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Messages - MB2B
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« on: November 11, 2013, 00:37 »
Like last year. I'm quite certain they plan to release videos that you can pay to see of all the sessions and events after the weekend is over.
Will be charged the same $90? As a viewer I find this an exorbitant amount. Even more for not being live! But if I have to wait 01 week I can wait a little longer and get free information on the Internet that are useful to me. Surely if the value was less than the U$20 the audience would be much higher. Remember: we are not talking about a live show! There are several live attractions which the pay per view ticket, costs less than half the amount charged for the replay of this small event. Perhaps, the agencies could sponsor free distribution on YouTube. That would be a good strategy to publicize their commodities. If they invest so much in this war on google etc. .. why not spend a few more pennies and do something nice for the contributors. Otherwise it seems that all came together to to suck the blood of contributors in every possible way!
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:08 »
Hey Luis, this was a blood good Sunday! This month looks like it will be the worst month of all. So far this month, SS alone barely made a little more than 500 bucks/800 downloads. I'm looking forward for on demand, enhanced ans single & others downloads
« on: November 10, 2013, 06:24 »
I wonder what contributors expect from the Mexpo.
A good party ;-)
Ok, this one is a good reason :-)
On the more serious side - meeting people and networking (as business cliche as that sounds) and sharing and listening to ideas is one of the bigger things I get out of conferences like this.
On the other serious side, for about U$ 638 plus costs of travel and accommodation for those who do not live in Berlin, I'd better do it (meeting people and networking) right here in MG, for free. Here is the best place to "meeting" people and network. Thank you Leaf for that. May not be right but from the point of view of the contributor, what's the point in paying so much? The vast majority of microstock contributors even ever got the value of the registration fee. Lee, might be better if you had planned to charge a small fee for watching the live event. Even if not actually live but with delay that allowed us to follow the event. This would be great and would be an option for many of us. And the event would have far greater impact.
« on: November 10, 2013, 01:25 »
Quais os microstocks que voce contribui? e quantas imagens vc tem em cada?
Ol Monica, td bem? Tomara que muitos outros somem-se a voc a tambm apaream por aqui. Ento, voc do Rio ou de Sampa, ou ao menos do Brasil? Eu contribuo para todos os TT, MT com exceo do Pond5 e alguns LE. Tenho em torno de 1000 imagens em cada c/exceo do iStock onde so por volta de 500. Tudo na rea de people e lifestyle... O retorno que obtenho somente com microstock ainda est na casa dos 04 dgitos. Shutterstock continua sendo o que proporciona o melhor retorno. Porm proporcionando pouco mais de U$2.000 por ms no fica longe do royalties pagos pelos demais Top Tier. Istock um caso a parte. Embora de um retorno em torno de U$1500, cada vez invisto menos tempo nele. E vocs? com certeza devem existir algum carioca ou paulista, ou mesmo algum brazuca que queira trocar ideias a respeito da realidade brasileira na produo de contedo para a indstria de micrcostock.
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:20 »
Vamos ficar em contato?
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:05 »
Just be warned that providing such details numbers and screenshots is against SS TOS. Just saying. And what you have achieved with 1k images, is unbelievable. You must have brilliant images. Are you a vector artist or illustrator?
Ron, I have no idea about that. Sad, I shared these pictures with the hope to help us understand a little better our industry. Is it possible to delete them? Anyway I am very grateful for your advice. By the way, I am a photographer. I work alone. I hire one or two assistants when I cant carry it all myself. I wish my budget would allow me to hire a larger number of assistants, models and extras. ☺ Dear hjalmeida, about their algorithms, I am not sure about how this works. I did not find a strong relation between downloads and monthly income. Perhaps both my numbers as the estimated period are very small. The fluctuation in the number of downloads (around 200) may also have been negligible. Like I said, I suck with statistics. But a greater or smaller number of on demand, enhanced, and single & others downloads had a huge impact on my earnings. It would be great if there was some way to predict these kind of downloads. Hopefully increasing the portfolio will be a synonym of increasing the monthly income. Cause that is what I plan to do. It would be great if the production of this months helps minimize my usual bad performance on the next quarter (December, January and February).
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:52 »
you are doing just fine MB2B, I am sure you in the top 250, perhaps lower
with 1k files and averaging over 2145$/month in the last two years we are the ones that need lessons not you
it seems there was a bug and the same picture came several times .. I guess I'm not in a position to teach anything. Really. But I'm glad to share our experiences. I not even sure if there is trend of lowering the monthly income. As I wrote I would be very, very happy if you guys could share some thoughts about the relation between upload and income... Luis, I appreciate your kindness in answering. Thanks.
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:27 »
unimpressive? you have a 1k portfolio doing over 2k $ just at SS, guess you must be joking
I think its 1k at SS, 2k in total .
that looks like SS only, at least looking at the picture provided
Yes Luis, I mean SS alone.
But my point is that with all the metrics offered by the agencies and by the services that provide statistics, I can't even visualize the future in the medium term.
When I check my numbers I can't guess what's happen.. I can't even find a relation between monthly downloads and monthly income.
I also didn't find relation also between upload and monthly income.
The months in which I did less if any uploading, were the months in which made more money.
The months I made more uploads were the months in which earned less.
So what?
I have no idea!
But I can tell that I still believe in the formula: increase production is equal increase monthly income.
So, once again, If is possible take a lesson out of this numbers, please let me know. I would be very grateful.
YES, my numbers are unimpressive. At least for me. I'm just a photographer who works alone and hire assistant when I can't carry all the stuffs. But despite the current trend of lowering the monthly income and despite the contradictions that I found looking at my own numbers I still believe the if I produce more I will earn more.
« on: November 06, 2013, 04:58 »
I thank you all for taking your time and sharing information. For not being fluent in English, I apologize in advance for grammatical slips. I am just another unknown micro photographer with an unimpressive performance, trying to survive. I am new to the forum and I am also beginner in MS, as I am contributor a little over two years. My portfolio is about 1000 files, except in iStock where I have around 500. I do uploads seasonally and it has been hard to establish any parameters. The statistics provided by different agencies did not say much. I'm not sure if these statistics show a trend in the industry or just reflect my bad luck/performance alone. Anyway I'm terrible in metric or Statistics and here in MG exist a multitude of minds able to do something useful with these numbers, (at least more than me). Shutterstock offered me a slightly better return than other Big 4 and the Middle Tier agencies. Except iStock that has deteriorated (in every way) month by month. Aaarrrgh! If is possible take a lesson out of this numbers, please let me know. I would be very grateful.. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9881/cj3q.jpg] [url]http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9881/cj3q.jpg[/url]
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