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Topics - goldenangel

Pages: [1]
Mostphotos.com / New minimum resolution - 5 MP
« on: September 29, 2009, 10:44 »
I was uploading one file using FTP. When I saw that the file was not available for publishing on MostPhotos, I used HTML upload, only to get this error in the end:

"The image does not fullfill the minimum resolution requirement of 5MPX."

So it happened, I got a rejection from MP :D

Crestock.com / Crestock wants bug/error reports for 50 credits
« on: September 28, 2009, 16:04 »
This is what I got from Crestock a few minutes ago:

"Some of you may have noticed that little orange triangle in the lower right corner at Crestock saying "Give Feedback". This is basically a feedback form that we've been running for a few days to get ideas on where to improve the site to make it even better for you.

Unfortunately, aside from a lot of praise and constructive criticism, we've received some feedback with bug reports some are being repeatedly logged out, some have problems when paying for Credits or Subscriptions, while others again receive totally different error messages.

It is unacceptable for us to have annoying things like that going on, so if you experience any kind of technical problem on Crestock, please do let us know so we can fix it.

Here's how:
1) Send an email to: [email protected] (please do not use the orange feedback form)

2) Please include as much of this information as possible:

    * What did you do when you experienced problems?
    * The URL on which you experienced the problem
    * What Error Message did you get (if any)?
    * Browser & version
    * Operating System
    * Cookies Enabled? (Yes/No)

3) If possible, also include a screenshot of what happened.

Anyone who sends us an Error Message or Bug Report will receive 50 Image Credits on their account if you include your Crestock user name in the report.

Thanks in advance from Geir Are Jensen and the rest of the Crestock Team!"

Cameras / Lenses / HDR Camera
« on: September 08, 2009, 17:50 »
I got this in my email today. It's an interesting article:

Camera manufacturers are getting into the High Dynamic Range software game with onboard features that merge bracketed exposures into one image. Sigma already has a camera on the market with HDR and many familiar names will follow. (Heres a review of the camera on the Adorama site: http://www.adorama.com/alc/blogarticle/11676) This will be a major development, as contrast control still eludes even the most expensive camera bodies.

Off Topic / Mostar on bing.com
« on: September 04, 2009, 16:07 »
Did you go to bing.com today? I dont normally use it but I was told to go there today :)


It features a picture of the Old Bridge in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I couldn't resist sharing this with you as Mostar is my home town. :)

Also, if you click on "images" you can see more pictures of related topics.

iStockPhoto.com / My image to be on book cover: What to do?
« on: September 02, 2009, 16:07 »
I got email from a publishing company who wants to put one of my images from IS on the children book cover. They were saying that the available size on IS was not enough to fit on the cover and asking me for a higher resolution image. I do have it in higher resolution as I originally decreased the size since the sharpness could have been better.

Should I just provide them with the increased size of the image, or should I ask them to compensate me for it in some way? I guess, by IS rules, EL is not needed here. They have, obviously, already bought the image on IS. I would appreciate any advices here...

StockXpert.com / StockXpert Review Times
« on: June 22, 2009, 23:50 »
My images have been pending for more than 10 days on StockXpert now. In the last two months, I had to write to their support at least three times to remind them to review my images. Is anybody else experiencing this?
I know that some fellow contributors have their images reviewed the same day, so I'm trying to find out if there is something wrong with my account there...

Yaymicro / Yaymicro Third Party Sales
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:06 »
From YAYmicro Newsletter:

"Third Party Sales

Earlier this year YAY started distributing images through a third party sales channel. The first batch of images included in this deal was 20 000 images from about 20 different photographers. These images have been for sale since late February/early March, and the results so far seem promising. Therefore we have decided to add a further 20 000 of our best images to be sold this way. In order to choose the best images, we invite you to send us suggestions from your own portfolio." ...
"Just make a project folder with 100 of your best images and send the public link to [email protected]."

"P.S. The deadline for submission has been set to Wednesday June 17th."

iStockPhoto.com / Lightning fast sale :)
« on: May 20, 2009, 16:02 »
Wow, I just got acceptance email for a file on IS and when I clicked on the file it was already sold :D

123RF / Jellyfish surprise
« on: May 16, 2009, 06:58 »
123rf has been a pretty slow earner for me so far. It was certainly a nice surprise to see two tiff files sold in one day :)

Cutcaster / Cutcaster Submit Interface
« on: May 15, 2009, 19:20 »
I was submitting some images today and I can see that I get discouraged when submitting to CutCaster due to amount of scrolling up and down that I have to in the small frame on the submit page.
Are there any plans to change this interface?

Dreamstime.com / Resubmission Problem - "Comment for editor:"
« on: March 25, 2009, 13:54 »
I noticed a problem with resubmission process on DT. When I upload an image and write something in "Comment for editor:", this filed still contains the original note, when the file was first submitted. I have to edit it while it is in pending state for the comment to be actually changed. I wrote DT support about this.

Alamy.com / No activity in the account.
« on: March 23, 2009, 01:55 »
I was looking at the summary of my account at Alamy and I was surprised to see message:

"Your account has not collected any activity for customers measured by the tool within the date selected."

Has anyone seen the same? I am wondering it something has changed or this is just a glitch in the database?

Oh yes, I should say, I was looking at the last month activity, I checked the dates 3 times :)

Today I got an email from productiontrax.com. They are inviting me to start selling my photos on their site. I went there and it seems that they are selling not only photos, but music, sound effects and video footage, all with RF licenses.

Has anyone heard of them?

I noticed that my images uploaded this week at StockXpert are not getting any views. I saw a thread at the StockXpert forum about the issue. I tried searching for my images but I could not find them at all even though I'm using keywords that I know are there. Has anyone else experienced the same issue?

I remember this was an issue at StockXpert a couple of months ago, but then it got fixed. Last month was very good at StockXpert for me, with sales daily. However, the last few days have been very quiet.

Adobe Stock / My first EL sale
« on: January 21, 2009, 01:35 »
I just had my first EL sale on Fotolia, or anywhere else for that matter :) I know it's not as good as EL on SS or some other sites, but it feels good anyway :)

FT is the site where I had my first image sale ever, when I started last August..

It's also one of my very first images online:

I know it's just a wishful thinking but it would be really nice if earnings from all the sites could be bundled together in one account for photographers. This way, the photographers with smaller portfolios, and those who participate in sites where sales are seldom, could get paid more often.

Perhaps it could be a business opportunity, for a company to offer a bundled account service. The problem is, the stock sites would not be interested in that, as they wouldn't see any benefit. Any thoughts on this?

Cutcaster / Model release for editorial?
« on: January 08, 2009, 18:38 »
I just had one editorial picture rejected on CutCaster with the following reason:
"Model release required for children even if editorial"

I don't believe this can be true? It would not be reasonable to expect journalists that take pictures on the streets to run after parents of every kid in the picture for their MR.

Any thoughts on this?

Yesterday I applied to iStock for the 4th time with three new pictures and I was rejected with the explanation that the image are very similar in subject matter or style. I contacted their customer service and they told me that if one of the photos was submitted with different pictures, it would have had much better chance of getting accepted. They acknowledged that the application process is not explained clearly enough and that they should update their explanation. They have also said that there is no way of overturning the reviewer's decision even though the photos I submitted "look OK" to them.

Here are the three images:


Reaching Goal:

Boy on a Skateboard:

The similar subject matter that iStock came up with is "males doing sports".

I am posting this as a warning to future contributors. I hope it helps. Of course, any comments on my photos are greatly appreciated.

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