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Topics - Raymond

Pages: [1]
Shutterstock.com / Deleting images on Shutterstock
« on: July 20, 2020, 10:39 »
I am deleting my images on Shutterstock one by one. You probably know why ....
When checking it the next day, I still find many of those images that obviously have not been deleted. They are offered by shutterstock as "Get these images for FREE. Download this image now with a free trial."
How is this possible? Does anyone know how I can get these images deleted permanently?
Your help would be greatly apprechiated.

Newbie Discussion / Possibility to pirate images on EyeEm
« on: March 05, 2019, 10:01 »
Hi, sorry, my English is rather poor. I hope you still understand what I'm writing here.
I have a few images on EyeEm market. My concern is that anyone can easily copy the photos from the website via screenshot and use it in the web. The resolution of the screenshot copies of 96 dpi and the size are suitable to use the copied photos for the web. On the homepage of EyeEm, there is apparently no protection against this. Other photo agencies, such as Shutterstock or Adobe Stock, have their names or logos on the pictures, thereby providing protection. EyeEm has it, too, but only when opening the larger formate images. Do I see this correctly or have I missed something? Any suggestions how to deal with this?

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