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Author Topic: Pond 5 review changes  (Read 69133 times)

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« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2016, 13:49 »

« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2016, 05:22 »
40% rejection after 2 months wait here. I never had that happen at Pond5, usually 100% or 95% approval. Most of the clips are new 4k clips which there is no 4k equivalent on the site. Rejection reasons like :

"Thanks for the upload but we are seeking uniquely original and vibrant content, so we have decided not to include this video as part of our collection.Please let us know if you have any questions"

"Thanks for the upload but we have decided not to include this clip as part of our collection. The clip has no motion and looks like still frame. Please let us know if you have any question."

This is ridiculous, so locked shots are out, it takes a lot longer to upload and keyword on Pond 5 than most of the other sites, it took 2 months to review or more and then the boatload of arbitrary rejections.    Sales have been ok but trending lower compared to other sites.    The other sites accepted these clips and have started selling no problem especially the 4k ones.

I am disheartened at best and now I am frankly scared of submitting content and waste valuable time in the upload process.   I really think they need to rethink this strategy.  Maybe they have reached critical mass and do not want to have tons of content as a marketplace and more as a curated collection.
There's no incentive to upload 4k clips if a reviewer that probably doesn't really know what they are doing is going to choose what to accept and reject.  Such a shame that my favourite site, after alamy, seems to of lost the plot.  I wont bother uploading until this crazy policy is changed.  They can't have a more curated collection when they used to accept everything, it just doesn't make any sense.

« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2016, 08:05 »
As I said before this is lunacy, they should be culling old crap accepted during the "anything goes" years before rejecting new decent 4K material...

« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2016, 11:23 »
I think all agencies should stay . out of our portfolios instead of trying to micromanage what we do.

They can always hire editors that go through the collection to showcase to the customers.

Inspections should be for technical quality, logos and legal stuff, checking releases etc...

Or they add an additional "superstock" collection with extra high prices or special license that they heavily promote.

But micromanaging portfolios means destroying the marketplace.

It is a shame, I really loved pond5, I was hoping they would use their skills to increase sales of photos, not ruin their video sales :(

« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2016, 11:48 »
I think all agencies should stay . out of our portfolios instead of trying to micromanage what we do.

They can always hire editors that go through the collection to showcase to the customers.

Inspections should be for technical quality, logos and legal stuff, checking releases etc...

Or they add an additional "superstock" collection with extra high prices or special license that they heavily promote.

But micromanaging portfolios means destroying the marketplace.

It is a shame, I really loved pond5, I was hoping they would use their skills to increase sales of photos, not ruin their video sales :(

After 10 years of existence P5 still does NOT have Sales Department.
Who is doing sales there? N O B O D Y
Video sales that was generated trough SEO got ruined by competition, because buyers go elsewhere for better deals and experience.


« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2016, 16:47 »
I think all agencies should stay . out of our portfolios instead of trying to micromanage what we do.

They can always hire editors that go through the collection to showcase to the customers.

Inspections should be for technical quality, logos and legal stuff, checking releases etc...

Or they add an additional "superstock" collection with extra high prices or special license that they heavily promote.

But micromanaging portfolios means destroying the marketplace.

It is a shame, I really loved pond5, I was hoping they would use their skills to increase sales of photos, not ruin their video sales :(

After 10 years of existence P5 still does NOT have Sales Department.
Who is doing sales there? N O B O D Y
Video sales that was generated trough SEO got ruined by competition, because buyers go elsewhere for better deals and experience.
Obviously not true because up until recently, they have been selling lots.  Most people here seem to say they are either the best selling video site or they are in their top 3.  I think there is enough real things to concern us in the past few months without having to make things up.

« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2016, 17:08 »
I think all agencies should stay . out of our portfolios instead of trying to micromanage what we do.

They can always hire editors that go through the collection to showcase to the customers.

Inspections should be for technical quality, logos and legal stuff, checking releases etc...

Or they add an additional "superstock" collection with extra high prices or special license that they heavily promote.

But micromanaging portfolios means destroying the marketplace.

It is a shame, I really loved pond5, I was hoping they would use their skills to increase sales of photos, not ruin their video sales :(

After 10 years of existence P5 still does NOT have Sales Department.
Who is doing sales there? N O B O D Y
Video sales that was generated trough SEO got ruined by competition, because buyers go elsewhere for better deals and experience.
Obviously not true because up until recently, they have been selling lots.  Most people here seem to say they are either the best selling video site or they are in their top 3.  I think there is enough real things to concern us in the past few months without having to make things up.

ha ha...

Who is making things up? What is not true?
P5 does not have sales department. Check their LinkedIn page, if you don't believe me.
After solid 10 years, only recently (January 2016) they have got VP of Sales who is from February 2016  looking for first ever Sales Executive.  8)

« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2016, 17:42 »
You said "Who is doing sales there? N O B O D Y".  If that was true, they wouldn't be selling anything.  So yes, you are making things up and there's really no need when there are real problems at the moment, like the long review times, mass rejections and the subscription program.

« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2016, 18:41 »
You said "Who is doing sales there? N O B O D Y".  If that was true, they wouldn't be selling anything.  So yes, you are making things up and there's really no need when there are real problems at the moment, like the long review times, mass rejections and the subscription program.

