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Messages - Elena

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Featurepics.com / Re: Anyone uploading here?
« on: February 05, 2013, 16:02 »
Hello Darryl!
I answered you 01 Feb, 03 Feb, left you a message in your correspondence box, tryid to call you (the phone number is wrong).
Today I resent my messages to your 2 email accounts. Please check out your junk box.
I was answering you to your msn account (today - to msn and gmail).
I uploaded a test image into your account 01 Feb without problems.
You can leave me your correct phone number in your correspondence box - I will call you.
Thank you, Elena, FeaturePics.com

Featurepics.com / Re: Views gone
« on: June 29, 2011, 18:59 »
Hi Elena, I noticed you didn't reply to this thread, please take a look.

I've  looked at this post.
It is better for us to save our resources for new projects, not for accepting and then deleting.
Deleting is hurting us more than "not submitting".
Thank you, Elena.

Featurepics.com / Re: Can't submit?
« on: June 29, 2011, 18:55 »
I have new files but I can't use the submit for review button.  I thought it might be ie but I tried in Firefox and can't do it from there either (since at least the weekend).  I can't find a message from them, but was this the site that is suspending uploads for a while while they fix/initiate something?
If you have the same nickname - I just tried to save one of your description (didn't send the image for review because have no info regarding your model releases). Everything looks fine to me. This week we are reviewing less images. We are working with our new API client to be ready for the release by the end of this week.
Thank you, Elena.

Featurepics.com / Re: Views gone
« on: June 14, 2011, 19:39 »
The number of clicks historical information published under My Published images has been obscuring what is happening right now. We are planning to use the same tracking mechanism to spotlight the current situation. All old data have been saved.
Thank you, Elena.

Featurepics.com / Re: Some action in FP
« on: March 30, 2011, 15:27 »
not good this month...
And how to request my earning?
Earning- > Request Payment can't work, I can press the button. I use Chrome and IE.
Hello Elwynn!
Please be sure you completed your tax form. You cannot send a payment request if the form is not completed.
Thank you, Elena.

I don't often use FTP - since I'm not often uploading large batches.
It is OK. I will release the changes for the "upload form" this week.
Thank you, Elena.


Steve, I ftp(ed) an image   -  it has all watermarks you requested. You can check "My New Images" - please delete my test image.
Are you using your FTP account? Hope you do.
And, as I said, the re-rendering process is on the way.

It's there on your test image but not on the ones I uploaded.
Steve, are you using your FTP ACCOUNT? Seems like not...

I actually e-mailed you about this a while back and you replied that my account would be set up to add the additional watermark by default - I just uploaded some test images and it still is not set up that way I must still do it manually. And I am currently going through my images one by one to add it to all images.

Steve, I ftp(ed) an image   -  it has all watermarks you requested. You can check "My New Images" - please delete my test image.
Are you using your FTP account? Hope you do.
And, as I said, the re-rendering process is on the way.

It will take too long to add the additional watermark to all the images that require it.  Can we apply it to all our portfolio?
I will rerender thumbs. It will take a few days.

Well, you can clone-out every watermark if you want, but I didn't notice this additional one.
Thanks Elena!!
Could you please explain how to make this additional watermark to be there by default?
My fault I didn't make it more obvious.
I am rerendering "isolated images" as we speak.
Then I will proceed with the rest of the portfolio.

Madelaide, it is not a new option. The option has been added long time back. May be I need to change the color of the link to red. Some Authors have the option as default.


Elena, then I missed that option completely. Where can I set it as a default? Will the new default affect all existing images?

That file is an example of one that can be easily edited, I hope the updated version will at least make things more difficult for an infractor.

Madelaide, I added more "color" to the link.
And I will leave a message for everybody to pay attention to this link.
I will set this option for you.

Elena, is it new that we can change the watermarks?

This image: http://www.featurepics.com/FI/Thumb300/20070621/Colorful-Envelope-357889.jpg
is an example that requires protection. I've just edited it and it will look like this:
( I hope the links will work)

123RF allowing us to position the WM is the only thing I like there. The best site for real WMs in Shutterpoint, because you can upload your own watermarks and choose the one that you consider more suitable for each image.  There are limited positions for them (top/center/bottom) but not much of an issue if you design several ones to cover the required area.

