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Topics - hofhoek

Pages: [1]
Shutterstock.com / Can't upload anymore at Shutterstock
« on: February 17, 2017, 05:46 »
Hi, Since a few weeks I can't upload anymore. The 'submit for preview' button doesn't work. And the one time it did, I had to change and edit my submission (but I had no faults in my submission) and when I tried to change things it didn't work. Keywords disappear and Shutterstock doesn't reply to my mail (almost a week now). I work with them since 2006 but it is really bad now. Anyone else having uploading problems?

Adobe Stock / Adobe account but sales at Fotolia?
« on: January 25, 2017, 10:52 »
I have a few hundred images on Adobe ( starting to upload more and more) I just received a Fotolia message that I have an image there and I have to give my tax info. I don't submit to Fotolia but to Adobe! If I follow the link I get to a Fotolia page where I can't get in because I don't have an account at Fotolia. Someone knows what's happening here and what to do?

Adobe Stock / Lost sales. Something wrong with Adobe Stock?
« on: October 07, 2016, 02:55 »
Hi, I have made some sales (not so much yet but promising)at Adobe Stock and although the money I earned is still showed on my portfolio page, there is no information on my sales anymore when I follow the arrow to my sales page. Also nothing when I go directly to my sales page. It even says:' you have no sales yet'. It is like this since yesterday and the worrying thing is that I can't find a contact email address. Anyone knows how to get in touch with them and/or having the same experience with lost sales?

Hi, I finally deleted all my images at Deposit yesterday (still had some old ones in my portfolio) and asked to close my account and pay my remaining 36 dollars.
I received an answer this morning: 'Unfortunately, it is technically impossible to withdraw an amount less than a minimum amount. Are you sure you want to delete an account?" My answer was: 'Yes, I want nothing to do with Deposit photos anymore and you now also demonstrate that Deposit is nothing more than a bunch of thieves. Goodbye.
I honestly don't understand why people still stay over there. Get out and run as fast as you can!

Veer / Deleting image on Veer possible?
« on: October 18, 2012, 03:00 »
Hi, I need to delete an image on Veer urgently. Anyone knows if it doing it yourself is possible? I can't find how to do this. I'v tried through email and phone to contact Veer but no response. If I can't do this I'll have to pull my entire portfolio from there. (if this is possible...) Hope someone can help. Thanks

Shutterstock.com / Bad request?
« on: October 02, 2012, 05:51 »
I can't  login to shutterstock since yesterday evening. I'm getting this message;
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.
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 I understand that this exceeds any limit but what is it? And what can I do? I can't open shutterstock through my link on the computer, I can't open it when I type in shutterstock.com but I can open it when I use the link here on the right. Anyone has a clue?

Envato / Model Release form how?
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:37 »
I want to upload some images with MR but I can't find out how to do this. Can I upload an MR and then connect it to the images concerned later? And how? It's not very easy to see. (Or I am looking the wrong way)

Hi, I just stupidly uploaded a few more of my images to 3D as I had some sales the last days. But..they will not pay me until I send them a IRS W-8 form. I will not do that because I will not give information to the US IRS as I pay taxes in the Netherlands. (I guess quite a lot more than in the US). Is there anyone who has found a solution to this problem other than sending them the tax form? I will delete all my images there when they will not pay me but they still owe me some money. I don't understand why they are the only stockagency with this ridiculous demand. Hope someone has some positive news on this.

Shutterstock.com / No downloads SS before 12.00 in Europe?
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:09 »
Hi, I have been now with SS for almost 4 years and I think this has never happened to me. I have no downloads up till now for today and yesterday has happened the same. I don't think there is a major european holiday so I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this as an abnormality or is it just bad luck?  Also I have about 20 images waiting for review for many days now which is also (almost) an abnormality. I understand more are experiencing this. What's happening?

Shutterstock.com / Long review times at SS at the moment?
« on: June 15, 2010, 01:49 »
Anyone else noticing that review takes longer than usual at SS? I have a batch waiting already for 4 days which is very long for SS. If not I have to contact them. Thanks

Dreamstime.com / Prices for extensive use on Dreamtime?
« on: May 19, 2010, 06:02 »
Hi, I have been asked to send an extensive amount of my pictures of a certain subject to a possible buyer. They want to buy them like Dreamstime is selling them but I can't find what their price is for extensive use.Shutterstock pays me 28 but what do they ask and what is the price Dreamstime asks? Does anyone know? I can't seem to find these prices. Hope someone can help.

Veer / How to change profile information
« on: September 05, 2009, 00:42 »
Hi, I want to delete my adress info on my profile page but on my profile page it says this information is required. I have tried it with making info like adress and telephone number private but nothing changes. It still is visible. I understand they need it but I don't want it on my profile page for everyone to see. Is there a way I can change this or is there a glitch?
I would like to ask this on their forum but somehow I can never find their forum.
Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance

Veer / Where are the keywords at Veer?
« on: August 31, 2009, 08:27 »
Sales reports are there but now the keywords are missing. None of my images has keywords. I know someone else has the same problem anyone else? If I'd have to choose I'd rather have keywords because it will be hard to get sales this way. Veer isn't rock steady. Or should I say stock ready?

Dreamstime.com / No views, no sales
« on: June 16, 2009, 07:55 »
I don't want to whine but I am truly very curious if most of you notice too that new uploads have no views and that sales are bad? Of my 26 latest uploads (since may 27th) I have had one view on one image. My sales have dropped seriously with 75%! If I am the only one then there is something suddenly wrong with my portfolio because it has been days since I've sold anything. I work with them now since late 2006 and have a bit more than 1000 images and this is totally new for me. Anyone care to elaborate? Thanks, Patricia

Hi, Anyone knows about Stocklib by Epictura? www.stocklib.com .They are a French company which is selling millions of images. I just discovered they are selling about 1327 of mine and I never gave them my consent and I dont think they payed me for any of these images. Are they connected to any of the major stocksites?
Thanks, Patricia

StockXpert.com / Opting in at Stockxpert?
« on: December 15, 2008, 07:13 »
I am very curious if it is worthwile opting in at Stockxpert. I opted out the moment this Photos.com thing started because I didn't trusted it at all. I am still doubtfull but I would love to know if it would make a lot of difference. I sell about one a day averaged out,  but I do make 50, 1.50, 2.50 or 5 for those photos. I am bit afraid that when I opt in I will only make 20 cents a photo and I will not sell any bigger priced photos anymore. Could somebody enlighten me, please? Do you sell only small potatoes or do you also sell big ones? I have a reasonable portfolio of about 1000 images. Should I or shouldn't I? Thanks in advance..

Alamy.com / Portfolio
« on: June 19, 2008, 03:23 »
Hi, I just started at Alamy and I read that people can see how their images are doing. I still have trouble finding my portfolio but would also love to know how to find views etc. Anyone?

Alamy.com / model releas on alamy
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:15 »
Hi, I just had my first four accepted at Alamy and am now trying to submit them with keywords etcetera. I have a few  images with two people but no faces so not recognizable. I do not have a model release for them because that was not necessary when I made the photo. But when I tick 2 people and no model release I can only sell licensed. Does anyone know if it is a problem when I tick no people? Will this limit my chances of selling the photo?
Hope to hear soon

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