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Messages - Paulo M. F. Pires
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« on: April 30, 2018, 16:59 »
Where are you seeing 'regular' as you mentioned and in your screenshot? I looked at my stats files, and did a search for 'regular' and it didn't throw up any hits. Any idea what 'regular' means?
In Deepmeta 3, first column "type". No mater which collection, I see 2 types: Connect/Regular In ESP Site "Connect" appears as "Price per Image" ( I've seen some mention about it in "connect program" links ) .. so "Regular" probably are all sales except those "pay-for-view".
« on: April 30, 2018, 14:38 »
Yes, they are not all "connect" ones. About "Premium Access Time" and "Credit Pack": I've got some a bit bigger than that ones.. 1$~ why do you guys put yourself (and work) through this!
Speaking exclusively for me, this is neither my main source of income, nor my main job. I even stopped uploading somewhere in 2013, and I decided to start over, with two permisses: - Work with less that 5 or 4 agencies.No more low earners and "new agencies". - Give, in terms of quality, what they are paying .. last batch's even have mobile images ... (I own a Zenfone 3 .. now think ...). - Protect best seelers (I have a dozen of images that stiill selling well, and that ones I removed from low earners / low RDP sites). Now looking at the 2018 stats, ESP still having a good RPD for me, and even If I count the "connect sales" to "sales", RPD goes really low, but stills near some "middle level agency's" one! And even here on MSG, some guys aren't so worried about cut out's and lower commissions....
« on: April 27, 2018, 17:24 »
ESP support reply proves that I was in fact living in a cave -_- These are royalties from our Connect products, and the royalty statements for Connect are available to download from where you download your PDF or TXT statements, as seen highlighted in the attached.
More information on Connect can be found here:
https://contributors.gettyimages.com/article.aspx?article_id=2533 So those 0,02$ and 0,04$ ( and less ) are "pay-per-view" commissions.. not a RF "normal sale"... but after all , If the images aren't "downloaded" as claimed.. hmmm still not fair, but..
« on: April 27, 2018, 13:45 »
Is just me or via "Getty Connect" we can as low as... 0,00075?
Moreover in the statement file (and site ) I don't see any downloads ( and the infamous 0,02 usually are reported ).
Deepmeta bug?
EDIT: Yes, I was living in a cave last year... And Yes I'm just waiting to reach minimum payout ( next month ).
« on: March 06, 2017, 06:32 »
60% commission trough Alamy 50% commission trough "Novel Use" 30% commission trough "Distribution" ( 30% for Distr + 40% for Alamy ).
And excellent price range, except novel use... but sales aren't so proportional like other agency's.
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:55 »
I'm afraid that account's balance carried out ( below 100$ ) will appear by 2018.. They will prioritize Jan statements and Payments, and solving 1.000 issues over this unification process. Could be worst...
« on: February 10, 2017, 12:20 »
For those more distracted... link is there as "test ( start wth https:// ). Select and copy and paste on browser..
« on: February 10, 2017, 07:01 »
Having "Top Authors" means:
- More Royalties % ( less profit to them... ) - Less margin setting low prices and/or cutting commissions rate. If we look back on time what happen when some low earners decide "offer" images with this kind of "subscription"? Top Authors run away... - On other hand, each day, they have more and more "wannabe photographers", with the ability to give same content. It's true that quality is far away from top, but clients are always wiling to forget about it, in change of more lower prices than ever.
So, I think that PD it's only avoiding some steps on a process made by others in a past... More than blame agency's , the contributors should blame clients too.
BTW, I'm still there, and got a message informing that could set own prices. In general I'm not uploading since 2013 ( anywhere ) and probably a few dozen of images can be ranked as "salable". Having that images on hard disk will cost me more than sale them for 5 cents...
Anyway this doesn't mean that I agree with this business model.
« on: February 10, 2017, 05:43 »
Hi at last I'm inside, but I cant see the content I had on Istock, where is the old content supposed to be?
