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Messages - philfreez
« on: May 20, 2019, 02:47 »
This is what I received from a (faily) agency I contributed since now : Hey Luca
We've got exciting news to share regarding the future of Lendrop.Canva, the company behind the worlds most popular design editor, has acquired Lensdrop.
This means that from now on we're working together to build the worlds best modern and diverse stock photography marketplace.
If you dont know Canva yet it is an amazingly simple, free to use online design tool revolutionising the world of graphic design. With Canva you can design anything and publish anywhere.
Together we are now shaking up the world of stock photography.
Today, May 17th 2019 Lensdrop is relaunched as Canva Photos Unlimited.
This means that we are moving everything from the current Lensdrop.com website to a new website that is integrated within Canva.
It also means that we finally have enough photos to do our big launch (that we have been trying to do for three years, and that we have never given up on )
All your photos will be transferred automatically. Theres only one thing you need to do to be part of Canva Photos Unlimited: if you want to continue to upload photos, and get paid for your existing photos, you must sign up for a free Canva contributor account using the same email that you signed up for Lensdrop with (the email address you are receiving this email on): www.canva.com
Lensdrop.com will be shut down as of June 15th, 2019*. Please ensure you sign up for Canva before your account is no longer accessible. Canva is going for shopping Sent from my CLT-L29 using Tapatalk
« on: September 17, 2018, 12:53 »
I had only one footage sale in storyblock (I started with clips recently) just few weeks before the sad news of 50\50 commissions. I got 178$ from that (4k)
« on: May 24, 2018, 04:09 »
Are you happy or sad?
Well I am.... normal? my final monthly income in $ has not had major changes (thanks to the best sellers and the new footage activity) but I am just a little worried about my new content cause new content means growth.. I'm simply trying to understand the reason
« on: May 24, 2018, 03:37 »
Hello guys, since one month and an half I've noticed two unusual (for me) facts:
- sales from my new images are dropping down in a way that I never experienced from 3 years of activity or so; - on the other hand, some old photos* that maybe did not sell almost anything have suddenly started selling modestly like never did before..
I've changed nothing in my production 'style', neither in keywording, quality and quantity. The only different thing I've done since dec 2017 is to start with footage uploads.. I know that in recent times SS has made some changes to their algorithm and the first thing I've noticed is the disappearance of the "relevance" tab in the search engine. Maybe I've posted only bad subjects for more then a month but it still looks strange for me, the other agencies (9) are keeping their usual sales levels with the same portfolio and the same new pictures...
Maybe the problem is just me but I'd like to know if something similar happened to you too
*oh, and my old best sellers still sells really good
« on: May 24, 2018, 03:20 »
sold my first 4k clip on May 17 at Storyblocks, I have only 100 clips cause I started with footage from december 2017 . Since december I've sold 7 fullHD clips (not only at Storyblocks), but a 4K sale for 199$ has been a really nice surprise!
« on: April 12, 2018, 02:59 »
recently I submitted 4 clips and 3 images to SS. The clips has been reviewed and putted online properly. for the images I have the following issues: I can't see them neither in pending neither in rejected. From this fact I will gather that my pics has been approved, but after 2 days I can't see them in my portfolio... Yesterday I uploaded another image and I've never saw it in the pending tab (even if I received the email with the batch id) I usually upload all my stuff with stocksubmitter and never had a problem with SS but today I tried to re-submit the same file as yesterday from the web dashboard... and now I see it in pending...
« on: October 16, 2017, 07:46 »
Why does Alamy make it so hard to upload images? The old way worked fine for me. What about you fellow photographers? Thanks.
I use FTP
« on: October 09, 2017, 09:18 »
I'm in, but not sales at all
« on: July 11, 2017, 08:08 »
3. The term "Suviana" will go to the valid keyword list. It is marked with an asterisk (*) indicating it's not a Getty CV term.
Normally, searching for the word "Suviana" should show up the image.
thanks for this Franky! didn't know that! for the items I've uploaded in the past months i'm opening tickets asking them to add missing keywords both to the dictionary and to my pictures. thank you for the support!
