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Messages - photo123

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General Stock Discussion / floating pixels in jpeg
« on: April 29, 2011, 10:11 »
Hi to all,

I have a problem about floating pixels when saved as JPEG on isolated photos.

I process with adobe camera raw, photoshop and finally convert it to JPEG. But even if i detaily clean all the edges, when saved as jpeg there becomes floating pixels around the edges. (when i push levels all the way right)

How can i avoid this?

Photo Critique / Re: critique please
« on: April 29, 2011, 06:11 »
So I shouldn't mention the purple fringing between finger and white background top left either?  ;)

:) thank you for that.
actually i have not edited the image yet.
I want to clarify if the colours on stones (maybe CA) is a problem or not?

Photo Critique / Re: critique please
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:50 »
is that the actual crop that you'll be uploading?
What is the photo of?
Is that a handbag?
If so is it going to be editorial? copyright issues?
it's a crop version of a bag, not editorial no copyright

I am only asking about the colours on the stones. Please check. Thank you.

Photo Critique / critique please
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:08 »

Can you please check this photo? in %100 there are some colour variations on the stones. Do i need to correct them or is it normal to be accepted by istock?
The image is not edited yet.

Thank you.

5 / Re: Brand bag
« on: April 27, 2011, 02:20 »

Yes I understand but surely you can find something more stimulating then an LV bag ??  how about any of the Italian sport cars and with things around it, like a football match arena in background or a Rolex watch on somebodys hand with tons of interesting stuff around?  why a dreary old bag?

It's not an LV thing specifically. The topic of the thread is "brand bag". The example i am asking is an LV bag. It could be any other brand that would be problematic with copyright issues.

6 / Re: Brand bag
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:23 »
I'm pretty sure that iStock would accept your original bag [1]. I can't see why they wouldn't accept the paper bag either: I've got a brand label carrier bag in. What's been discussed above is not about iStock but LV's apparent litigiousness.[/quote]

Thank you for reply.You are right.
But this time i am asking if the quality is ok to submit. Since the bag is made in paper. when you zoom th pic looks not clear.. which makes me confused..
I am pretty sure too that this will not have a copyright issue by the way..

Why are you so infatuated with LV ??  
Trying to shoot things around which i think may sell well.

7 / Re: Brand bag
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:53 »
Thank you for all comments.

Would istock accept this, It only is a paper bag ? Since when you zoom in 100%, looks like noisy because it's paper..

I guess this one would have no trouble as previous.

8 / Re: Brand bag
« on: April 21, 2011, 10:11 »
Thank you for comments.
Do you think a coca cola or similars are also a product shot?
My question here is whether this photo would be trouble to me with copyright?

Yes well hang on a minute!  Louis Vuittone, is a REALLY copyrighted brandname, the lot in fact, the letters LV, stand for trouble, unless you check it out, editorial or not, check it out.
Some 10 years back I was very lucky not to get into trouble with a stupid Gucci bag, I did get into trouble but bailed my way out of it by offering a dozen free shots.

can be VERY costly. So find out about it.

I'm very confused now. Please check the photo (not full size)
It's a simple bag photo but who knows i don't want to get in to trouble..

Thats NOT editorial!!  thats a product shot and pure advertising. Gotswyck is right!  no one is going to buy that. Dump it.


9 / Re: Brand bag
« on: April 21, 2011, 08:03 »
Yes well hang on a minute!  Louis Vuittone, is a REALLY copyrighted brandname, the lot in fact, the letters LV, stand for trouble, unless you check it out, editorial or not, check it out.
Some 10 years back I was very lucky not to get into trouble with a stupid Gucci bag, I did get into trouble but bailed my way out of it by offering a dozen free shots.

can be VERY costly. So find out about it.

I'm very confused now. Please check the photo (not full size)
It's a simple bag photo but who knows i don't want to get in to trouble..

10 / Brand bag
« on: April 21, 2011, 04:35 »

I am about to upload a photo of a Louis Vuitton bag as editorial to istock.
But i haven't found any brand name bags in search.

Is it forbidden to upload or no one has uploaded yet? Do you have any information regarding this?

Thank you for answers.

Photo Critique / Re: Please help with this rejection
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:39 »

Your image has plenty of issues.  I pulled your image, created a curves layer and the first thing is you can see the upper tight grey area.  That is a the main issue.  However, you also have that light gray around most of the hand, which is unclean.  Use your dodge tool, set it to something low like 10 and a good feathered edge.  Just kiss the edge of the hand and the gray will disappear.  You can do it with the curves layer on or off, but make sure you inspect the image using the curves layer.  Once the image is properly isolated, you can dump the curves layer and then save your work.

Thank you for the suggestions.Actually i didn't undertstand the part you advised me to correct. But i used dodge tool to highlight some darken parts on hand. I wonder if this works.?

Photo Critique / Re: Please help with this rejection
« on: April 15, 2011, 07:44 »
Well, i played with the dodge tool for a while.. :)
Please critique to this one compared to the rejected one..
Thank you.

Photo Critique / Please help with this rejection
« on: April 15, 2011, 06:23 »
This image got rejected from istockphoto as "The execution of isolation contains stray areas that are either too feathered or rough"

Can i correct this picture(and how) to resubmit it?
or forget about it since it is impossible to get it accepted?

I'm asking these because i have very less knowledge about editing. (Just trying to search and apply from web)

Thank you in advance for your help.

Photo Critique / Re: Photo critique please
« on: April 14, 2011, 09:42 »
Here's how you check it: Open a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and move the Brightness slider all the way to the left. Zoom in and you'll see floating pixels.
Thank you for the tip.
Is there a way to correct these floating pixels or need to shoot a new image?

I am trying to learn the acceptable quality for now. I hope in future i will shoot more creative things.
Thanks for all ideas!

Photo Critique / Re: Photo critique please
« on: April 14, 2011, 04:44 »
Ok that's clear now :)

I read that sometimes istock does not accept currencies. I wonder these would be acceptable? (Maybe after impoving light as you suggested above)

Photo Critique / Re: Photo critique please
« on: April 14, 2011, 04:36 »
"By removingthe biggest dust spots (maybe a dozen) would be time well spent, it only takes a few seconds."
You mean the sensor dusts?

Thank you for the critiques, you helped a lot!
I won't upload these. Will try to improve and reshoot images.

Photo Critique / Re: Photo critique please
« on: April 14, 2011, 03:21 »
Thank you for the comments.

About the box, i couldn't understand the problematic  part you mention.
Can you please advise more detailed? :)

Photo Critique / Photo critique please
« on: April 14, 2011, 02:34 »
Hello, i'm new to istock and trying to figure the quality out.
Can you please check and inform if the following 2 picture is acceptable or not?
Thank you.

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