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Topics - Unamas

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I finally decided to start with AI Generated images. I read a few articles, watch a few video and so far the process looks simple

1) Generate image with Midjourney. It look like it's the best generator now
2) Upscale with Topaz Gigapixel AI or Topaz Photo AI. Which one is better?
3) Create description, upload
4) Profit!

What I'm missing?

General Stock Discussion / SS vs Adobe performance
« on: July 14, 2023, 16:38 »
It's a first time for me that I made more money on Adobe than on SS during first 15 days of months. Adobe usually lead during a first few days of a month, but today is July 14, and Adobe still ahead.

The photographer makes tons of money by taking and licensing photos of the otter in Santa Cruz that hassling surfers and stealing their boards. I wonder how much the photographer would make if they uploaded the same photos to microstock.

4 / Recently reviewed : 0 !
« on: September 01, 2022, 00:06 »
I finally reached the major milestone. Recently reviewed - 0! It is a first time happening during my 4 years joinery with Shutterstock :)

I have found stock photography less interesting in recent months. My uploads have diminished perhaps 15-20 images this month. I'm still taking photos, but just store them on hard drive. How about you?

6 / New Feature Added to Your Profile.
« on: March 30, 2022, 12:35 »
I got this from Getty Image. Seriously? How it's going to help to sell my photos?

Help Us Better Understand the Diverse Makeup of Our Contributor Community
We've updated a feature on your Profile. By filling this in, we hope that in the future well be able to recommend relevant briefs and opportunities to you.

Visit your Profile in the upload tool to fill out the About you section:

Demographic information (new)
Help us better understand the diverse makeup of our contributor community.

Skills, experience, interests, and gear
Tell us about your interests, your kit, and what you like to shoot.

Its completely your choice if you wish to provide this information.

7 / Disappearing photos on SS?
« on: March 29, 2022, 11:34 »
I haven't uploaded to SS for a while and that's why I remember how many photos I have. Yesterday I noticed that 9 photos disappeared out of my collection of ~8,000 photos. Anyone else?

I noticed Dreamstime advertisement on Contributor Dashboard. It's kind of weird :)

General Stock Discussion / Covid is over. What to shoot now?
« on: March 09, 2022, 15:06 »
My beautiful collection of face masks, vaccine vials and restriction signs is getting less and less sales. What to shoot now? What's your idea of shooting something for the current news market?

I'm referring to Known Image Restrictions - Places and Landmarks - Europe and Africa

It looks like other sites don't care about this? For example "Blenheim Palace" is restricted for SS, but plenty of images on Dreamstime?

Any experience?

It took 6 days to reach level 2 and earn $33. It's 33 cents per download thanks to today's $18 single. How is your progress?

By the way I have the same earnings on Adobe with 32 downloads.

Once in a while security guard stop me from taking photos with my "professional" Nikon D3500, but they are fine with mobile photography. Do they really know that I can take a better photo with my phone? I'm talking about editorial photos of private property like shopping center and etc.
How's you experience?

15 / Focus Pocus?!
« on: November 02, 2021, 12:31 »
Almost every landscape photo that has trees with leaves is being rejected for focus (The main subject is out of focus or is not in focus due to camera shake). The other agencies have no issues with my photos. How is your experience?

The message "Added to 5 collections" started to pop up very often on SS mobile app recently. The added photos are not recent sellers and I don't remember the messages showing so often. 12 messages only on October 4th! Does anyone have the same experience?

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