As I understand, ESP pretends to be Royaltie$ and Portfolio management unique platform for both ( Istock, Getty ). So far they will both exists. So probably Your content still on Istock site. If You try sarch on getty there is a option to "istock". From portfolio management I'm still trying figure out...
« on: February 08, 2017, 07:19 »
Still no invitation but managed to get in using email and reset method but DeepMetaV3 won't login using the same user/pass.
Have You tried login, on dm3, with account email ( not username )? Between my password reset and invitation email I logged with email and the new password on dm3 without any problem.
« on: February 08, 2017, 05:14 »
Got my invitation today. Even doing an earlier reset ( see below ) I was able to enter on same account. DM2 report a new credit sale ( ESP site got it too, on downloads page ), but still missing almost 100,95$ ... duh. I did not receive the email, but did the following:
In ESP page, I used the "recover password" option, with the email account associated to Istock (not the username). After that, I got into the ESP and the account ID is the same as Istock, like the other information. Even last credit downloads appear ( downloads not royalties ). I'dont know the side effects after doing this, but I hope no one die on process.
Now my "problems" are:
- My images appear for sale on Istock, but not on ESP / Getty. In both sites I can not manage to manage them (maybe they will be in the process of being transferred or something is escaping me ...). I'm non-exclusive and have some editorial stuff too.
- Account balance.. a sad history. had 99,87$ in 24th... 100,95$ in 26th ( oh gosh ). after some 2 days went to 1,08$ or something. DP v3 not showing nothing. My hope is thta 100$ should appear on 20 Feb., and receive the payment on 25Feb ( I'm a beliver hahaha )
« on: February 05, 2017, 05:41 »
I did not receive the email, but did the following:
In ESP page, I used the "recover password" option, with the email account associated to Istock (not the username). After that, I got into the ESP and the account ID is the same as Istock, like the other information. Even last credit downloads appear ( downloads not royalties ). I'dont know the side effects after doing this, but I hope no one die on process.
Now my "problems" are:
- My images appear for sale on Istock, but not on ESP / Getty. In both sites I can not manage to manage them (maybe they will be in the process of being transferred or something is escaping me ...). I'm non-exclusive and have some editorial stuff too.
- Account balance.. a sad history. had 99,87$ in 24th... 100,95$ in 26th ( oh gosh ). after some 2 days went to 1,08$ or something. DP v3 not showing nothing. My hope is thta 100$ should appear on 20 Feb., and receive the payment on 25Feb ( I'm a beliver hahaha )
« on: October 22, 2013, 16:31 »
Funny... with DP login it's possible delete all images.
And after that, they are deleted on DP too!
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:20 »
After a "short" experience, PhotoSpin will be my "Stock Recycle Bin". Why? Some of my files that never got a single sale and/or with low acceptance in top/middle tier agency's are selling there.
So, each time I have a new batch, I'll upload first to all agency's exception made to PS. After some time, the "less good" images will go directly to PS.
Somehow it's a way to protect my best seller's being sold my few cents...
« on: January 29, 2013, 18:02 »
Happened to me once; CR wrote to them and it was solved in reasonable time (a couple of days). In this case, I'm sure, by looking at the (non-profit's) site I'm sure it was just ignorance, not malice so they changed it as soon as they were asked to. I'd wait to see what CR says, then a couple of days more to see if the offenders comply, but IME, CR seem to think their responsibility begins and ends with sending one email.
Thanks for the reply. I'll wait CR reply, and then after some time, will check if they are keeping full res image online.
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:11 »
I will be selling, exclusively, photographs about 21th December doomsday.
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:04 »
A bird told me that will be an 3D X
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:01 »
It depends:
If I can "shoot" 1/focal lenght or higher, with almost lens I own/use: IS Off
More battery lifetime and, with some lenses, a bit more sharp images. I've tested my sigma 120-400 @ 400mm with OS vs, handheld vs monopod, with 1/400 shutter speed. Doing some "pixel peeping" I got more sharp images with monopod and handheld with IS OFF.
