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Author Topic: FAA - Introducing Our New UK Fulfillment Center!  (Read 3870 times)

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« on: August 20, 2014, 05:51 »
We are very pleased to announce that we've begun producing and shipping orders from our new fulfillment center... in the United Kingdom!

Effective immediately, if a buyer purchases a canvas print and ships it to any address in the UK or Europe, the order will be fulfilled by our UK fulfillment center.

What does that mean?

It means that the order will ship to any address in the UK within one business day... and to any address in Europe within 2 - 5 business days! It also means low shipping rates... no import taxes... and a whole new market of buyers for your artwork!

We're starting out with canvas prints, and we'll be expanding to include other products at the UK fulfillment center very, very quickly.

The UK center will be fulfilling orders for all of our websites, including Pixels.com, FineArtAmerica.com, FineArtEurope.com, Instaprints.com, ArtistWebsites.com, and all of the others.   This includes your personal Artist Website and your shopping cart widgets, as well.

If the buyer is shipping the order to the UK or Europe, then the order will automatically be produced at the UK fulfillment center so that the buyer receives the order as quickly as possible with the lowest possible shipping charge.
If the order is being shipped to the United States, Canada, or anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere, then the order will continue to be produced at one of our U.S. fulfillment centers.

If you've read this far... here comes the fun part.   Starting now through August 31st, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on all canvas orders that get shipped to any country in the UK or Europe.   You don't need a special code to receive the free shipping offer.   Just add a canvas print to your shopping cart, select a shipping address in the UK or Europe, and you're all set.   In less than a week, we'll deliver a museum-quality masterpiece to your doorstep with a 30-day money-back guarantee!

Tell your friends... tell your family... tell your followers on Facebook and Twitter... your online art business just went global!

This is just the beginning of our expansion all over the world... stay tuned...


« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 05:58 »
I shipped a print to my daughter in the UK and when it arrived we got stung with hefty UK customs duties. This will make it much more attractive for people in the UK (and EU) to buy prints.
Good move by FAA


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2014, 06:30 »
At last! Their prices are still high for the general UK market (we can get mounted and framed prints by well-known artists for less from various online and physical sellers, but FAA has a much wider range) but certainly the lower shipping costs will help compared to shipping from the US.

« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2014, 08:03 »
At last! Their prices are still high for the general UK market (we can get mounted and framed prints by well-known artists for less from various online and physical sellers, but FAA has a much wider range) but certainly the lower shipping costs will help compared to shipping from the US.

Why on earth, other than a mistake, would anyone vote down Liz's post?


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