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Messages - ikostudio

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Degiro won't work with the methode I explain.
I work with ICmarkets, https://icmarkets.com/?camp=75827 there are others but this one accept PayPal and its considered a very safe brooker with great reputation. Its a Forex Brooker, and that's why that they have very good spread for conversions from USD to EUR.
When we open the account, we have to create an internal account to trade in the currency we want general USD, and another on in EUR.

1 - Open an account.

2 -  Choose the type of account and plataform you want to use to genociate. (I choose CTrader)

3 - Choose the main currency for the 1 Trade account. (USD)

4 - Create another interna account (Ctrader, but this on in EUR or on other currency, depending where you live.

5 - Deposit with PayPal from USD to USD (free and instant transfer)

6 - Internal tranfer on from the IC Markets website from the 1 account (USD account) to the 2 account (EUR account). - Wait a favourable USD conversion rate, start looking the charts :)
The spread is the cost from converting USD to EU, and sometimes is less then 0.3%. (better if you convert when you have a total of at least 1000USD.

7 - Then you can Withdrawal on the ICmarkts website from the EUR account to your Paypal account.
(you need to withdrawal to the same methode you made the deposit) usualy only takes less than 12 hours to have your money back on PayPal.
You have to aprove this withdrawal on your email.

8 -  And final... sometimes just trade a micro Lot (0.01) = 1000$ just to justify have a trading account and mantain that accounts active.

I use this since 2018, and works very good for me. Save me a Lot of Money on the stupid conversion rates from PayPal and Payonner.

Good luck, and say someting if you having any dificult.


I am European and I like all of european contributors I recveive in USD on my PayPal account. So This is what i do.
 I opened an account on a FX broker (that suport Paypal), inside the Broker I create an MT4 USD account and another MT4 account in EUR.

Then I send my money in USD from PayPal to the brooke. Its like an instant payment (literaly take a new seconds) in USD to my MT4 USD account. And then I convert my money from the MT4 USD to the MT4 EUR account. That way i have a much better rate conversion rates then PayPal. And even better if involved more money. The only issue is that I have to send it back again to PayPal but in EUR that time, (you have to withdraw from the broker to the same way you deposit the money) And finally withdraw from PayPal to my Wise account in Euros or another EUR Bank account, ias free.

Is seems a lot of work, but its really easy, sometime I do a small FX trade to justify having an account on a Broker and thats it.

Best regards to you all


123RF / Re: If you have work on 123RF PLEASE READ
« on: November 16, 2022, 06:50 »
123RF still exist?

I try to upload new images, and I having a lot of problems. FTP not working: - I upload images but then I can't process the images.
By Website nothing happens. I try diferente browsers and computers and it's the same.

Nobody answer emails. I think there are no more humans working on 123rf...

Last months I'm trying to get my Tax Profile approved on Bigstock but with no sucess, this is first time that I'm having problems with bisgtock after 15 years with them...

They say that I have different names on my account and in my Tax Profile, I'm trying to correct things but every time they say that names are not the same and to correct the names.

In my account profile I have: My First name as Last name only, just as they asking, and the site only have space for it

In my Tax Profile, I have my Full name on both fields.

And in my Tax Center, I can't send a new one until I get my Tax Profile Aproved, but I know that on the last W8BEN form I send it I have my Full name.

I already try to change with every combinations: on my tax profile my first name and last name only to correspond with my Profile account, or in my profile account submit my First and Second name on 1 field, and my third name and family name on 2 field. But they never aprove my Tax Profile, even after several emails send.

Anyone can help me? How do you fill the names to have things approved.


Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: June 04, 2020, 06:19 »
Shutterstock shares, they are very very bad after maximum of 2014 they have been steadily falling since then, and if the $ 28 support breaks they are in trouble.
Its all about the greedy investors.

Investors matters more than the soul and heart of the company.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock just became iStock 2.0
« on: June 03, 2020, 09:16 »
I am on Level 5 on Shutter, and until now I'm having a 50% cut average accordingly to the first 3 days of June.
After all the we all are having 10 cents download!

General Stock Discussion / Re: A list of partner programs
« on: November 17, 2017, 14:48 »
Hey there

I found my images on www.ingimage.com, but I don't find any information from which site or partner-program.

Can someone help-me?


I guess it raises the question of where all the other images (person, grass, buildings) came from as well.

Now you get my Point! :) If people start looking into this profile will discover a lot of picture from themselves.  >:(

Without being able to find the source images, I find it suspicious that the balloon thief's portfolio has composite images where the image parts are not in the portfolio too. For example, there's a series of diet images that have a cupcake, hotdog, doughnut and pizza slice in them. None of those food images are in that portfolio.

I did do a few searches to see if I could locate the originals, but I wasn't able to in the time I was willing to spend (unfortunately those are popular subjects).  If there were one or two more composites where someone recognized the stolen pieces used, it might be enough for SS to take the whole portfolio down (versus just removing the balloon image).

