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Topics - KimC

Pages: [1]
Shutterstock.com / Strange amount of video sales.
« on: March 27, 2022, 08:09 »
This night I had 51 video sales, all of 1 dollar, all purchased in either Norway, Poland, Phillipines or Algier. It still goes on, with 18 sales 1$ each today, but now from Indonesia, Argentina, Andorra and unspecified. There is no common tendency in the subjects of the video sales, just random purchases. I never have that amount of sales in a weekend. It is my thought that something suspicious is going on.  It is not that i mind the money or the level change... Has anyone else experienced this recently? I have this feeling that Shutter will cancel these sales soon due to fradulent activites.

Dreamstime.com / Low February sales on DT?
« on: February 26, 2022, 09:39 »
Since mid January and until now I had only 1 sale on DT. My normal at DT is 10-20 sales in a month. My sales activity on other agencies are normal for the season.

Have you< noticed unusual low sales on DT recently?
Or is it only the everpresent fluctuations of microstock)

Pages: [1]


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