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Messages - stefan5123

Pages: [1]
If it wasn't for Microstock Plus (Mac) I don't think i'd even bother selling stock. I dont spend more than 5 minutes titling, keywording and uploading 25 images to 10 agencies.


Hi there everyone!

We all have our own ways of getting the job done - however, I would love to know more about you're preferred tools to label and distribute your work-
Would be great insights for newcomers and also experienced creators looking to spice things up :)

So what tools/workflows do you use when keywording your work,
and also, how do you prefer to distribute it once everything is ready to go?

Mentioned tools:
- Microstock Plus

Newbie Discussion / Re: why can't I start a new thread?
« on: June 18, 2024, 07:40 »
Took me a while to find this thread  :)
Simple and easy approach to combat spam - and it seems to work!

Pages: [1]


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