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iStockPhoto.com / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 14, 2013, 17:39 »
Furthermore this needs to stop with this one deal. Right now there are other ways to sell your images and still make money. If this precedence isn't squashed right now- soon there won't be any other outlets.

I completely agree with you on this. but I question the wisdom of reacting versus planning a strategy based on facts.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 14, 2013, 17:15 »
you're not only affecting yourselves by 'notifying' the design community, you're affecting all of us. sure, go out into the world and libel a company in a rant.

an organized community-driven, well-led business plan is one thing.....the way some of you are approaching this is absurd. that you will simply run out into the street and shout out your anger so haphazardly is as much a red flag to me as Getty's greed and lack of concern for contributors.

If it is so absurd as you think why iStock forum thread entiltled "Google Stealing Images or Another Deal" followed by another thread entitled "Google Drive + update" totalling 54 pages of angry members, have not been deleted and still going strong without any intervention from iStock to stop it?

I didn't say the concern is absurd. and I'm certainly not going to get into a forum p*ssing contest over here. it is those types of comments, and writing letters, posting here and there and everywhere--carpet bombing tactics that I think are absurd at this point.

please don't speak for "all of us" because you're not speaking for all of us. I'll speak for myself thanks.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 14, 2013, 16:49 »
you're not only affecting yourselves by 'notifying' the design community, you're affecting all of us. sure, go out into the world and libel a company in a rant.

an organized community-driven, well-led business plan is one thing.....the way some of you are approaching this is absurd. that you will simply run out into the street and shout out your anger so haphazardly is as much a red flag to me as Getty's greed and lack of concern for contributors.


This free image fiasco not only hurts contributors, but it is also damaging to the whole stock image industry. If the Google deal continues, then there will be no reason for people to buy images...anywhere.

hope you've got a very large welcoming mat Kelly, and lots of technical hires and new servers waiting in the wings ;-)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock's Alexa Rank continues to drop
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:43 »
^ 'goat rope'..had to Google that. good term

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock's Alexa Rank continues to drop
« on: January 08, 2013, 19:34 »
I think buyers were/are shocked seeing prices in plain language. I've supported fair pricing and increases, but clearly we're well past the boundary. I think buyers simply know they can get what they need for less elsewhere. Prices are just too high now. With more and more usage online rather than for print materials, the quality differential isn't as important anymore, assuming there is still a differential. I think the quality gap has closed significantly thanks to the influx of poor quality Getty content and improved standards on other sites like SS. you can still find an awful lot of garbage on SS but same goes for iStock today too.
as an iStock exclusive, we're up the creek if things continue as is. but, it's too early to tell after the holidays. 2013 certainly hasn't begun in any favourable manner for exclusives, quite the opposite.

Off Topic / Re: Life of Pi
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:05 »
It is a fantastic book but I can't imagine that the film will be able to do it justice.

I have to agree. loved the book. very little interest in seeing the movie. some things are better left to the imagination. CGI will ruin it.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy cutting all commissions by 10%
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:01 »
Lisa - I haven't posted much here lately, but I read all the time and your last two posts are wicked funny. like the new acerbic tone.

I'm still in my first year contributing to Alamy. I think their rate of 50% is still good, but that they're reducing royalties like other agencies is disappointing. I did appreciate the candor of the email sent. no reading between the lines. plain and simple, they acknowledged that contributors wouldn't be happy. I don't believe any royalty decrease at any agency is designed to increase contributor income, but they get points for good communication.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: New Best Match shake ?
« on: November 03, 2012, 15:46 »
none of my recent uploads, from October 17 forward, are showing up in my portfolio or searches under any keywords.

General Stock Discussion / Re: October 2012 Earning Thread
« on: November 01, 2012, 14:10 »
Sales have been down since August. September was awful. October was slightly better than September, but still down by a lot.


While the business is in the hands of those who want to drain profits from it versus invest in improving it over the long haul, I can't see how it can be a good thing for anyone but the financial firms advising on the deals and those receiving the "dividends".

I fear you're right. I'd also like to see Getty owned by a real company again, with a stake in the business and respect for its suppliers, rather than a PE firm all over again. though KKR seems a better run than H&F, it freaks me out that they've invested in Fotolia.

Wow, that's pretty blatant.
I like IStock's "abusive inspiration" policy.
"It may not be illegal but we don't like to see other artists work being cannibalized" is a good attitude in a stock agency, as long as it is fairly applied.


iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS/Getty, hotshots!
« on: March 06, 2012, 23:10 »
Jeez!  not one single true to life medical shot, all posed and with terrible models,
Well, congratulations if you can get genuine medical staff to sign MRs.
For the rest, welcome to the wacky world of stock photos.