PS: I have done some testing and often a WM with emboss seems to work better.

Madelaide, it is not a new option. The option has been added long time back. May be I need to change the color of the link to red. Some Authors have the option as default.


Thank you, Elena.

I agree

Hello Dreamframer!

We have 3 watermarks:
- a light one to protect dark images
- a dark one to protect light images
- an additional watermark (Please check " Add an additional watermark " link on the "Edit Image" screen)

I added the additional watermark for you to check:


Thank you, Elena.

The "additional watermark" option can be set as default for all new images.

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 20:49 »
Sorry, I'm still unlcear as to our cut. Prints on the site range from $40 - $120 or so. If a buyer purchases a print for $120, what is our net from FP?

A 'Royalty-Free License' grants you non-exclusive rights to reproduce the image for a single reproduction on canvas or other material.

CD will buy image licenses behalf of their clients on our site and pay the prices stated on our site.


Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 20:42 »
Thank you Elena for your replies and for the fast interaction with Canvas Art regarding the copyright issue.

Now that we understand how the deal between FP and Canvas Art is, here are some questions:
- if the buyer orders more than one copy of a print, will CA be requested to buy multiple licenses?
- if a second separate order on the same image is done, will CA buy the image again?
- if I understood you correclty, CA is paying for a regular license, not a volume package, right?

Did you close the forum?  It doesn't load anymore.  :-\

Forum - no, we didn't close it. We are moving it to another server.

if the buyer orders more than one copy of a print, will CA be requested to buy multiple licenses - yes
if a second separate order on the same image is done, will CA buy the image again - yes
if I understood you correclty, CA is paying for a regular license, not a volume package - I cannot restrict clients to buy volume pakcages.
But it has no sense to purchase 800px/1000px images for prints.

Thank you!

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 14:51 »
I agree about copyright. Maybe we should all email Elena. My experience is that she listen to contributors..

I agree!!!

Please check out the order page now:

The Artist's name is there.

Thank you!

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 14:13 »
I agree about copyright. Maybe we should all email Elena. My experience is that she listen to contributors..

I agree!!!

I have the answer regarding the copyright issue:

"Yes, we can add the artist name on the see details order page.
We will do today. Also, we will put a note at the bottom that the artist owns all copyright. "

Thank you very much, Elena.

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 13:35 »
Since I'm not sure that Elena is reading any questions posted on the FP forum, I've email her requesting the full contributors breakdown of this new Print House venture, I'm hoping to hear from her soon with all the details...I'll keep you guys posted of any new info.

I have not seen you post....

I saw

A few questions/suggestions from Madelaide
- How much do we make from this?

50% as usual

- Isn't it possible to show our name at Canvas Art Designs? It only shows Featurepics in the credits.

I will communicate this concern to Canvas Art Designs asap.

- Why only standard prices (=microstock) are in this program?

It was a request from CanvasPrints. They are selling prints for ~$40-$50 dollars and can not purchase a digital image for $80.

Thank you, Elena.

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 13:29 »
This was suggested long ago.  I'm glad they finally implemented it.  I haven't checked the details yet (price, commissions).

Featurepics has recently partnered with Canvas Art Designs to allow turn Featurepics images into top-quality canvas prints.
Click on the 'canvas print' link by each image (only "standard price" images) and
learn more about canvas printing options available.

FeaturePics Web services (API) access to the FeaturePics Image Collection at Canvas Print:


Only available for "standard price" (=microstock) images?   :-\

If you find your image under "subjects" (for example at http://www.canvasartdesigns.com/abstracts/

it means the image HAS BEEN PURCHASED to be available for display under "Subjects".
If somebody orders a print, the High resolution image will be purchased by this company from our site.


The company is USING OUR API to show small thumbnails.
Please check the the urls - all of them are pointing to FeaturePics.com

Again, if somebody orders a print, the High resolution image will be purchased by this company from our site.

The images will be purchased for A SINGLE reproduction on canvas (only personal use).

The Business extension license will be purchased in other cases.