« on: July 11, 2017, 03:48 »
As dumc already said , you should check quality before uploading so large volume of images. Many ppl do this activity from many years and they have not yet reached the 100.000 milestone. It needs patience and time. I suggest you to be very selective and choose only the ones with sale potential and then check them all at the 100% of resolution searching for high iso noise or a not very good sharpness. Correct them all and check your keywords really carefully cause is not secondary in my opinion. I am slow and in 2 years (with at least 1 hour a day ) I have circa 1000+ items for sale on 10 agencies... but with a good sale rate . Good luck anyway
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
« on: July 05, 2017, 02:11 »
Hello, this is an old problem and not only of the new deepmeta. example: I have a picture of a little lake near my city in Italy. My city is "Bologna", the lake is called "Suviana". Well, I have this picture of the lake: http://www.istockphoto.com/it/foto/suviana-lake-autumn-bologna-emilia-romagna-italy-gm623301170-109276975While this image sells good on SS, FT etc, I never sold one at IS. When I search for "suviana" on I stock I find other pictures (and not indicative of the only suviana's landmark that is the lake) with no trace of my (imho) indicative picture. Here the search for Suviana: http://www.istockphoto.com/it/immagine/suviana?excludenudity=false&page=1&phrase=suviana&sort=bestI find my picture searching for "bologna lake", two keywords that already exist in the IS dictionary and the pic is laying in the middle of many Bologna city images (obviously). Now the point is: really few ppl will search for Suviana lake by searching "Bologna lake". There are no lakes at all in Bologna so it doesn't make any sense :| I have many 'niche' places of Italy in my port and In past I wrote many times to IS asking for add keywords. I wrote down to them for every new local word and they always added for me what I asked. This was a little time consuming but at least I had my pictures correctly indexed. Some month before the 'revolution' on IS they stopped to answer me (and I am a little upset with the new royalty structure to still investing too much time on IS). So what I am asking to you is: - there is a way to add local tags to the images? (without writing to them and waiting everytime their answer before uploading) PS: inb4 "why people still upload on IS"...I still upload on Istock cause after SS and FT it still (for me) the agency with most sales at all (even with the crappy keywording and the new royalty system)
« on: June 22, 2017, 05:01 »
I wonder if this sort of glitch has anything to do with me not being able to even log IN to my account. It's been this way for a few days now. Weird.
try to wrote to them
« on: June 20, 2017, 07:07 »
Hi  this is the mail i received today: Hi Luca Apologies for the inconvenience. This is was due to a technical issue we experienced whilst freezing your account. This has now been rectified and all your images are back in your account. all my pictures has been restored! false alarm!
« on: June 19, 2017, 11:51 »
Hi, on friday night I had an attempt to password reset from someone that was not me (I was sleeping). I wrote down this thing to alamy and they 'closed' my account (no login permission) for the entire weekend to investigate the thing. As they said in the message today I'm able to login again
and... I found plenty of my pics deleted without any (given)reason, even many old ones. All of these pictures has been deleted on June 17 (saturday)... I am worried (and a little upset as you can imagine) and I just wrote to alamy again to ask what is happening... Maybe it is temporary? I read that if the photo is already online it takes 180 days to delete it, and 24 hours if not online and just passed QC
do you have similar experiences? sorry for my eng
« on: February 14, 2017, 05:16 »
today I got mine too
« on: February 10, 2017, 05:35 »
As for the messed up keywords. You can fix this as follows:
1. Go to your online ESP profile: https://esp.gettyimages.com/app/profile 2. Select "English" as your keywording language 3. Log out and in again on the ESP site
Going back to DeepMeta, your keyword suggestions should be sane. This worked for me; please report if this fixes things for you as well. Thanks!
you saved me, ty!
