced stuff is the the Getty content.
Plus, if there were no more exclusives most of the files would be on every other site. What other unique benefit could they tout to justify higher prices?
If they dumped exclusives the only way I'm seeing it would make sense would be for them to drop micro prices to compete with other micros then and dump a ton of Getty content on IS at higher prices to try and tap buyer's wallets.
Most exclusives do not have many Agency or Vetta files. The option also exists for them to introduce an exclusive content option. Maybe with the site update.
it would be nice to have an exclusive content option (i.e. exclusive by the image not by the artist) as I could then make more off the minilypse event photos that I can only sell through iStock.
« on: January 12, 2012, 16:21 »
what an arse. You know even if he believes it will just turn into a rant a good moderator would be more polite and say something like "we don't have any plans to do that at this time, but things could always change. I'll pass on your request to the higher-ups and perhaps a generic statement about upcoming plans for istock can be made. For now I'm going to lock this thread to avoid a mass amount of speculation, both positive and negative."
really... something like that provides a response with a non-answer answer, yes, but at least it doesnt say "you're an idiot and just trying to stir up trouble because that's what everyone does so I'm locking this now"
really, iStock, hire someone with class and get rid of that assclown known as lobo.
« on: January 12, 2012, 14:50 »
Well for whatever it's worth, I wont' be pulling my portfolio from istock. I'll defnitely not be uploading as quickly there and like the idea that Lisa and others have mentioned about waiting until files have been on the other sites for 3-6 months before putting them istock.
while I'm making pennies now there at istock a lot of my portfolio I can't sell elsewhere because they were images taken at an istock sponsored minilypse event, so essentially they are exclusive to istock. These, of course, I've opted in to the Photos+ so that I can at least try to get a little more money from them.
As most of you know I've not yet put my entire portfolio (less the minilypse images, of course) on the other sites since dropping my exclusivity last year. However my top goal this year is to do exactly that. i'm already seeing strong sales at DT and SS while IS continues to give me pennies.
I don't know if this is completely on topic but just thought I'd add it since many indies may not realize that some images on istock are contractually obligated to stay exclusive to IS. (although without any exclusive bonus).
« on: January 10, 2012, 22:18 »
wow! big step but I know you'll be successful!
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