was formerly known as which went off line about 2 years ago. The site was resurrected and all of the old images and users were recovered.
It is an image sharing community not a bulk storage site like flickr or imagur etc...
As for the selling the images, the photographers are sent an email requesting a high resolution version of the online image so they can be included in the gallery store, as the uploaded web images are fairly low resolution and not good enough for printing.
If a sale is made, the photographer splits the profit with imageopolis. Everything is above board, no one is ripping anyone off and if a photographer no longer wants to sell the image then it is removed from the gallery store. Sales figures are posted every month for the photographers to review. Orders are fulfilled and warranted by so it is passive income for the photographer with no risk.
Imageopolis is not a non-profit organization, but it does ask for donations to keep it going, as it does not have any sponsors and ad revenue is pretty low. The proceeds from the gallery store go into maintaining the web site along with donations.
It has a ways to go to modernize the site, but it has some amazing photos and a good group of photographers from around the world. Read the about section if you would like to look at the history of the site. New features and upgrades are happening all the time. Join up and become a member, post some of your images and help critique the others.