« on: February 05, 2017, 06:30 »
I downloaded DMv3 and I logged in with my old credentials ( mail not yet received  ) I dont understand something: 1- location box is not optional...even for a picture who don't need to be localized? 2- why I'm forced to create a batch even when I need to upload just a picture? 3- I can no longer sort keywords by relevance? I used to to so in the past versions 4- I can't see any Editorial box...you just need to put proper editorial caption end the reviewer will understand? and more confusing for me: 4- you still need to refine keywords one by one (  ) but the dictionary seems pretty messed up imo for example: picture of some kid's silverware word "cutlery" -> only option is "Louis de Caullery", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_de_Caulleryword "couple" -> only option is "Couples Retreat" , a movie word "towel" -> only option is "Niente Velo per Jazira" , the italian title for the movie "towelhead" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Towelhead_(film) once you checked the 'proper' definition it become the keyword ( so the final word for the keyword towel is forced to be "Niente Velo per Jazira"?! what..) it also seems that the new deepmeta is localized automatically (no more need to change language when you put a new keyword). I am italian and the dictionary seems to understand this ...but It makes me further caos cause I always tag with metadata and in english language and the software seems to use strange and fanciful interpretation of terms... Maybe I should stop uploading for a while and see when things will return to a sort of "normality"
« on: August 05, 2016, 04:41 »
Imho you need to change the keywords order. I think that Fotolia indexing system is based on the first keywords and not the title
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
« on: July 19, 2016, 02:59 »
Istock show Subs and PP sales one month after the effective sale... Only istock non subs sales are in real time like all other agencies.. I realized only when I started using StockPerformer. Eg. I have to wait the end july to know all my IS sales of june :/
Anyway, the contributor dashbord on Istock is a mess, I am using stockperformer for this reason too!
Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
« on: June 30, 2016, 16:48 »
If their amazing script consider spam repeated words like "the" or "to" anyone here who have an editorial picture with proper caption written in a correct grammar is an evil spammer
« on: June 30, 2016, 15:50 »
« on: June 30, 2016, 15:11 »
this is what I wrote on SS forum about that: Hi, I received it too and I'm calming down just now that i read all your answers to this thread. Sometimes I edited my titles, its TRUE and let me say that is NORMAL in my opinion to review some wrong indexing sometimes (expecially for old ones when you was a newbie on indexing), and moreover there is a proper option on SS do to it, so WHAT? Anyway...I am almost sure I do not have repetitive words in titles, or maybe I have few for mistake? I don't know! And thats the point: The email was too generic! If you accuse someone to somewhat you need to be detailed imho! ...also because I have a small portfolio, just 510 images (and I can still control one by one if i'm really paranoid)...but I can imagine the anxiety of those who may have more than 5,000 photos or more! Cmon guys, this is not professional, I hope for a simple 'mass-mistake'! April 1 has passed for quite some time now and irony of fate tomorrow Is my birthday...But thats not the kind of gift I expected from SS!
« on: May 10, 2016, 06:36 »
Never had single sale on CanStock. I'm in from august 2015, now I have like 400 images in sale on CanStock... I sell the same pictures on others low earners too like Deposit of BigStock.. and I have sales... I'm still uploading to CanStock cause their indexing system is fast and painless...otherwise I would have already drop it.
if you want to accept advice from another noob: try SH, Fotolia, iStock first of all..
« on: March 11, 2016, 10:21 »
Is it faster than 123rf? (they are the fastest i know!)
imho: yes. basically if you upload your pictures with already filled metadata and you don't have to attach any release its just a click away to send to curator... Select all > send...fast and painless. In my experience, they're fast in reviewing too... but not in selling
« on: March 11, 2016, 10:14 »
As someone else said: the good thing about indexing it that I learn lot of things and new words. Most of the times I see it as an enrichment of my personal vocabulary and since I am not a native English speaker for me it is almost an advanced foreign language course ...And actually for me the entire microstock in general is a great school of photography, thanks to the hated-but-useful rejections bythe reviewers. So until I still learn something I don't get really bored... Except with large batches, of course... But for now I have limited time to dedicate to micro ( new dad here  and my little brand new model need care as well as photoshoots eheh )..So for now is a matter of small batches (except when I subscribe to a new agency)
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