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Topics - SamNG

Pages: [1]
MicrostockSubmitter / Cannot upload to Shutterstock in 2 days
« on: November 02, 2017, 04:42 »
Hi, I cannot upload my photos to Shutterstock in 2 days, other sites is still OK.
I restarted the program many times but nothing happen :'(  :'(

MicrostockSubmitter / Help about StockSubmitter on MacOS
« on: June 27, 2017, 20:08 »
Hi everybody,

I'm a new member. I would like to submit my photos to many stock agencies and I find out StockSubmitter. However, when I download the program, it doesn't look like what I see on the video in YouTube. The screen is different and I don't see where to login my account. There are only some stock agencies and I don't know where to add more agencies :((
I also have to install again whenever I run the StockSubmitter program. Is it normal ?

P/s: I use the program on MacOS. Is it different from the one on Window?


Pages: [1]


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