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Topics - kates

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Hello, probably we all have copyright related issues. I can't stand people to steal images, resell them and make money! I guess any of us can't. There are 2 different sites/people I just noticed. Here are the details:

Fist one is a Turkish site bionluk.com This is a site which people join and sell different services for 10 Turkish Lira (approximately 3.4 US Dollars) I'm ok with that. However there are many people who sells images from SHUTTERSTOCK. They have subscription pack. Download images for few cents and resell them for 3.4$! There are hundreds of buyers from these people! Few months ago I noticed this and wrote to customer services of bionluk.com. At first, they claimed their members can do that since they claim they have extended license! After that I explained what is extended licence for and send them contract links. They removed  those offers. However today I checked again and someone else started to do that again. Here is the link: https://bionluk.com/sabahtan_kalma/sectiginiz-shutterstock-resmini-vektor-yada-yuksek-cozunurluklu-verebilirim-15211  He basically say that "I sell you any images from shutterstock for 10TL instead of 49$." This time I didnt write anyone but directly post here so everyone can see this before it was removed.

And the second part is inside us! A member of istockphoto steals other images from many agencies (mostly from shutterstock and istock) flips them over, uploads, sells and makes money! He is member since December 2015 and has more than 200 files with hundreds of downloads! (just arrange his portfolio as most popular, click to first 5 images and check their downloads rather then the downloads number in his profile page) Here are few examples with links(First link is stolen and second link is  original I think!:






I guess these are enough. I picked few images from his gallery and searched them again by using same tags and most popular filter. It wasn't hard to find the original files!

I didnt write to istock, shutterstock or bionluk. I want everybody to see these thieves and notice the danger!

Hello all,
I have a newbie question. I started shooting videos and uploaded 8 of them to istock. I will cancel my exlusive contract for video and upload few agencies. I have heard and read a lot about using CSV files or metadata but couldn't find a "newbie guide". So I dont know anything about these two. If you know any guide would you mind posting a link here? If you don't at least a short information would be great. I upload my videos to istock via ESP and I use deepmeta for now.

Another question: (I searched forum but couldn't find this kind of topic, if there is a link would be great, if not I might start a new topic about this since its gonne be helpful for many people) I decided to "tidy up" my archive which includes photos (jpegs and raws) , 3D render (jpegs, 3D files and materials), 4K and HD videos (raw video, converted video, final video and project files). I have about 3000 photos, 100 3D files, 50 videos. I didnt mind to have a perfect archive until now however I will be moving to antoher country in few months so I have to become "mobile" and I plan to spend all my free time to stock (mostly videos).  I had a custom pc, imac and macbook. So videos and 3Ds were on my PC and photos on mac. Sold my PC today, copied everything to externals and I decided to keep my archive on mac since it is easier to manage files. I have 2.5inch external hard drives (WD elements and seagate expension 2TB) I dont mind buying new drives but I prefer to buy them after moving since they are double priced here. So how do you keep your files and back up them? I keep 2 different copies on 2 different drives of my photos. I dont have any back ups for my videos and 3D yet since I just started but I have to make it ASAP. Just don't know how to manage everything because of additional files. (such as project files 3D files, materials, converted footages etc..) BTW I shoot stock for 6 years but never complained about archive since I was shooting only photos   ;D 

Hi all,
I'm currently working with istock as an exclusive photographer. I'm starting to shooting videos as well and I became an exclusive videographer with istock however I only have 8 footages uploaded yet. After digging web, I have doubts about working with istock as an exclusive videographer (at least as a newbie) on the other hand I'm happy with istock as an exclusive photographer. I used to work with many agencies in the past but after comparing all of them I decided becoming an exclusive photographer with istock was the best option for me and have no regrets at all. So what are your advices for me? Should I stick with istock as an exclusive videographer or selling on many other as non-exclusive? Honestly I prefer to become exclusive since it is easier manage and upload. But question is which agency? I guess most of you will suggest me to try all of them and find my best option then my question is which agencies worth to upload footages since it takes time? By the way I shot both 1080 and 4K.

One more question is I guess it is legal to work with istock as an exclusive PHOTOGRAPHER and non-exclusive VIDEOGRAPHER at the same time but still if anyone could confirm that would be great. I also plan to ask directly to IS but first I need to decide what to do.

Hi all,
I am a newbie as a videographer and about to freak out. My main question is which one is the most international one? ntsc or pal? 24 or 30 fps? In my point of view as a photographer, 30 fps should be the most international, if editor needs 24 fps they might just drop 6 frames, thats all. However after researching for hours I found out thats not that simple. I have sony rx10 mark 2 and canon 5D mark 3. I use sony for video shots. So which one should I chose from camera menu, ntsc or pal? I know I dont have to worry about aspect ratio since both are same in HD world. However I cant decide to fps. My other question is whats the difference between 23.97, 24 and 25 fps? and whats the difference between 29.97 and 30?

Other quesiton is I prefer to shot 100/120 fps in case of I need slow motion. Things are more complicated here. Lets say 24 fps is the most common which is PAL fps. In PAL mode I can shot with 24,50 and 100 fps and in NTSC mode I can shot with 30, 60, 120 fps. So lets say I want to slow it down 3.5x. What I think is I should be able to slow it down 5x and render at 24 fps. Then open a new 24 fps project, import footage and make it faster 2x (or whatever), edit and render at 24 fps and everything should be fine. Am I right? Confusing part is I shoot in PAL but outcome footage becomes NTSC. Doesn't it?


As additional info I live in Turkey (PAL) but I'm moving to Canada ((NTSC) in September. I found out people usually use same system with their region and dont care much about other things. Actually I'm moving to Canada to start a digital video school and I'm pretty sure about I will find my answers there but I'm just trying to learn basics and create few footages this summer.

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