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Messages - Erin Cadigan
« on: November 12, 2024, 07:42 »
Any updates on this? I'm in the process of possibly applying to submit work there, but I can't find very much info on if others are successful!
What would you like to know?
I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth it to submit there. I applied through their non-exclusive option, but when I received the email and contract back, it was all written in exclusive terms. I emailed them for clarification, since I'd really like to still offer any accepted images to Alamy and Arcangel too. I also want to have the option to sell prints on FAA. They responded that they would check and get back to me, but I never heard back.
I'm torn between submitting work and having it locked into a five year contract if accepted. I'm doing mostly nature and wildlife now, so although I sell some of it on micro, I feel like there may be other options. Any thoughts or new experiences would be appreciated!
I wasn't aware that RH had a non-exclusive option, must be new. Anyway, I'm exclusive there and have been since 2017.
I had some impressive earnings reports back then, one quarter I even earned $500 from just 100 images. Encouraged, I uploaded more but the earnings report became less and less...until I stopped uploading altogether for about two years until a quite impressive earnings report once again that gave me some motivation but like that flirty hot woman at the club who then ghosts you the next days RH has just been disappointing with quarterly reports around the $30-50 range with microstock-sized prices for individual sales.
Now I'm at 615 exclusive images and send them mostly drone panos - https://www.robertharding.com/alexandrerotenberg/
I don't blame RH directly though as they just distribute to some 80 different agencies, including print sellers. It's a tough market. Their cut is steep but they also do all the distribution work and keywording.
You say you do mostly nature and wildlife, I can't say whether you'd do well. You can always upload some 100 images and after a year see if you've had some sales and then make a decision on whether to commit more.
There's also no conflict with licensing at RH and on POD as long as POD isn't licensing.
Arcangel are another beast and I don't think they're taking on any new contributors.
Hope this helps!
Thank you! That was very helpful. So if my thoughts are correct, RH is more of a high end distribution agency. Yeah, I had some covers with Arcangel years back but the past two have been crickets. The last batch I submitted (wildlife), was completely declined, but they aren't really that type of agency. I submitted an initial batch with RH and I'll see what happens!
« on: November 10, 2024, 13:43 »
Any updates on this? I'm in the process of possibly applying to submit work there, but I can't find very much info on if others are successful!
What would you like to know?
I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth it to submit there. I applied through their non-exclusive option, but when I received the email and contract back, it was all written in exclusive terms. I emailed them for clarification, since I'd really like to still offer any accepted images to Alamy and Arcangel too. I also want to have the option to sell prints on FAA. They responded that they would check and get back to me, but I never heard back. I'm torn between submitting work and having it locked into a five year contract if accepted. I'm doing mostly nature and wildlife now, so although I sell some of it on micro, I feel like there may be other options. Any thoughts or new experiences would be appreciated!
« on: October 28, 2024, 08:50 »
Any updates on this? I'm in the process of possibly applying to submit work there, but I can't find very much info on if others are successful!
« on: July 30, 2024, 06:37 »
I just started submitting and have a small portfolio up with Cavan Images. There isn't a lot of information to be found from the photographers who work with them! Does anyone here work with Cavan and what are your thoughts?
« on: July 27, 2024, 15:33 »
I'm so annoyed at myself for not submitting last year. I would have had it again. Bah!!!! Next year I'm golden - just hope Adobe keeps offering it! Great program!!!
« on: July 27, 2024, 10:02 »
No official word on this, I guess?
I've been with Adobestock/Fotolia since 2007 and I don't recall it ever taking this long. Like I've said before, no issue with editorials/AI being approved.
I hope they don't stop accepting new content like Bigstock did.
« on: July 25, 2024, 08:24 »
You submitted them as ai illustrations?
Today I had one file accepted in 5 minutes, the others are still waiting. Same yesterday.
Some illustrations go very, very fast others take much longer.
Also had 6 ai photos accepted much faster while others are now at 12 days.
I cant really see that there is anything special about the ones that go through faster. They also dont sell better than the rest.
But I am grateful for everything that goes through quickly.
Videos also have a very reasonable turnaround.
pngs are over 1 month.
Havent tried uploading regular photos, have a huge backlog there.
Maybe there is some ai running in the background based on customer searches. And perhaps the files are in some needed category?
But I really dont know, a lot of my content is very generic.
I submitted them as AI photos. I've had a few random commercial photo images rejected recently, but the rest of the creative work is just sitting there. I'm not sure if the rejected ones were automatically rejected for some reason or if a human reviewer did it!
