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Topics - maunger

Pages: [1]
Hi Y'all

I've just found and purchased a Canon EOS 5D 12.8 MP Digital SLR Camera with EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens thru Amazon - $2750 for both!

Now, for full disclosure, that link includes an affiliate link for yours truly which would give me a 4% commission for your purchase. A great deal for you and a good deal for me.

I used Sy's Amazon affiliate link yesterday to purchase the camera (ETA, yes, Sy got the $110 commission :) and I think it would be great if people who are about to buy camera equipment from Amazon would let me know so they could use my affiliate ID and I'd get a little reward!

More as i figure out how to make that happen.

Now, I realize that Canon is rumored to be releasing a new version of the 5D sometime maybe this fall - but i've also heard that they may be cutting back on production of the 5D before then and they may become hard to find. So i went ahead and bought this package because i also wanted an "L" lens. So, maybe if you're thinking about getting a 5D, maybe the time is now?

here is the link for the 5D body only which says they only have 3 left right now...


"it's not the $71.9 million in revenue we generated last year (although that is really, really exciting). The amazing thing is that we paid out $20.9 million to contributors last year. That's one h*ck of a lot of money, and doesn't include the $110,000 we gave out on Punctum Day. We are now selling an image every 1.4 seconds through this industry changing marketplace. It even gives us pause every time we look at these stats."

this thread

just so you know, that number works out to 29% - they kept 71% to run the biz.

Today only - ProStockMaster 1.3.2 - 40% off http://www.mupromo.com/

(note i don't use this software but found the discount and thought some might be interested)

ProStockMaster streamlines your stock photography workflow, allowing you to concentrate on what you really love to do: create your images.

ProStockMaster saves your time and frees your hands for your camera. While you are shooting, the application will upload your images to selected stock photography sites.

New Sites - General / PhotoGenesis?
« on: August 28, 2006, 08:46 »
Hi y'all

i bookmarked this site some time ago photogenesis.com

was wondering if anyone's been in contact with them?

i know when i first found the site it said they'd be up in late spring... then late summer... now it says fall 2006.

just curious.


Pages: [1]


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