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Messages - blue

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Alamy.com / Re: Alamy sale for 7 cents
« on: December 04, 2021, 05:22 »
This is liberalism

Adobe Stock / Re: suggestions for improvement / wish list
« on: November 18, 2021, 08:21 »
I completely agree with milo22, especially about the ability to search my portfolio with keywords in the dashboard.

Personally I recently realised I did not always select the right language when I upload my photos. The default language in my upload panel for the item "I'm writing title & keywords in" is french but I wright title and keywords in english. Many times I forget to change it to english and I think it is no good for my photos to show up correctly in search results, especially for searches in french... Unfortunately this information can't be modified in the dashboard for the photos already published. I sent a request to the Adobe Stock support who answered me they would ask the IT team if they can do it but for the moment (after 1 month and three reminder emails) no change.

So my request is to be able to change the Language for the title and description in the dashboard for the published photos.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy Demographic Survey
« on: November 15, 2021, 12:20 »
I did not receive this. This kind of data collection, especially by a private company, is forbidden in France.

Don't give away your personal datas to private companies, they will resell them to whoever needs personal datas to build their business. Don't feed the beast.

Which brings us back to shareholder profit - paid by the contributors.
The moral is, every Shutterstock contributor should also be a shareholder  ;)

Shutterstock.com / Re: No payment mail yet?
« on: September 07, 2021, 02:21 »
Life is random, isn't it ?
Don't panic until the 15th

Just got an email from PayPal stating the latest policy changes.
Well looks like they're going to start charging for inactive accounts starting some time in November as one of their latest policies. For us Canadians its going to be around 20 dollars. Not happy!  >:(  Every bit I work hard for and it all counts. I don't need some money hungry dirty monkey paws stealing my money.  >:(

Anyways anger and frustration aside ::), do you know if I could just log in now and again and that would solve that issue or do I have to take some other possible drastic action?

Thank you for any reply.


Did they say how they define "inactive accounts"?  That could surprise a lot of people who don't bother to read the new policy statement.
The explanation is here : https://www.paypal.com/uk/smarthelp/article/what-is-the-inactivity-fee-faq4427

Simple actions to take (...) to avoid the (inactivity) fee:
- Log-in to your account; or
- Shop wherever PayPal is accepted; or
- Send money to friends & family, or vendors for goods & services; or
- Withdraw money from your account; or
- Donate to a charity with your account

The most difficult thing actually is to be charged an inactivity fee...

Alamy.com / Re: Commission lowered to 20%
« on: August 07, 2021, 04:57 »
I don't know, until now, with distributor sales you alway got 30% of total gross, not 40% of what is left. For example, 100$ gross, distributor gets 40$, me and alamy get 30$.
JoeClemson is right.
The difference comes from the way Alamy presents the commissions in their tables. In the older table Alamy gives the global commission (70% for Alamy + Distributor => 30% for contributor) whereas in the new table they give the commission after deduction of Distributor commission (40%* for Distributor => 60%* for Alamy + Contributor). So you must understand the 40% commission for Alamy Gold contributor as 40% of the 60%* remaining. That is to say 40%x60%=24% of the licence fee. It is a well known marketing tip.

(*) Pure supposition based on the distributor commission in the older scheme as I did not find any specification for the distributor commission in the new table or contract.

Alamy.com / Re: Commission lowered to 20%
« on: August 07, 2021, 04:39 »
Can someone explain to me this percentages?

Those are all 24% my share. Is this supposed to be under new contract. I've made more than 250$ gross this year. Shouldn't I get 40% or 30% if it's distirbutor sale? Or were perecentegaes all cut on July 24th and you have to start all over again? I'm clueless.
The percentages given in Alamy's table concern the share between Alamy and the contributor after deduction of Distributor commission (40%*). So considering the License Fee, the commissions for sales via Distributors will be :
- Gold and Platinum : 40%* for Distributor, 36% for Alamy, 24% for contributor
- Silver : 40%* for Distributor, 48% for Alamy, 12% for contributor

Until July 24th these commissions were :
- 40% for Distributor, 30% for Alamy, 30% for contributor

(*) Pure supposition based on the distributor commission in the older scheme as I did not find any specification for the distributor commission in the new table or contract.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Delete a file on iStock?
« on: June 22, 2021, 10:34 »
Dear all,
Can someone explain me why I cannot delete some of my approved picture?
Or how to?
Thank you very much.
Simply open a support ticket (https://accountmanagement.gettyimages.com/Help/SupportTicket), choose "File Editing" and fill out the fields. You'll have to give a reason why you want to delete a file.

Personaly I recommend Cyberduck (Mac and PC), its free (donationware) and it works just fine with Adobe SFTP.

Thank you for that tip, Blue. I'm grateful, because this afternoon I've been spinning my wheels trying to get Filezilla to work.

I'll give Cyberduck a chance now and report back later.

REPORT: CYBERDUCK WORKS!!!  Right off the bat.

It's clunkier on my Mac than Fetch, which is super-smooth and sweet, but hey, IT WORKS!!! My images are already showing up on the AS site.

Thanks, Blue. I appreciate the tip and have even paid the requested $10 donation. Happily. :D
You're welcome Martha, I'm glad it helped.