« on: July 25, 2024, 07:11 »
I just started playing around with AI, submitted two images yesterday, and they are already accepted and in my port.
Editorial takes a day tops. Commercial work is still sitting for over a week.
« on: July 24, 2024, 11:58 »
can't possibly be much longer
This is scaring me! I just started submitting again last week after a few years and was wondering when my commercial work would get reviewed. Are they just backed up or are they not accepting anymore?
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:28 »
If you want to try ai, midjourney would probably be the best engine for you.
I think you will actually enjoy the process, because you save a lot of time. You will still need to rework the finals in photoshop, but once you have some good prompt strings, you can really focus more on being creative and developing ideas.
And for your type of content I dont think it will take very long.
I figured I would give it a go! Thank you for the recommendation. I'm afraid I am having too much fun with this!!! Here is what I'm working on:
« on: July 24, 2024, 05:46 »
Well, I took a chance... Add me to the list of those rejected by Stocksy. It was still a bit sad opening that email, but having done this for the past 17 years, I'm no stranger to rejection! I was rejected by Shutterstock at least five times over the course of many years. Trevillion rejected me three times and I gave up, while Arcangel worked out much better. I can't forget all of the many many images rejected over the years as I was learning what to do, and not to do.
Just lamenting a bit!
Anyone have success applying again? When I returned to stock and saw it listed as the new top agency, I was intrigued!
« on: July 24, 2024, 05:23 »
The image you provided would be quite easy to generate with ai.
And since Adobe is your favorite marketplace, why not avoid the public domain issue and just create similar content with ai.
I do see the irony, because ai companies have scraped everything, including all public domain images.
I am not familiar with doing anything with AI images yet! The one I created took time a lot of time in Photoshop. I have a series of them, so this saddens me a bit. Yes, it is ironic, since there are similar images created with AI that clearly use some of the PD images that I have used in certain pieces. (In addition to ones that aren't AI, like I said in my other reply) I guess part of it would be that they can't go on the photographer's word that they are, in fact, using true PD images. Oh well, back to the drawing board!!!
« on: July 24, 2024, 05:20 »
Everything you upload should be made by you (and you should therefore own the copyright), uploading derivatives and public domain images is not allowed.
It is strongly recommended to carefully read the submission guidelines of each agency. Adobe's guidelines can be found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/submission-guidelines.html
Yes, I've seen this in the guidelines. What confused me was finding other similar-type images using public domain content with a simple search - not even AI work. It kind of makes it seem like they may allow derivative types of work, but not straight up selling of a PD image (which I also see on certain sites). I guess I'll keep things status quo and just offer these images elsewhere!
« on: July 23, 2024, 09:52 »
Good morning!
I haven't posted in years, and actually just recently started resubmitting to stock after having everything running in the background for a while. I have created many derivative pieces and compilation pieces using vintage public domain images in the past few years. I sell them as downloads on Etsy, and they are mostly digital paper and scrapbooking types of things - mostly Halloween-related. My question is, which stock sites will allow them, and what special caption would I need to apply? I should mention that they are NOT AI in any way, shape or form, and were all created in Photoshop. Adobe Stock is my top earner, so they would be my first choice to submit.
The attached photo is my photo as the background, but the ghosts were from old PD images.
Any advice is helpful and appreciated!
Thank you,
« on: January 24, 2020, 12:29 »
I'm debating whether or not to keep the "Pro" subscription. I discovered that there is an Adobe discount of two free months (per year I think) of the photographer's package. I used the code and Adobe created two months, so there'e $20. What are the other true benefits though? I recall hearing people talk about getting license requests through their Flickr accounts. Are there any plans for Flickr to introduce their own licensing program? Thoughts?
I think that Flickr rumor about licensing has died with the sale to Smugmug, but maybe not? I mean a tie in with prints, would make sense, but for stock, the market doesn't seem to be open for new agencies and growth. Only way DP made it was paying people 50c an upload, and filling their collection. Which you can guess is all the same images that the top agencies already had, from the same people.
After that, commission changes, price drops, they are down in the has been sites with 123RF and the rest. What I mean is, there just isn't a demand or place in the market for another general stock agency. POD, why not? They have everything in place for that?
Reason for answering. Get 300 accepted on Adobe and you get a free year of Adobe CC. 
Yes!!!! I didn't submit enough to AS the past few years to get the free year. This year, since allowing editorial, I've already passed the requirement. Hopefully they'll continuing offering it!
« on: January 23, 2020, 20:48 »
I'm debating whether or not to keep the "Pro" subscription. I discovered that there is an Adobe discount of two free months (per year I think) of the photographer's package. I used the code and Adobe created two months, so there'e $20. What are the other true benefits though? I recall hearing people talk about getting license requests through their Flickr accounts. Are there any plans for Flickr to introduce their own licensing program? Thoughts?
