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Topics - AlessandraRC

Pages: [1]
1 / Unknown error when trying to submit images
« on: November 17, 2024, 18:32 »
Submitting to shutterstock has become a big pain the but. Often I encounter a message saying that "an unknown error" has occurred but there is no indication of what the error is and how to fix it. An entire batch 20 images that won't submit and I don't get paid enough to dwell on it much further. Anyone else?

General Stock Discussion / Wildstock anyone?
« on: February 27, 2018, 08:53 »
I saw some facebook adds for Wildstock but can't find here anything that refers to it. Anyone a contributor, how's your experience?

3 / GettyImages
« on: May 12, 2016, 17:48 »
Today I found out that one only needs to supply GettyImages once. I have a number of portfolios on getty agencies I never uploaded to.

And with all that only 3 downloads at i-stock (the one I supply to), contrasting with about 50 in SS since last Dec... Go figure.

Adobe Stock / confused reviewers?
« on: April 29, 2016, 09:15 »
This morning I got a number of acceptance/rejection notices from Fotolia concerning files that had been already processed.


While my new files sit waiting for review.

5 / Do they still review content?
« on: April 26, 2016, 22:31 »
I have a batch of pictures waiting on review for 3 weeks...  :'(

Is it only me?

6 / keyword issues with editorial in stock
« on: April 17, 2016, 15:01 »
in the past few days I uploaded a few editorial images to istock. They were reviewed right the way and approved. However, I cannot find them using the search engine.

I will give one example. One of my pictures features the water tower of the  University of California in Davis. The keyword indexer does not recognize the UC Davis (here in California we call the state schools UCs), only the UC Berkley or the UC San Francisco. The city of Davis is also impossible to put in the keywords. The indexer returns "Davis" as a foreign language word and does not recognize "city of Davis" at all. With all that in mind, since the most important words are missing, (I suppose someone would search for water tower city  Davis, University California Davis, UC Davis) the image is almost impossible to find.

I don't know if this issue has come up before, but I have concluded that the images I shoot in my own town, Davis, are not worthy uploading. Because they will never be found.

123RF / free images
« on: March 19, 2016, 22:30 »
I have been offering free images at 123rf since I subscribed as they promise an increase of exposure of your portfolio and the chance to sell a larger version of the image to the same customer.

I am not sure I have gotten much out of it. The free images are downloaded several times but never a larger version seems to be purchased and my sales since I subscribed back last Dec have only gone down.

I would like to hear people's perceptions about donating images there. Does it really help the photographer in any way? I am thinking to stop doing it.

8 / No sales for beginners?
« on: February 19, 2016, 22:09 »
Hi, I am a new contributor to stock (since last Dec, 2015). I have about 65 images on DT, 68 on 123rf, and 36 on Shutterstock. I have had sales here and there on the last two, but never had one on DT.

Out of curiosity I tried to find my own images with simple keywords I had used and no success on DT! While on 123rf and Shutterstock I could find them by typing the same keywords and the tab "new" or "recently uploaded".

Is there any chance whatsoever for a new contributor to sell on DT? On 123rf I have found that simply donating a couple of images every 10 days does increase the views of my portfolio and by doing that I have sold there regularly, more than on Shutterstock. Shutterstock, those guys know how to sell, I don't have to do anything. But DT... does anyone have any advice to increase the exposure of pictures there?


I like the site and the ease to upload, the staff are friendly and the community is fun. I wish it would work out for me...

Microstock Services / Zoonar rejecting editorial
« on: February 14, 2016, 20:09 »
Today I got all my "RM to be" images rejected by Zoonar with the reason that "We can't sell this photo with the Zoonar RF license for legal reasons"

Well, the reason I submit to Zoonar and Alamy is that I can do RM for my editorial images and let them deal with the licensing. One of the images is Feather Falls in Oroville, which can be sold as RF as far as I know, the others are iconic places in SF that cannot be sold as RF but are widely available on other sites as editorial.

Go figure that one out.  :-X

Pages: [1]


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