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Messages - dino

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Same, extra 100+ without a sale.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 500px huge sales potential ;)
« on: January 14, 2022, 00:21 »
Same here.
After the $0.02 sale in December, another "Congrats, you've made a sale" for $0.01 this time  :o :o

Time to pull out those few photos left there ....

General Stock Discussion / Re: How do you keyword?
« on: October 13, 2020, 03:08 »
I use dropstock and generate kw from titles/descriptions for all batch and just screen/edit them manually  ;)

0.10 and 0.14 here too  >:( >:(
few 0.38 subs, pretty dead day for  me!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Cannot connect with SS server
« on: April 22, 2020, 05:05 »
It says your file is more than 4GB ...

If this is true, only you know.

New Sites - General / Re: Is PressFoto dead or alive?
« on: November 19, 2019, 04:11 »
I've uploaded a batch of my portfolio ~2 y ago to give it a try.
They stopped the uploads almost a year ago, had few small sales in the beginning, but nothing after.

It seems pretty dead in last year.
Yes, it is a Russian agency otherwise.

Lots of refunds too! Yes, they seem to be from Australia.

Can someone explain this?
(CALIFORNIA)   0.00   Mar-2019   31-Dec-2018   Fixed Usage Fee       iStockphoto

Seen it in many photo stats ... 0.00  :o

RPD 0.12$

iStockPhoto.com / Re: July stats
« on: August 20, 2019, 15:13 »
My RPD for this month is $0.12 ... bunch of 0.05 and 0.04 and 0.03 sales  :o >:(
happy that I don't have all of my portfolio there, just a tiny bit ...

Adobe Stock / Re: Change to sales notification email
« on: March 13, 2019, 06:01 »
I see nothing wrong with one daily email, but the content is totally useless. I would rather see the breakdown of sales, not a total + bestseller. I want to know what files are selling, not only one best seller.

I miss seeing the stream of recent sales with $$ as soon as I lend on contributor page. I just want to know what was sold and for how much and when I can request the $$ (would be nice to have this automated too.) It's possible to see on Adobe, but I need to click 5 times and there is no way to bookmark it as the date get saved into url.

I haven't been submitting files over Adobe yet, so can't really comment on this.

Stopped: deposit, istock (removed most of my photos), yaymicro, Crestock, Pantermedia, Bigstockphoto, Mostphotos, GL, Photodunde. Gave a try to many of them with batch of photos.

General Stock Discussion / Re: A detailed list of stock agencies
« on: December 11, 2018, 05:23 »
Thanks for comments, gonna update the mistakes! Will try to add more things in the future csv is a good tip  ;)

General Stock Discussion / A detailed list of stock agencies
« on: December 10, 2018, 14:50 »

we made a detailed list of 100+ stock agencies (photo, vectors and footage), including royalty & subscription rates, license types & editorial files and library size.


The difference between uploading one video to each agency is that if your video takes 2 days to upload on your connection - multiply that with the number of the agencies you're submitting to or by distributing it via dropbox (+ dropstock) where you upload only once and dropstock takes it from your dropbox and distributes it all around. But yes, you still need to upload it ...

Yes, the files in your dropbox are private to you, unless you share them. But you can reach them via the mobile app or their borwser interface.

dragonblade: give dropbox another try, works really nice on crappy connections too. Maybe try to sync few smaller files in the beginning and check the setting on your (desktop) dropbox.

PS: I'm one of the creators of dropstock :)

General Stock Discussion / Re: PhotoCase---Any sales?
« on: April 24, 2018, 04:51 »
They are looking for photos of very unique style. Most of your photos that you submit to other microstostock gonna be rejected. Once you have 100 photos accepted, the daily upload limit increases to 100/day. Good thing it, you can upload via dropbox and just put the photos in their folder and they import what your daily limit is ..

Is it worth? Well, I definitely made way more $$ than on some other low earners with just 5-10% of my port there. My RPD is higher than on most of the other agencies. What I don't like, that other contributors can download the photos for free (for each accepted photo you get some credits you can use to "buy" other files), but well I sometimes use photos from there too.

Edit: I have a few sales there every month.

I got few of those around a year ago.. sadly they were all refunded within a week. Never asked for an explanation, but surely was a fraud. :(

I also synced my account when AS was launched, but never used it. I'm used to Fotolia and I really like the stats there!

General - Stock Video / Re: Uploading 4K files while traveling
« on: January 26, 2018, 03:50 »
I use https://dropstock.io for uploading photos, works with videos too. Free for now.

Disclaimer: I'm part of the team (:

I did that for awhile and they send me couple of "warning" emails that my images don't have the categories ..
Now I don't submit all the pictures to them, I don't have much sales there compared to other "top" agencies.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: ESP September royalty statement available
« on: October 20, 2017, 07:50 »
I got 3 sales for 3 cents. Also the RPD is very low compared to other agencies.

I don't have many pictures there, I pulled most of my portfolio down when it was still possible.

Like someone already said, if you can't afford $5 for it then you most likely don't need it.

It is a niche software, you have alternatives as stock performer, microstock analytics and your excel spreadsheets, so it is pointless to compare it with Photoshop an so on.

Software / Re: dropstock.io not working
« on: June 14, 2017, 06:03 »

Send us an email to [email protected] and we will have a look to your account.
We are definitely still in work :)

Dropstock http://dropstock.io is a service that distribute your photos, videos and vectors from your Dropbox to any agency's FTP. It saves time and bandwidth uploading your stuff. Awhile ago we added a video support, which brought quite some technical challenges, especially when video uploads grew.

Two weeks ago we hit the new record with thousands of video uploads sized between 300 MB and 4 GB .. and added few more servers to manage videos and general uploads. :) :)

Welcome to try it out, if you haven't done it yet!

If you have ideas and suggestions how to further improve dropstock.io, we are looking forward to hear from you!

Why do you still upload there? Fancy the $0.02 sales??

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