My wife's entire medical and support staff of about 40 signed releases for me (with the blessing of the major NYC hospital where she works), so it CAN be done.

well done. that's pretty awesome

iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS/Getty, hotshots!
« on: March 02, 2012, 01:34 »

His hands feel like rich, brown swede.

His hands feel like what? lol......suede and a Swede are two very different things ;D

iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS/Getty, hotshots!
« on: March 01, 2012, 22:18 »
Well Christian, you have certainly livened up this thread and kept us all entertained :D

- His personality is so magnetic, he is unable to carry credit cards.
- His words carry weight that would break a less interesting mans jaw.
- His blood smells like cologne.
- If he were to mail a letter without postage, it would still get there.

are these yours or did you borrow them? they are brilliant. I love your post

General Stock Discussion / Re: Moving on from IS exclusive
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:09 »
OK, I do not shoot in raw.
UNLESS it is unimportant pictures for the news, like burning houses at night. Then is nice to have a raw file that you can step up or down.

Else not.
For micro exposure HAS to be correct.

So I shoot jpg for microstock
I use photoshop elements to trim the photos. (CS5 is better)
I use Dusegard to keyword.


the whole point in microstock is to shoot keywords, not attach keywords to your photo.

I wouldn't follow this advice personally. I think it is imperative to shoot in RAW. why wouldn't you if you can? only in specific live feed situations do I shoot jpegs for editorial stuff. RAW files allow you to correct and modify without compression and to have a baseline from which to start again if you screw up while processing.

I keep a table of expenses for each shoot and I tally sales against the expenditures.

as an independent contributor, i found it really hard and time consuming to keep sales of each files. so my lazy way is to use SS catalog manager to put each shoot as a set to track performance. i have done just over 85 shoots (proper shoots with models not just snap here and there), on average cost $300 each, the catalog manager tells me that i have made profit from each every shoot from SS alone, and SS is only about 38% of my total microstock income.

I think it would be much tougher as an independent. as an exclusive, I use DeepMeta. I have my own keywords for my series. I search on the keywords for a set of images, and DM tallies totals for the selected images automatically. so it isn't much work. again, it's mostly out of curiosity. like I said, I have bestsellers that cost almost nothing to produce, so it's not always relevant

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another Massive Best Match Shift
« on: February 29, 2012, 17:21 »
Since the weekend its all gone down again, im having an awful week so far.

I just wish they would stop f'in around with the best match, just leave it alone for  sake.

would we really want that? given that any best match shake seems to equally affect contributors, either up or down. the best match has had my sales on an absolute roller coaster the last month. but I wouldn't have it become a static thing...at least with the variables things can look up from one day to the next

iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS/Getty, hotshots!
« on: February 29, 2012, 17:18 »
hah, Christian...I thought you were beyond insults. don't dish it out if you can't take it.... ;D I'm sure the people who created the hot shots loved your blanket dismissal of their talents.

Lisa- so true about vets. they need to know the anatomy of how many species!? lowly human doctors need remember just one anatomy....lol

I keep a table of expenses for each shoot and I tally sales against the expenditures.

I know for a fact that some of my more successful series are paying the bills for the less successful ones, regardless of cost. 

that is an important point. I keep the table just to be conscious of overspending on shoots. but at the same time, I have a number of successful files that weren't expensive to create.

this is an interesting topic. I've wondered this myself at times. if you count travel, I spent close to 3,500 CAD  to go to London. but I've almost made it back in sales on the shots, not to mention the education I received while there. I guess that would be my single most expensive shoot. however I have spent close to $500 on a shoot for authentic costumes, paying models and peripherals. i don't do that frequently of course.

I believe that authenticity pays off. I know it does pay off sometimes for colleagues who also invest in their shoots to make them extraordinary. And then sometimes it doesn't and you're left with expensive props laying around. I keep a table of expenses for each shoot and I tally sales against the expenditures.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS/Getty, hotshots!
« on: February 29, 2012, 14:22 »
I think the hotshots are really good this month. In fact I rated many of them. I didn't realize "Doctor" was in your long list of self-proclaimed accomplishments Christian ;-)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Sales in iStock
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:52 »

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Another Massive Best Match Shift
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:44 »
If it weren't for the dinosaurs we wouldn't have museums now, would we.:P
The real significance of dinosaurs is that without them we wouldn't have had Raquel Welch cavorting in a furry bikini.


sales are more 'normal' late last week and this morning so far, even though I'm always hesitant to report on just a few days.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: New IS front page :)
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:30 »
hhh huh hhhheh...whatever dumbas*.....hhhhhh....:-D thansk to this thread yesterday i went and youtubed some of my favourite B&B moments.....have a good day all

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