Yap, you're so right.

Hello, anyone have your own images on this portfolio?


I don't think anyone called him out.  However it would have helped to mention it was a comp in the first place.

He mentioned it in his original post. "I'm pretty sure that are and the user change the composition and colors in photoshop like I have done to. But i am he owner and have the raw file of the balloons to prove."

Thanks Shelma, even me forget that I mention that

@ikostudio, I think you have a clear case here to report the other photographer to Shutterstock, as it certainly looks as if you can provide the solid evidence that your composite came first, (and you own all elements within it), and that the other contributor lifted your balloons to use in a later composite.

I'm not sure why some are starting to distrust you? I guess maybe they are getting their wires crossed.

Anyway, good luck with reporting this, and please let us know the outcome.

Thanks! I already did that, and i'm waiting. And will make a complaint on others agency to.

I don't think anyone called him out.  However it would have helped to mention it was a comp in the first place.

I didn't mention because it was so obvious.
but my problem is not just because someone use one of my images to make others and selling on him portfolio. Just look closely to this portfolio, and everyone can see that at least 50% of the images are composites, and its so ease to know witch elements belongs to the original photographer and the other elements that belong to someone and only change colors and proportions.

I do believe many photographers have is own images on this portfolio and some are in this forum.

Where is the beach photo from?

Do you even read anything before posting something?

So funny, lots of guys ragging on you, but you choose my comment to call out.  ::) But just in case I missed something, I just went back and re-read YOUR posts. I don't see any mention of a beach. As soon as someone gets defensive, you know a nerve has been touched!  :D

No problem I just ask a opinion and then some people start distrust me.

Here is a new Printscreen of my Lightroom with the original photoshoot where I only used a few red balloons, and if you look closely you can see the first image that i show here, and as I said is a composite.

The woman in front is the model from the first photoshoot and also my girlfriend, the other one is the model that I work several times with her.
And this is not a composite  :D  And we have a bottle of Hellio with the red balloons on it. And magically he have the Beach ;)

Where is the beach photo from?

Do you even read anything before posting something?

That outtake looks like a copy indeed.

Just wondering why the balloons have no shadow on the beach in your original photo? Looking at the woman's shadow, the balloons should be there as well

The original photo is not that one that I show it. That is a composite with a little diference, everything on the image belongs to me, and by the way very old images from 2011, much more olders than the other contributor.

Here is a screenshot from my lightroom with the original files. I think that i'm not the bad guy here...   ???

After this shoot I used there same balloons to make other versions, because is a pain in a hass, filling balloons dozens of balloons with Helio again.

I guess it raises the question of where all the other images (person, grass, buildings) came from as well.

Now you get my Point! :) If people start looking into this profile will discover a lot of picture from themselves.  >:(

Thanks Guys.

So if I understand correctly I can download images from a Russian website that we all know distribute our images for free. And then make same new composites with that images?

Of course not.

I was mocking up :D

I already have a few years of Microstock to know that... :)

I checked just 5-6 balloons on the bottom and yes, they are same.

Thanks, just in case I make a complaint to shutterstock. :/

Thanks Guys.

So if I understand correctly I can download images from a Russian website that we all know distribute our images for free. And then make same new composites with that images?

I do found several images on this portfolio, that i think (not sure) that are composites with images form someone.

But that was Microstock was became this days...

Can please someone find some similarities on this images?

The first one is mine, the second not. Maybe its not easy to prove but not that hard to. Do you think that the balloons are the same? I'm pretty sure that are and the user change the composition and colors in photoshop like I have done to. But i am he owner and have the raw file of the balloons to prove.
Even the shades and glare and colors of the balloons are the same.

Tell me what you think.



Shutterstock.com / Re: single photo sell today US$6,352.80
« on: June 02, 2017, 11:38 »
Ho well!!! It happens to me to.   >:( A single with the value of $6,352.80...
I was rings crossed to be true but SS already send an email confirming the mistake. crap...  :(

The Watermark its not to much visible because they blur the image.

I will contact 123rf, but I don't believe Pepsie bought the image, the Marketing company "waynext" that make that small facebook advertisment make the mistake of using a image with the watermark. this is Portugal, they just do and don't care about nothing.


Yha I know Pepsi is the poor parent of CocaCola, and maybe they don't have enough money to buy images for advertising.

Do you think that 123rf will do something about this?
Or what can I do?


Yah I receive the same email from Fotolia.

But one of you already noticed that Yuri Arcurs images retain the same comissions, and he have the images on every agency I know and even more.
Sorry Yury, but I dont think that this is fair, its nothing personal.

Please Fotolia reconsider this measure.

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers - any good news?
« on: February 09, 2011, 19:41 »
Anyone is having problem with FTP in GraphicLeftovers?
Give me this error:   (Could not connect to server "graphicleftovers". Conection refused)

At least more than 3 weeks that I cant upload anything.

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