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Messages - izustun

Pages: [1]
it is my fault. i'm shooting flat profile lately  :-[ I'm trying to fix this for my new stock videos. thank you for your observation :)

Hi everybody.
I'm taking stock videos exclusive for Istock since 2014. At this moment i have over 900 videos on this agency. I started this job exclusive and i continued exclusive until yesterday. In last one year sales going really bad. I thought this reason push me to  working as a non-exclusive contributor.
In first step i will send videos to Shutterstock, Pond5 and Videoblocks. But i'm not sure this decision is right or not? On last one year my istock sales down to 4/10 of my avarage sales at 2015. What are you thinking guys?

Software - General / Re: For uploading multiple agencies
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:05 »
i tried stockuploader but i couldn't find how to upload model releases?

Software - General / For uploading multiple agencies
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:01 »
hi everybody
I'm looking for a program to upload my images to different agencies.I tried prostockmaster but i can't create an account.So i'm looking for a program which has a easy interface.I dont know anything about FTP system.I'm using Deepmeta for istock and looking like this.

Pages: [1]


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