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Topics - Victor Tondee

Pages: [1]
Can the model ever sign the industry exclusive contract (e.g. skincare) after selling images on microstocks?
This thought came on my mind just before shooting the professional model. My suggestion is that selling images on microstocks will restrict the model from signing the industry exclusive contract forever.

Photography Equipment / D750 for microstocks
« on: February 19, 2016, 18:42 »
I'm going to buy a new camera for stocks. I was considering A7RII. But I'm concerned about physical strength of the camera as I'm exposed to greater challenges due to my travel lifestyle. And A7RII doesn't seem to very robust.
I could buy cameras of a higher level such as D810 or Canon 5DSR, but dimensions of the camera are important for me as well, because I'm searching for a camera that will be always with me. Actually, I found out that A7RII is not much more compact then D750 when attached to the lenses.

I've almost decided to go with D750 but the last question left to clarify. I'm doing mostly portraits. How's focusing quality of D750? Focus points of Nikon look much bigger then the ones of Canon. And I'm worried that because of this sometimes camera might focus on the eyebrow instead of the eye itself.

Nikon users and anybody who has experience, I'd be really grateful for your advices :)

Photography Equipment / Sony A7R II for microstock
« on: February 05, 2016, 21:21 »
Let's discuss new Sony A7R II here. Does it suit needs of professional microstock photographers?
Who does own it already? We'll be glad to read your comments.

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