Personaly I recommend Cyberduck (Mac and PC), its free (donationware) and it works just fine with Adobe SFTP.

Alamy.com / Re: Commission lowered to 20%
« on: May 21, 2021, 12:53 »
For anyone who's interested, there has been a reply from Alamy over on their forum:
Doesn't look like there's any chance of a rethink on commission, but some other issues are addressed to some extent.
Thanks for sharing. No further information about the distributor's share...
Well, no concrete information.  ::)
"We work with around 80 different distributors and the rate varies per partner. We always negotiate for the best deal available with each opportunity. We cannot share details of these individual contracts. We are working to add more partners to ensure we can reach as many potential customers around the world as possible. "

I've opted out of all distribution now.
Yes Ive read it, not much surprising. I stay in with distribution for now and will see in July what the share are.

Alamy.com / Re: Commission lowered to 20%
« on: May 21, 2021, 11:48 »
For anyone who's interested, there has been a reply from Alamy over on their forum:
Doesn't look like there's any chance of a rethink on commission, but some other issues are addressed to some extent.
Thanks for sharing. No further information about the distributor's share...

Alamy.com / Re: Commission lowered to 20%
« on: May 21, 2021, 09:42 »
As I understand:
Set RM and we can optout that novel or private use, which to often is used from the customers for other use and alamy is not doing anything against that
Novel Use is an additional revenue option you can opt in/out for all your port globally, RF or RM.
Private use is an option you can opt in/out for each of your RM images only.

And if I opt out in both cases: RM still makes sense? - If Alamy anyway can sell them for RF and for free?
Well, we do not know how many customer buys via this and the other way. So usual buyer on Alamy, then RM still makes sense?
RM gives you more options (restrictions actually) than RF to manage the way your images can be licensed by Alamy. So yes, RM still makes sense in my opinion.

Alamy.com / Re: Commission lowered to 20%
« on: May 21, 2021, 07:14 »
As I understand:
Set RM and we can optout that novel or private use, which to often is used from the customers for other use and alamy is not doing anything against that
Novel Use is an additional revenue option you can opt in/out for all your port globally, RF or RM.
Private use is an option you can opt in/out for each of your RM images only.

123RF / Re: 123RF: Images not reviewd for over a month
« on: May 21, 2021, 02:59 »
It happened that some of my images were not reviewed for several months. You have to get in touch with 123RF, by email or chat, to get your images reviewed, that's the way it works with them. This is one of the reasons, along with the ridiculous number of sales, why I closed my port there 2 years ago.

If I'm not wrong, considering the License Fee, the commissions for sales via Distributors will be :
- Gold and Platinum : 40% for Distributor, 36% for Alamy, 24% for contributor
- Silver : 40% for Distributor, 48% for Alamy, 12% for contributor

For now these commissions are :
- 40% for Distributor, 30% for Alamy, 30% for contributor
Can you please tell me where you see what the distributor will get?
It's not on the "Has been replaced by the following table:" chart, which would be the most logical place to put it.
I did not find this information either, I just used the current distributor's share (40%) to make the comparison.

If I'm not wrong, considering the License Fee, the commissions for sales via Distributors will be :
- Gold and Platinum : 40% for Distributor, 36% for Alamy, 24% for contributor
- Silver : 40% for Distributor, 48% for Alamy, 12% for contributor

For now these commissions are :
- 40% for Distributor, 30% for Alamy, 30% for contributor

As you know Adobe changed its market policy recently and preferred to present only best sellers' works to costumers from these countries while blocking all others.

No, I dont know. Was there any official announcement? When did the change take place?

(I did not notice any change in earnings.)
Neither do I. Can anybody post a link about this ? I found this thread talking about it : https://www.microstockgroup.com/fotolia-com/is-there-a-proble-with-adobe-stock-website/

The option below in my account is already unchecked, so that means I'm already opted out of this exciting deal right?

"Occasionally we have fantastic deals and partnerships with Alamy approved third parties, opt-in to take advantage (Dont worry, well never sell or share your details.)"
No, that's only concerning your email preferences. Alamy's ditribution scheme option is here https://www.alamy.com/distribution-terms.aspx, in the "Additional revenue options" of your Alamy dashboard.

If I'm not wrong, considering the License Fee, the commissions for sales via Distributors will be :
- Gold and Platinum : 40% for Distributor, 36% for Alamy, 24% for contributor
- Silver : 40% for Distributor, 48% for Alamy, 12% for contributor

For now these commissions are :
- 40% for Distributor, 30% for Alamy, 30% for contributor

For now FTP upload still works for me.

General Stock Discussion / Re: European Union suing Apple
« on: May 04, 2021, 07:56 »
I agree with Desintegrator, this has nothing much in common with microstock. Following a claim from Spotify, the European Commission accuses Apple of being both a distributor and a competitor in the distribution of music streaming apps through its App Store.

Is there any such option available for customer side?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock acquires Unsplash
« on: April 08, 2021, 11:00 »
So are you saying all those ads between the paragraphs, don't show if I have a better ad blocker?
Yes, like ShadySue I only see the video. I use AdGuard, it's free and much better than AdBlock.

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