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Topics - Gig

Pages: [1]
Hello guys!
I know !
I'm late for this! You already know, right? Well I'm writing from Italy so I am late compared to you but...... I am very puzzled to say at least.
Today I was going to log into my Bigstock photo account and I can't do it due to "administrative reason".
I tried to retrieve password and ..... "your mail doesn't match any existing account"
I tried to search my images as a normal buyer and despite I found them I couldn't see them in the slwebsite .. my images are disappear
Jesus , what . is going on??
Can you help me?
Thank you guys

2 / Earnings are gone ?
« on: December 02, 2015, 05:03 »
Good morning to you all !
I am a bit concerned about my earnings on SS ... They are just disappeared . It was about 50 Usd until yesterday and today as I logged in , I saw it was just 0.75 ... Why? I didn't claim payments ... Didn't receive any warnings or so... What happened?

Adobe Stock / Fotolia piracy
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:39 »
Hello guys

So there is this site where I found my images ... They are credited with my name and fotolia watermark ..... But..... What . is this?

I just wrote to them
And fotolia too, waiting for a reply. I'm not super expert so please can someone help me understand ? What is this? Is this legal? Or not?

Envato / Warning : very stupid question from a newbiee
« on: October 29, 2015, 18:10 »
Hello guys.
Just a very stupid question , I know.
I have some problems understanding how enviro works and where I have to upload my files . Every time I log in I feel lost and don't know where and what I can upload. There's so many sections!
I am not a photographer , in just an illustrator. I was wondering if :
1) it is possible to sell raster illustration
2) where do I have to upload? Graphic river or photodune?

Please have mercy! I am a newbiee and I'm scared they will close my account if I do some mistake!!!
Thank you guys!

Pages: [1]


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