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Topics - TonyD

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I've never sold anything there but maybe you need more photos than the free account allows to sell there anyway. Any thoughts?

2 / SS keep rejectiong for editorial caption
« on: June 27, 2023, 14:34 »
I've no idea why but I GIVE UP. SS is up to its old tricks again. I've always written this ' editorial caption' correctly & have no idea how to do it differently yet they are rejecting it straight away. They rejected 3 others the same way for the 2nd time. Maybe they are getting fussy about editorial now.

Dear Shutterstock Contributor,

As the creative landscape evolves to include new uses for creative assets, Shutterstock wants artists to have the opportunity to take advantage of all the ways they can earn compensation for their work. Shutterstock is working to better support artists through ethically-sourcing our content, increasing transparency about its use, and financially compensating our contributors. Were excited to announce well now be accepting more assets into our library, following a change to how we process submissions.

Whats changing

Starting next week, Shutterstock will be introducing Data Licensing, a new opportunity that will include content that would otherwise not meet the criteria for our traditional stock marketplace. These assets will be found under your portfolio within a new section called Data catalog and will be available for licensing as datasets. Earnings on assets within this library will be paid via the Shutterstock Contributor Fund learn more about it here.

General Stock Discussion / Rejections on adobe
« on: March 14, 2023, 06:22 »
Why does adobe reject for quality issues when there's nothing wrong with the submitted photos even viewed at 100 percent? I spend time cloning out people in the picture and I think I've done a really good job. I'm actually a former designer trained in the 80s so I am mainly self-taught at editing. Is there anyone from adobe on here? The photo rejected is too big to attach here.
I had a 12 rejected last time and about 6 accepted. I never had this rate of rejection before so you would think I must be getting worse at this but I know that I'm not. I have less than 500 photos on there due to the rejections but they seem to be selling well for such a small number, especially this year

General Stock Discussion / No sales on Shutterstock lately
« on: October 18, 2022, 13:17 »
This is very unusual (even for me) but I've had no DLs at all on there since Oct 4th. Do you think the website was not functioning correctly of is it the beginning of the end for SS? I usualy have about 15 DLs a month

Adobe Stock / strange rejections
« on: May 11, 2022, 04:09 »
I keep getting photo rejections for 'technical reasons' on adobe when there's nothing wrong with them, they are at least properly focused, lit & exposed. Is there anything I'm missing there? I even shoot in RAW now and get slightly sharper and better quality images. Some photos rejected had a small DOF area in focus intentionaly but will the rewiewer realise that?
When I started over 2 years ago I hardly ever got any rejects apart from IP rejects even though I only shot in JPEG and was a stock beginner but have improved greatly since

Cameras / Lenses / cheap cameras & gear
« on: January 16, 2022, 11:40 »
I just found this site
The gear seems very cheap to me and priced in $s. Is it a scam?

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