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Topics - travelstock

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Off Topic / How to Recover a stolen Laptop
« on: February 01, 2012, 00:32 »
Not sure if anyone has seen this article, but its an interesting story and worth a read:


The guy had is macbook stolen, only to recover it 3 months later from Panama after he'd returned to the US by using laptop tracking software and outing the laptop thieves / purchasers on his blog. 

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

When I upload footage on SS, the thumbnails don't generate until after the images are accepted - if I'm entering image details it never gets beyond a broken image icon, and when they're rejected (which is 2 files so far for "poor editing") I don't actually get anything other than their filename, which makes it really hard to work out which files they're talking about.

Any suggestions?

iStockPhoto.com / iStock Location Aware search test
« on: August 12, 2011, 05:04 »
There's a theory that keeps popping up in discussions of iStock's Best Match, that it now includes location data, and that the results you get will vary depending on where you're searching from.

I suggested in another thread that we try to do a small test to see whether this is in fact the case, and if so to get an idea of how much difference there is. I had some response to this, so thought I'd post another thread to see if we can organise a time to try it out, and hopefully get some responses from different locations.

What I suggest is that we set a common time (early next week?) and common search strings, then post a screenshot of the top results for each and see what comes out.

Any takers for participating & suggestions on search strings?

General Stock Discussion / Canon using microstock
« on: February 28, 2011, 00:03 »
Just noticed this article and couldn't help but see the larger-than-life microstock image on Canon's billboard:


One of Yuri's:

I guess enough of us have spent money on their products - nice to see them giving a little something back!

iStockPhoto.com / CDWheatly is iStock's Featured Photographer
« on: February 21, 2011, 11:25 »
Just in case you miss it, one of the MSG regulars is this weeks featured photographer. Congratulations!

"Forget winter and get tropical with Christian's scorching portfolio." http://www.istockphoto.com/photo

Hi Everyone

I'm going to be based in Bangkok for probably the next 12 months or so, and spending some time traveling from here around the region - was wondering if there was any interest from people who live in the region, or anyone planning to visit, to organise some sort of meet-up or event in the next 3-6 months?

Microstock News / RIP Polylooks
« on: September 29, 2010, 09:29 »
Well it was never really open for business for most here, but it looks like we lost another one:

We regret to inform you that Deutsche Telekom has decided to withdraw its Polylooks online photo agency from its portfolio. It is planned to phase out the service by December 31, 2010.

Therefore, we are hereby terminating the Agreement between you and Deutsche Telekom AG, Products & Innovation, based on the General Terms and Conditions for Licensing of Image Materials for Online Portal Polylooks as well as the General Registration Conditions for use of Image Portal Polylooks. This termination shall become effective with expiry of December 31, 2010. Your photos will continue to be available for sale until then.

All image licenses already issued or sold to licensees before this termination date will remain valid after December 31, 2010 allowing licensees to continue using the purchased images in future.

Your credit balance will be paid out to you automatically after that date. We will provide you with details of the payment in good time. For answers to any open questions you may have, please go to our FAQs

We would like to thank you for the trust you placed in us and our service.

Yours faithfully,

Your Polylooks team


New Sites - General / New co-op owned RF/RM agency
« on: September 16, 2010, 02:40 »
There have been discussions in the past about unions and co-operative agencies.

I thought it would be timely to create a poll about whether people would be prepared to actively take part in establishing a new agency, owned by contributors that pays a significantly higher percentage of royalties to contributors.

The model I'm thinking of is based on some of the contributions on the threads in past. that is an agency made up of:
-of non-exclusive content based on traditional a microRF license
- exclusive content (per-image exclusivity) priced higher and licensed under a new micro-Rights Managed license.
This would allow current IS exclusives to contribute images under the RM license, and provide an avenue for independents to sell all images on a contributor owned site, including some at significantly higher rates and margins.

Financial contribution:
Clearly we're not looking for a commitment here, just an in principle indication. A broad aim could be 1000 contributors investing $1000 - to arrive at start-up capital of $1M.

Alamy.com / New Alamy website design & search
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:34 »
For those that haven't seen it - some interesting material here:


Looks like the new features are now live...

Edit... now realize that there's already a thread on this...

Not sure if this is the appropriate thread for this subject, but just thought I'd put a link to my summary of some new guidelines that apply to people earning income from referral programs, such as those offered by many microstock sites.


Note that this is my summary of the guidelines - not a substitute for legal advice!

Shutterstock.com / Shutterstock Guarantee??
« on: October 20, 2009, 12:01 »
Just spotted this on Microstock Diaries:


Looks like SS is matching the IS guarantee... !?!

Well I was catching a delta flight the other day and happened to flick though the in-flight magazine. Got to p110 and found one of my images, along with several other stock images which I suspect come from either Dreamstime or Shutterstock.

Unfortunately there don't appear to be any photo credit listed for either the photos in question or the agencies used. Does anyone know if any of the agencies actually permit unattributed photo use? My impression was that this wasn't allowed, but I could be wrong. Has anyone encountered this situation before... if so what did you do?

The magazine in question is here... look at p 110:


SnapVillage.com / Unpaid Sales from Snapvillage
« on: February 18, 2009, 19:21 »
Ok I had assumed that I wasn't getting any sales from Snapvillage, and for the most part that was true - BUT - I checked the earnings logs a couple of days ago, and found that I had a sale of $28 plus a number of other random downloads that should have been paid out, but wasn't for whatever reason. The result was I sent a message to support requesting clarification and received a paypal payout of about $35 a day later.

For those who haven't checked their account lately, it might be worth a look to see if there hasn't been a similar glitch in the system for your files.

Shutterstock.com / New "most popular" formula on Shutterstock??
« on: January 31, 2009, 02:46 »
Ok... I know the best match on IS gets a lot of attention - partly because it always changes with devestating effect, but I'm wondering if anyone has noticed a change in the way the most popular images on SS are shown in the last day or so?

I know some contributors have commented on the lack of sales for new images, but I think they might be back... I have uploaded quite a lot lately, but I'm seeing about half of my top images made up of new photos, which is somewhat more than I expected, and a big change with some that only got approved yesterday hitting the top 2 spots.

More confusingly though, if I rank my photos by most popular, the order of photos in the same series isn't the same as the order when searching a keyword.

On top of that I had the most downloads of the week on a Friday, which I find highly unusual.

Anyone having any similar experiences??

Off Topic / Microstock group - censored in China...
« on: November 18, 2007, 07:34 »
Did anyone say anything to upset the government in Beijing? I'm in China having to get around the net nanny with anonymouse.org.... most annoying!

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