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Topics - Chris Kelleher

Pages: [1]
Photo Critique / Can I please get a portfolio review? Thanks!
« on: August 14, 2017, 13:50 »

So I have had some images sitting out on ShutterStock and Alamy for a while, but didn't sell much at all because of the very limited volume of what I uploaded. 

I have just started going through and uploading images that I have back in July, and now have about 1,000 uploaded.  My goal is to add a couple hundred more each month, between what I already have and new images I take.  For July to Mid-August, I've had about 100 downloads so far.

Most of my images are a combination of travel, family/kids and some news/events.  I haven't shot anything specifically for stock, but may try doing so shortly to improve my downloads.

Here are links to my portfolios:




Please let me know what you think.  I have been a little surprised at what sells and what doesn't so far.

I was just wondering if there would be any interest in an iPhone/iPad app for browsing and searching images on the SymbioStock network?

I have iOS development experience, and might be willing to develop this if there is enough interest.

Symbiostock - General / My new SYS website
« on: July 31, 2013, 20:51 »
I have my SYS website up and running now.  Still have bunch of image titles and tags to edit, will have to get to those over the next week.

Here it is: http://stock.kelleherphoto.com/

Pages: [1]


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