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Messages - BImages

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: December 31, 2010, 19:18 »
It makes things much more complicated. But i'm working on a solution...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: December 31, 2010, 18:46 »
For me, the purpose of buying a portfolio was to boost sales on Istock only, to reach the Required Credit to stay at the same level, so it has to be an "exclusive Istock portfolio".

The actual problem to do so is the procedure required from Istock:

1-Remove all the files from the sold account
2-Re-submit all files to my istock account with releases and selling contract. All files must pass the actual inspection criterias.

This give me two options:

-Buying only top selling images and resummit them
-Or buying the account without transferring anything. This doesn't help me much, and I'm not sure Istock would appreciate either...

I'm still looking for interesting portfolio, and a solution, but if you have one to sell, put the link here to your portfolio, or send me an email, so I can take a look at it.


iStockPhoto.com / Re: IS very strict with the keyword
« on: November 28, 2010, 14:52 »
I only put 5 keywords on new submissions. Once files are accepted, I put more...

Photo Critique / Re: First iStock Application
« on: November 26, 2010, 20:14 »
I like the img94, the img522 and the img217 but crop this way:

You better not summit anything that has any lens flares to IS, at least for initial approval.


Thanks, I'll crop it out like that.

What is IS? Image stabilization?

IS is Istock. They will reject most of the pictures that has any kind of lens flares. 

Photo Critique / Re: First iStock Application
« on: November 26, 2010, 18:55 »
I like the img94, the img522 and the img217 but crop this way:

You better not summit anything that has any lens flares to IS, at least for initial approval.


iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock's Agency Collection Pricing
« on: October 15, 2010, 11:30 »
All that is happening on Istock is actually the beginning of a big merger. (Istock and Getty).

Price on Istock are rising to get closer to those of Getty...
Percentage to are lowering to get closer to those of Getty...
Files from Getty are starting to sell on Istock...(Agency)
Files from Istock are already selling on Getty...(Vetta)

Both companies must have tremendous pressure from the owners to simplify things, and merging into one entity, is the best way to improve efficiency and profitability...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock changing royalty structure
« on: October 06, 2010, 10:04 »
I guess users are not angry enough at Istock to stop uploading there....

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: September 28, 2010, 14:34 »
That isn't surprising.

Not at all.  And I would think it would put a damper on the whole idea. 

Most folks early work would not qualify now.  Also, if IS has had the benefit of selling these images for months and/or years, who's to say they will want the bulk of them that don't sell well.  They may just accept bestsellers and forget the rest. 

It's still possible to do it, but it put a much lower value on portfolios. Since only a portion of it would be re-uploaded, the best ones.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: September 28, 2010, 14:13 »
cthoman: That is not what I said and not what I ment. if I buy a port of photos of a certain model posing for example, and you then go hire that model again and produce similar (or even BETTER) photos then my purchase is worhless.

Nobody intends for you to retire or become a burger flipper. but a buyer with some sense in his mind would try and avoid "shooting himself in the leg" .

Apologies. I guess I misunderstood. Regardless, I would think most of what you're paying for is turnkey and consistent sales. Taking over a successful business is much easier than building a new one. If the buyer had to reupload all the images and hope for the best with acceptance, sales and search rankings, I'd think that would be a deal breaker.

I Agree..

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: September 26, 2010, 12:18 »
With the proposed change on Istock, we might see more buyers than sellers...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: September 25, 2010, 22:37 »
I wouldn't sell my portfolio, but here are a couple of other issues for you to think through for transactions you might do - assuming iStock has no issues. It'd be good to know if you were allowed to keep the redeemed credit total of the year to date when the purchase occurred.

1) Would you require the seller to leave istock or could they build a new portfolio?
- He can stay and upload new pictures, no problem...

2) What rules on similars would you want to impose? I don't think I'm the only contributor who uses my own setting or family as models. If I can do a new shot of pumpkins at my front door or Christmas decorations around my fireplace to compete with the ones I sold you, you might not like that. OTOH I can't see agreeing never to use a particular model or set again.
- The rules are: you have send the buyer a cd of all the files, and erase all copies and originals from hard disks..

3) If I were to sell to you and then start up again as an independent, to  the extent that any style I had showed in my work, you're then looking at competition from multiple sites. OTOH this isn't much different from one of Yuri's former workers becoming an iStock exclusive in that their photos look just about identical, so perhaps the issue isn't new.
- Portfolio have to be exclusive to Istockphoto. I cannot have duplicates on others sites, i'm an exlusive contributor.