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 13:11 »
If the commission is nothing. I want to opt out of others buying a print made from my images. If I can't opt out, I will delete my profile. I asked about this and I am waiting for an answer.

No commissions are mentioned on the site or in a recent email to members. >:(

The printing company does not use our Purchase API. They have an account with us as a regular client.
If somebody orders a print, the image will be purchased by this company from our site.
The commission is the same 50%.

Featurepics.com / Re: FP selling prints: long awaited news
« on: May 14, 2010, 13:10 »
This is what really bothers me about microstock agents today: "Artist / Source    FeaturePics" Seems like everytime they 'share' the photographers images across to another web site, the photographer suddenly loses their own copyright notice, everything now promotes FeaturePics rather than the photographers name, plus I find it misleading, as if they own the copyright on all the images.. why bother displaying copyright on their own site, and losing it when things are shared.. can't be that hard to have Artist: myname surname Source: FeaturePics, just one of the reasons I gave up on agents!
"Artist / Source    FeaturePics" - the images that are in "galleries" HAVE BEEN PURCHASED.
If somebody orders a print, the high resolution image will be purchased by this company from our site.

Featurepics.com / Re: Anyone selling at Featurepics?
« on: January 21, 2010, 17:04 »
Hi Elena,
I think I read somewhere that you can set your own price on your site... is that true? And up to how much can you set it?
I know I'm not Elena, but she has microstock and midstock. She has set price stucture for the microstock. The midstock you can set your prices but agree that you don't have these same photos on microstock agencies. I don't remember if there is a requirement to have these midstock images on line or not. As for the midstock you can set your own price up to $75.00, unless she's changed it
That is right. Up to $100.00. Thank you Donding!

Featurepics.com / Re: Anyone selling at Featurepics?
« on: January 20, 2010, 19:44 »
I am spending 30% of my time to develop and maintain the site, 40%  - to work with old portfolios, 30% - to review.

Sorry, I did not realize that you are working alone on the site
The agency is small, but I am not alone.
We are adjusting our policies according to the site size. Less images, better quality, more support for clients.

Featurepics.com / Re: Anyone selling at Featurepics?
« on: January 20, 2010, 18:18 »
One of "liveness" signs for a site is review time. My photos are "under review" since 12/10...
Yep, I am taking time to review images. AND revising the old images our reviewers accepted earlier.
AND I am not going to accept images in "bulk".
AND we will not report 7 million images.
I am spending 30% of my time to develop and maintain the site, 40%  - to work with old portfolios, 30% - to review.

that's really GOOD NEWS. looks like you're really wanting to do a general cleanup.
you will certainly find me uploading to you again, if this is the direction you are taking.
Best of luck to FPics.

btw i have no plans to ask to delete my account. i was responding to those who were planning.
I have no choice. Clients should find what they are looking for. I put myself into this situation for a reason.
Search results - my priority for the next two months. I need to learn the portfolio (I know 40% of it only by now) and "tune" our search algorithms.
Really don't want to loose great images...

Featurepics.com / Re: Anyone selling at Featurepics?
« on: January 20, 2010, 16:50 »
Considering Elena's attitude in the past, should any of you decide to close your account before a payout, I am certain she would pay your earnings.

to conduct ourselves with professionalism is a two way street.

i have but completely forgotten about Fpics, as i joined them when they first started, and left it unattended as i felt they were too new then and still needed to get their act together.

but i also have to agree with Madelaide. even during those days when she had a whole new task and no doubt a much bigger burden on her hands , Elena had always taken the time to respond personally to my emails. and promptly too...
and in the most professional and upright manner.

i don't think  Elena is such a petty person to take what little piddly pennies accumulated before payout and run away with it should i decide to delete my account.
what would be the point?   still, i have a few other sites that have accumulated piddly earnings too, and have not seen the point of deleting my accounts there.

Elena is not like that. at least that's my impression of her.
should i choose to delete my account, i would not discredit her unfairly and unjustified,
without  first at least  writing her to ask (POLITELY).

Thank you.
The "request to close" procedure is in my "TODO" list. I don't want you to ask for money you earned.
In mean time - sorry for inconvenience. Just drop me an email.

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