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Author Topic: My Pond5 Download Trend  (Read 5098 times)

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« on: December 31, 2024, 14:27 »
I like making charts to see my sales data.  I made this one up to see my download trends at my agencies.  Since P5 is done for the year, I generated that one first.

A real eye opener.  Seems that for me at least, I've been trending down since 2020.  How are your yearly downloads?

You have to do Pond5 either today or tomorrow, since the "stats" page only lets you see a full year by choosing "last 365 days".  You can't specify a custom date range, from what I can see.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2024, 14:30 by odesigns »

« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2025, 07:31 »
May I ask how much did you upload in that time frame?

Did the drop happen inspite of steady uploads?

Did your sales increase elsewhere - adobe, shutterstock, blackbox?

I wonder how much pond5 is being advertised these days or if all the focus is on Shutterstock.


  • Author Brutally Honest Guide to Microstock & Blog

« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2025, 08:22 »
Downloads is only part of the equation (it's been consistent for me for the past few years at around 15 despite regular uploads).

I like to track the average return per download and it's quite steady at Pond5 but almost certain to see a 20% drop from next year after their "exciting news" announcement.

Detailed stats and charts just published on here:



« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2025, 09:31 »
May I ask how much did you upload in that time frame?

I create about 500-700 new assets per year, mostly video.  In 2024, I added 701 assets to P5.

Did the drop happen inspite of steady uploads?


Did your sales increase elsewhere - adobe, shutterstock, blackbox?

I do plan on making these charts for myself soon.  If you want to see them, let me know.  But an early glance at my data may show Adobe's chart looking the most promising.

« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2025, 10:30 »
I would be very interested in your data if you were so kind to share. You are a very experienced video producer.

As you have probably read in various places, I am making video my main theme for this year.

I only have 1000 clips on pond5, 500 on bb and adobe respectively and the quality is still very amateur. But they do sell, especially editorial and my ugly food shots. (authentic realism)

The next three months I will be mostly processing a backlog of clips, then gradually start doing more organized and planned shootings.

With my buyers hat I see a lot of missing content and less competition than in photos. Sometimes even no competition, especially with local editorial.

In theory, building a large video library should be a good idea.

So it is frustrating to read that pro producers have lower sales, but especially with p5 I think this is the result of the ss takeover.

Are they still investing in marketing pond5?

And that is something we cannot control.

All the best for the new year, perhaps Adobe will see an uptick in sales if more former p5 exclusive content comes their way.

« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2025, 12:08 »
...perhaps Adobe will see an uptick in sales if more former p5 exclusive content comes their way.

I'll be trying to do my part...   

Technically there's that 180 day P5 lockout before previously Exclusive assets can be uploaded elsewhere.  I've already started slowly adding some new video to Adobe - but their footage reviewing seems very slow.   

Adobe doesn't accept editorial which makes up a significant portion of my P5 Excl videos so unfortunately those won't get sent to Adobe.

So any sales upticks at Adobe due to previous P5 Excl assets coming over may take many months and possibly not noticeable when spread out over time. 

 Happy New Year!


« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2025, 12:41 »
I would be very interested in your data if you were so kind to share. You are a very experienced video producer.

As requested, here are a few more.  I really only track P5, SS, AS, and iS in this manner as all the others have a "subscription" component and I cannot pinpoint exact download numbers.  And I can't make iStock's chart until December is reported later this month.

« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2025, 15:25 »
RPD  and total DL aren't really useful for comparing agencies

my RPD for AS is twice that of SS yet SS income is consistently about 20% greater than AS (which is what matters in the end)

meanwhile SS DL are 1.5 to twice as many AS, but not reflected in $

so both RPD & DL are misleading as indicators of success, which also makes the AS weekly ranking merely bragging rights

« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2025, 19:49 »
@ode thank you. Looks like Adobe is doing something right with customers. Many people are reporting rising sales although they dont add much new content.


In theory an agency with a reliable higher rpd would be a good agency for content that might have been more expensive to produce but you know will not sell in high volume.

On p5 you used to be able to make that distinction yourself by demanding a much higher price for more specialized content.

Absolute return is the most important of course, but some agencies with a higher base price can be good with exclusive content.

It is a shame how prices for video have fallen sometimes even below photos.

There is very little content compared to images, prices should stay higher longer.

« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2025, 07:30 »
For me the peak "video boom" was bout 2018 or so then downhill from there.

All agencies sold well and for good prices at that point.  Since then massive price cuts combined with market saturation drove it to penny stock again.

2018 SS my video portfolio was 10% the size of my images but earned about 30% more than images every month.  That was of course before the percentage pricing, cheaper packages, subscriptions and level cuts.

P5 my income is down about 50% since that time period on average.  AS however is stable.

This is a smallish video port of around 2,000 clips.

« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2025, 12:28 »

This is a smallish video port of around 2,000 clips.

Is your video port comprised of HD, 4K or a combination of both?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2025, 14:14 »
RPD  and total DL aren't really useful for comparing agencies

my RPD for AS is twice that of SS yet SS income is consistently about 20% greater than AS (which is what matters in the end)

meanwhile SS DL are 1.5 to twice as many AS, but not reflected in $

so both RPD & DL are misleading as indicators of success, which also makes the AS weekly ranking merely bragging rights

Yes, the AS weekly and lifetime are variable and unreliable, not just because they might be DLs only, but comparing, people have different numbers for the same DLs and lower numbers for more DLs. It's terribly flawed. But nice for bragging rights, which never paid for anything.

