After being out of town for a few days I went to update my sales numbers. Hadn't had any sales notices from DP so far this month, but logged in anyway to discover that my account balance had decreased by $115. A little more digging revealed that the e-mail address on the account had been changed to
[email protected] and that a payout request was made to Moneybookers on Nov. 1st. Of course I immediately changed my password, set the e-mail to the correct one, and contacted DP to notify them about the fraud. The hackers also had set the account to stop sending e-mail notifications about sales or accepted images.
I was glad they had not changed my password, but then realized they were being smart - that should have triggered a notification that it had been changed and I would have realized the hack right away. Also stopping notifications for sales and accepted images could have caused me to check in less often. And they did not request the full balance, just part of it, maybe hoping I wouldn't notice that some had gone missing. Very sneaky.
I would advise everyone to check their accounts and watch out for this on DP. They need to put in an automatic notification if the e-mail address is changed - that is a weakness being exploited by hackers. If anyone has suggestions for what else to do please let me know - and please don't bother with the "why are you still on DP?" responses. Thanks.