When buyer calls there is no sales department to talk to, like in other agencies!
There is no sales agent to discuss and make deals, like in other agencies! To me, this is a huge problem.
I said "nobody" as no live person to talk to. 

Company is in re-construction phase to corporate business, but their 10 years long
legacy of laid back attitude towards everything is still present all over.

Ok? Now back to the real problems .... the long review times, mass rejections and the subscription program.
We pointed out to these long ago and NOBODY from P5 came forward to explain them.
What else we can do here?  :-\

« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 19:58 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2016, 15:02 »
What . is going on there?  I have just got only one accepted out of a batch of nearly 70 images.  Some of the images are selling really well at SS and Fot.  I've rarely had rejections there before.   The images I uploaded came from at least 6 different batches so it isn't like I took a whole batch with the wrong lighting or something. I'm really pissed.

« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2016, 16:02 »
Same here 100 images uploaded only 19 accepted and 81 rejection (on shutterstock no rejections) what happ?
 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2016, 16:13 »
Hm, I don't have a portfolio with P5 yet and I probably won't try for a while :)

« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2016, 16:26 »
To P5 Director of Artist Development & Experience, Robert Pascale keywords are more important than reviews!  ::)  >:(  ::)

« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2016, 16:51 »
To P5 Director of Artist Development & Experience, Robert Pascale keywords are more important than reviews!  ::)  >:(  ::)

I'm thinking someone who is introducing an article about keywording ought to know the difference between complimentary and complementary and use the correct one. Or is this just me being old-fashioned and pedantic?

« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2016, 17:27 »
To P5 Director of Artist Development & Experience, Robert Pascale keywords are more important than reviews!  ::)  >:(  ::)

I'm thinking someone who is introducing an article about keywording ought to know the difference between complimentary and complementary and use the correct one. Or is this just me being old-fashioned and pedantic? on!

Curious to see how long is going to take them to correct that!?!
(40 hours later, 22 likes & nobody noticed!)  :o
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 04:50 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #40 on: March 16, 2016, 07:16 »
After 2 and a 1/2 months waiting I've got almost 45% rejections of 350 files (video).

I can agree with 10% of those rejections. The ones that are editorial (Fotolia doesn't accept editorial either...)

The other 35% I just cannot understand!!!! great shots with model / equipment / good keywords....
What . is wrong with them.... :(


« Reply #41 on: March 16, 2016, 11:21 »
I can agree with 10% of those rejections. The ones that are editorial (Fotolia doesn't accept editorial either...)
Has P5 stopped accepting editorials? They certainly used to. In fact, I'm pretty sure I had one accepted in my last batch, but that was last month (before the reports of so many rejections gathered steam).

What's happening with P5 is quite sad; it had always been one of my favorite sites.

« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2016, 13:35 »
Has anyone send them an email asking for any explication for this mass rejections? Din you get any response?

« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2016, 04:33 »
Has anyone send them an email asking for any explication for this mass rejections? Din you get any response?

No reply.
They do read this forum, I ve got confirmation from an insider.
Why they don't engage at MSG, nobody knows.

Fancy more insanity?
At P5, Dev team helps buyers ...  :o  :o  :o
No offense to IT guys, but this kind of reply will not persuade anyone to join that gig.  ::)

swoo007 17 Mar 2016 08:45
I'm planning to get a monthly membership. It says 10 clips per month and 10%off on all clips. Is it any 10 clips in pond5 or is there a limited selection? If so, how do I know which are free when you get a membership and which aren't?

jonasdev 17 Mar 2016 09:02
Hi swoo007!

Thanks for looking into the Membership Program. There is a limited selection of clips that are available within the Membership program. You can search for membership content only by clicking the "Membership Content" checkbox in the search filter. Like this:,new,york.

Additionally, as you say, you get 10% off on all clips in the entire library with the Membership.

You can read more about our Membership program here:
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 05:47 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2016, 19:34 »
120 videos submitted 120 videos rejected. Pond 5 is done for me I guess.


« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2016, 20:27 »
Boy... wow, Never a rejection since day One. Was a big supporter. Now rejections today and some of my newist and best sellers. I was a fanBoy also. Oh well.

« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2016, 20:59 »
120 videos submitted 120 videos rejected. Pond 5 is done for me I guess.'ll have to email them about that. That's ridiculous.

« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2016, 21:07 »
120 videos submitted 120 videos rejected. Pond 5 is done for me I guess.'ll have to email them about that. That's ridiculous.

Honestly, I think they are looking for a different kind of contributor now.  They are executing on some new model and the consequence is no more regular contributor types. And I would make a guess that the 50% will go away soon. I did email them but I expect that canned answer they are giving everyone.  I will not upload there any longer. Waste of my time. The sad thing is that I am up to about $400 this month and have no more opportunity to grow with them.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 21:19 by Mantis »


« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2016, 02:36 »
Last week I emailed them about my rejections. I explained them why my videos should be added to the database, one by one with the file numbers. They sent me a plastic, copy-paste answer, saying that I should send my best files?!...I think I will have a brake with them. Very discouraging...

« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2016, 03:16 »
 I wont bother uploading until this policy is changed.


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