General Stock Discussion / The Perfect Microstock Agency
« on: October 11, 2007, 22:57 »
I'm really not planning on creating one... but if YOU were going to offer the really perfect MS agency, what would you offer? Aside from the challenges of startup (funding, development, staffing, attracting contributors and buyers, building at least a half million images... yes, all the reasons to not start a new microstock agency)
I'll start with a few thoughts...
What would you add? And if the major current MS agencies aren't doing these things, why not?? Cost? Risk? Laziness? Inertia? Greed?
And, which of these are unrealistic?
And, what do buyers want that is not currently delivered?
I'll start with a few thoughts...
- pass along at least 60% royalties to contributors (make it work on 40% overhead or less)
- bare-minimum stuff like ftp (AHEM, istockphoto!), iptc, streamlined keywording, powerful search, customization tools for contributors and buyers
- get RID of categories already - good keywording and search engine can handle this much better than oversimplified or overly complex groupings of images
- customizable pricing levels - not microtweaking, but some ability to set low/mid/hi levels on any image
- transparency - show your books to contributors, account for spending your cut, offer some visibility and accountability on growth planning, scaling, etc.
What would you add? And if the major current MS agencies aren't doing these things, why not?? Cost? Risk? Laziness? Inertia? Greed?
And, which of these are unrealistic?
And, what do buyers want that is not currently delivered?