Now, if i can't get enough shutter speed and low ISO, IS it's good.. at least to get a non-blurry image.
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:40 »
No problem with 0,03 $ if You had sold 2 for 27$. Bravo for this, Paulo. Anyway, 0.08 $, 0.03 $.. this is total degradation But participation in stock business is our choice, agree?
Yeah, 0,03$ is nearly a crime. But we are talking about "premier" colection ( 300k pictures ), and only if client spend all subscription. If they not spend it at all, You get higher royalties for those images, something does not happen in other agencies ( They still paying 0,20$,0,25... ). So, the best way to evaluate PS, is on the end of each year Another "funny" fact is that, some files sold on PS, never got any sale ( or even were got accepted ) in any of agency's that i'm working with. Here among us, "where nobody can listen": I should be paying to customer for every download of those "images" LOL Most people criticize these "business template", because it makes other agencies lower their prices ( IS and FT by the way ), but I'm the few one that believe that they would lower the prices any way. Moreover, regularly, I got same image sold in more than agency, on same day, with different prices: once was from 0.25$ to 131$. This means that we have enough clients for any price, and working with "very low price" agency, doesn't means that "all clients" runway to that agency on first chance. But I agree with You.. it's everyone own choice. Micro Stock is my third source of income ( second in photography business ), and i'm not working with the most salable images. More easily I stop downloading to Is, than to PS. I give more importance to the final $ income, rather than the RPD. Wow, interesting stuff thanks for sharing. I was looking at their payment page, and it states this:
"Each revenue split is based upon the number of total downloads of your images per customer per month."
Meaning what exactly - you will never know what you are supposed to be paid? Am i reading that right?
And 0.03cents in value for a sale.......really?.....iStock will be jealous.
You right. As I stated above, we only will know the final results on the end of each year, and probably we will get much of those 0,03$ downloads. But non-sub downloads are interesting.
« on: November 03, 2012, 16:51 »
Hi, Paulo,
glad that You selling on Photospin with success. How many did You uploaded ? And sold ? Photos ? Thx in advance
606 Files, 30 sold on October. 5 so far, where 2 were sold for 27$. The bad: In October 2 files hit the "infamous" 0.03$ value. Let's see how it goes on next months ( My portfolio is small and is not as "commercial" as it should be )
« on: November 02, 2012, 05:58 »
BME on SS, without any single EL, but with a big increase of OD's downloads. SS, followed by Alamy and 123RF. The big surprise: Photospin. Officially I start on 10th Oct. Even with that strange 0,09c sales, I got more than IS and DT together. Now we are on 2th Nov., and already doubled sales. Funny fact is that i'm selling my worst files there... IS, DT, FT.... almost death. Is was going well with PP sales, but nowadays is WME each month.
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:43 »
And if anyone get impressed with more than 1 agency?
« on: October 24, 2012, 05:21 »
Normally I remove "manufacturer" signs only. Talking about electric structures... I always submit them with standard "warning/security signs" and, so far, only one image was refused, because a "pole serial number"... and guess which agency was Anyway, that specific image was in fact a old wood pole for communications. I've some electric ones with serial number and are online and selling.
« on: September 11, 2012, 06:35 »
I think that any agency should:
- Announce when any new " sales strategy" will be implemented. - Get feedback of Contributors. - Then, they should provide an option to "opt-in" and "opt-out" for all those "methods". Opt-out by default.
Will be always hard manage it trough email.
About license, one EL4 means a lot of utilization possible. How we , or even DP, can be sure about their utilization?
In my particular case i got 2 PP sales, 2,64$ each, over same image ( 27/08 and 29/08 ). Now how much I could win with these two images?
BTW, I got at least 20$~30 trough PP EL's... if some agencies can do it, why DP want sale them with a ridiculous price?
Let's see how things will work in future.
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