4) What happens to model releases in such situations? I assume you'd want them all handed over along with the images.
- Model release just follow the pictures.

5) Would the contract allow the seller to keep copies of the files for personal or portfolio use even if they never licensed them again?
- No.

6) Does this apply to photos only? Vectors provide a more complex set of issues as components can be reused in new illustrations in ways that don't apply to photos.
- I'm mostly interested in photos portfolio. Others medias just won't help me much.

I would buy complete portfolios, and pay cash for them. My price is between 2.5 to 3 years of actual revenues. Portfolios must have some sort of compatibility with mine though.

Legally speaking, there's no rules anywhere on Istock that keeps us from doing it.

And yes, i'm thinking of it very seriously... it might eventually be more profitable than uploading new pictures.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: September 25, 2010, 13:52 »
I might be tempted to buy small portfolios too. But they have to contain mostly "photos", and be from Istock Exclusives wanting to leave only.  

Hmmm. This is starting to sound like people wanting to buy portfolios to ensure they have enough Redeemed Credits to maintain their commission levels in future years. Devious!

Exactly. And it could be have a nasty effect for Istock too, Imagine them having to pay 40% instead of 20 or 25% for the same files...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Looking to purchase Istock portfolios.
« on: September 25, 2010, 12:48 »
I might be tempted to buy small portfolios too. But they have to contain mostly "photos", and be from Istock Exclusives wanting to leave only. 

I would probably have done it on most of my pictures, but not my top ten.

How much time on istock, your file would had needed, to make the same amount of money?

Just one great picture can double or even triple your sales...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Partner program sales strategy?
« on: July 07, 2010, 17:38 »
I adjust the price of each picture based on the sales:

- The top sellers get E+ pricings.

- Modest to Good sellers get Normal Istock pricings.

- Poorest sellers get the partnership pricings.

I try not to have files on both Istock and partnership sites.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Is it Just Me?
« on: June 23, 2010, 15:04 »
My revenues this year are about 20% more than last year. My upload since last year represent about 10% of my portfolio. So I guess i'm doing ok. (I'm exclusive).

General - Top Sites / Re: rpi year 2009
« on: February 02, 2010, 15:03 »
How do you calculate RPI? Is it $Yearly / (#TotalCurrentYear - #TotalPreviousYear) ?

I am already calculating my RPI on a daily and monthly basis.  That way you don't have to worry about your fluxuating port size.  I simply ran a sum of the column that holds my daily RPI to come up with my total for 2009.

I've always said RPI is the most important number to me.  It's how I forecast future growth.  As long as my RPI holds steady (and it has for as long as I've been uploading), I can predict with some certainty what I'll make as my portfolio size grows.  This keeps me motivated to upload every single day.

I'm at 31 using my actual portfolio size....

Istock give contributors more control over each file pricing. Good files can be kept on Istock or put on Vetta, and crap can be sent to subscriptions. I think it's one of the best way to do things, and companies that understand this will always have an edge over the others (more happy contributors).

So we just need more control... some kind of price slider that we could adjust for each file...!!!

Hey maybe I should start a new site, that would be a great concept... ;o)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: How much do you like Istockphoto?
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:05 »
If Istock was not there, I would have to work 40hrs a week for someone else. For less money...

Are you sure? Why you didn't tried Corbis or Alamy? I love them ;-)

From what I saw in others forums, the average revenues per picture for those two, are pretty low.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: How much do you like Istockphoto?
« on: December 01, 2009, 18:10 »
If Istock was not there, I would have to work 40hrs a week for someone else. For less money...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Share my problem on IS with you
« on: October 30, 2009, 16:41 »
I always thought you had too much good reviews on your ordinary snapshots. Now, I know why..

Newbie Discussion / Re: How much time do you spend...?
« on: October 25, 2009, 09:30 »
Since I only upload files that has some selling potential, I fix them all.  Fixing a file is much less time consuming to me than processing it for the initial upload.

And uploading files that I know will not sell, look more to me like a waste of time.

For your application, your have to send your most impressive pictures. They want to see the best you can do. Forget what sells elsewhere, it won't help you. The application must show your photographic skills, and to a certain point your photoshop skills.

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