« on: January 11, 2020, 11:51 »
As a best practice, list the most important keyword first, the second most keyword second, etc. Once you get to keyword 11, the weight in search is pretty light as I understand it so it's less important you post the remaining keywords in order.
Another important note...I received confirmation that updating the keyword order on files that have been online for a while will not have much, if any impact on the search results.
Thanks for that, Mat, especially the info in the 2nd paragraph.
I've been wondering if doing that might make a difference, but it would be a lot of work. I'm happy to know I don't need to bother with it. 
I've been wondering this I've looked at some of my older images with alphabetical keywording, etc. Would it work to delete some of these older images, especially ones that sell well elsewhere, then reupload them with better keywording?
« on: January 11, 2020, 10:38 »
I still upload to Alamy even though it can be slow. I find the uploading process easy and then if I have some free time I tweak the keywording etc. The only thing I do immediately is tag the images as editorial if necessary. I've found Alamy's customer service pretty cool. They reached out to me not long ago about a customer that wanted to use an editorial image for a wall piece. I was able to lift the editorial status so the customer could download it, and I made a nice chunk of change. So, they're quite nice there and I'll stick with them since they pay well for the images that do get sold, even if they only sell occasionally!
« on: January 11, 2020, 10:30 »
For quite a while Bigstock has been reviewing the quickest, in my experience. I've had things reviewed literally within minutes. Dreamstime is way faster than it used to be, for sure.
« on: January 11, 2020, 10:29 »
Footage rejections at Shutterstock are totally random, at least it seems it is like that. I have some iPhone footage accepted (even if it is not totally noiseless) and lot of videos from great full frame camera rejected for noise (and there is really no noise). Basically, I would recommend to shoot at 4K with iPhone and submit that as Full HD.
Before you make any big moves with your equipment, workflow or anything, try to resubmit those same footages again a couple of days later. No need to edit or change anything. Shutterstock reviewing process is so random these days, the AI can be incredibly good and incredibly stupid at the same time, so it's impossible to predict the outcome. That's why I always wait a day or two, maybe submit a new batch, before I give it a new shot for those rejected footages or photos. Most of the times they are all approved faster than I can say "Microstock - not worth it"! 
Thank you for your information! I was wondering about random rejections and trying to resubmit. Since I'm new to the footage game, I've actually decided to apply to Pond5 for exclusive video status. They've accepted the few I have right away and I'll see how I fare there before trying to go crazy submitting elsewhere.
« on: January 10, 2020, 09:08 »
Thank you! Yeah, I know...it's just easy compared to shooting with my old 5D Mark II, which I had not desire to use for video! I've been switching to 4K when recording, hoping for great quality, but they were taken inside, so it definitely could be lighting. I'll have to shoot something outside and see if I don't still get the same rejection. Thank you for the app recommendation. I really know nothing about shooting footage or editing it right now. Need to learn!!!
« on: January 10, 2020, 08:17 »
So I've been submitting stock for almost 13 years, but just (really just) decided to start attempting to do some footage. I've recorded some super boring clips on my new iPhone 11 pro max, just to see if they meet the technical requirements. My first two clips were accepted to Adobe, but apparently they are missing some of the tech requirements for SS, and not simply because they're boring cooking footage! I initially received a rejection for it "resolution/aspect ratio." I went back into the editor and adjusted it to a 16:9 format. The same one was rejected again for that reason after changing it. I also had rejections for noise/artifacts, etc. I can easily see these errors in my photos, but I'm missing it in the videos. Does anyone here use an iPhone for shooting footage and what settings to you use to insure suitable quality. I really want to capture some more footage but not until I stop with the rejections. What am I missing?
« on: January 11, 2017, 09:02 »
The same exact thing happened to me last night. I woke up to an entire batch rejected due to file size. Is there a need to downsize due to new requirements or something or was it a glitch?
« on: June 30, 2016, 14:12 »
Glad I'm not the only one. Very perturbed considering how many years I worked to get onto SS. I corrected a recent few where I inadvertently used the same description for a set of food photos. Some very slightly different. BUT, I have no repetitive words and I don't spam. I hope they will clarify, because I have over 1000 images in my port...I can't possibly review every one...that was done already when I submitted them!
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:15 »
Same problem here, with both FTP and web uploads. Worst thing is, when I try to add the missing data to the already uploaded image, it usually doesn't allow the additions. When I click save, the same window reappears without the data...
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