RPD, it would be good if someone is comparing similar systems. The problem is just what you say. My RPD on Alamy, to go for one extreme, was $48.83 last year. Being fair, two DLs were around $140 each. If I only use what I consider microstock sites: in order of earnings for the year =

AS  00.88
SS  00.65
WS 00.44
iS   00.47
DT  00.38

In my case, AS is better in all respects. No one can decide based on someone else's images and content. I only have video on Pond5, I don't have Editorial on Adobe. Some of my best images on Adobe are not acceptable on SS. DT takes everything, the same images that are on SS and AS.

It just happens that sorted by DLs, AS is double SS, SS is double WS, IS is double DT. WS earned half of what SS paid, but the RPD is close to 2/3rds.

The only stat that matters is $$$ per year.  8)

OK a nice bunch of numbers, but AS earns me 3X more in DOLLARS than SS makes me and that's what we spend, not RPD or DLs. RPD doesn't show that. And counting DLs doesn't work either.

« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2025, 19:38 »

This is a smallish video port of around 2,000 clips.

Is your video port comprised of HD, 4K or a combination of both?

Probably 80% 4k, the rest HD with a handful 720p.  That said, when stats where available and where they still are elsewher, 95% sales are HD resolution.

« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2025, 22:34 »

This is a smallish video port of around 2,000 clips.

Is your video port comprised of HD, 4K or a combination of both?

Probably 80% 4k, the rest HD with a handful 720p.  That said, when stats where available and where they still are elsewher, 95% sales are HD resolution.

Thanks for your response. And, do you feel the upgrade was worth
the investment in new equipment? When you find a scene that you
think is worth shooting do you shoot both 4K and HD and submit
both formats? It sounds like your only real success is HD with only
5% sales in 4K. I'm still struggling with buying new equipment,
especially now that agencies have made it a "penny hobby".

« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2025, 08:34 »
I didnt really upgrade for that reason, it was time to upgrade my (mainly still photography) kit and at this point everything does 4k anyway.  All the drones, phones, mirrorless and action cams.

So effectively the "upgrade" was free. 

I wouldnt say its worth upgrading to 4k specifically to make 4k videos though.  That wouldnt be good value.  The vast majority of sales are still HD (Blackbox mentions similar in its FAQs).

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2025, 13:01 »
I didnt really upgrade for that reason, it was time to upgrade my (mainly still photography) kit and at this point everything does 4k anyway.  All the drones, phones, mirrorless and action cams.

So effectively the "upgrade" was free. 

I wouldnt say its worth upgrading to 4k specifically to make 4k videos though.  That wouldnt be good value.  The vast majority of sales are still HD (Blackbox mentions similar in its FAQs).

Just from comments like yours and so many others here, it seems that HD is alive and well, which supports your opinion that, upgrading just for the sake of making 4k is not necessary.

On my side of that, even if I have 4k available, I'm working back into the old backups, that I never edited or uploaded, because I skipped video, and now the older scenes and ideas, aren't DOA. I've been saving some new as FullHD instead of bothering to make them 4k.

« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2025, 14:09 »
I stopped uploading 4K, 8K, and 10K content in 2023 due to the high costs associated with rendering time, upload time, and hard disk space. This decision applies not only to videos but especially to my 3D work.

In 2024, I had hundreds of HD sales, fewer than 20 sales in 4K, and only 2 in 8K. Last January, I purchased a 10TB drive, and I still have nearly 2TB of free space remaining.

I will probably continue to film some things in 4K but I will definitely use HD for rendering 3d works and only upload everything in HD.

« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2025, 00:13 »
I thought somebody might find this interesting. I primarily produce videos with a portfolio pushing 14, 000 clips on P5, but have around 7, 000 images on various agencies. To give the graph some meaning my peak sales year was 2018 with sales of approx $40, 000

« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2025, 00:23 »
red color is SS, yellow is AS, blue is Istock, and green is P5

« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2025, 01:57 »
That is VERY interesting, thank you very much. Very fascinating how Adobe is growing their video sales, but also istock is not to be ignored. Also looks like mostly customers migrated from SS to other places as there is no real rise in total sales.

I am gobbling up all real info I can find.

And every day I do test searches for video. It is crazy how much easy to shoot stuff has never been done.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2025, 02:00 by cobalt »

« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2025, 02:53 »
I thought somebody might find this interesting. I primarily produce videos with a portfolio pushing 14, 000 clips on P5, but have around 7, 000 images on various agencies. To give the graph some meaning my peak sales year was 2018 with sales of approx $40, 000

Interesting indeed. Would it be fair to say it looks like Shutterstock has fallen a lot since your peak while Adobe Stock has increased providing some overall stability to your yearly earnings?   

« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2025, 03:17 »
Yes- I would be in a world of hurt if I hadn't started uploading to Adobe. I quit uploading to iStock for a while as i loathe their low commission rates and cheap sales, but with the massive fall of SS it has helped cushion the blow

« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2025, 07:20 »
When you find a scene that you
think is worth shooting do you shoot both 4K and HD and submit
both formats?

Well there wouldn't really be any point of recording a subject in both 4k and HD (even if you wanted to submit both resolutions.) Just record once in 4k and be done with it. Then upload that 4k video to your computer and export a 4k copy and also a HD copy from the timeline.

« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2025, 07:30 »
All agencies i know of specifically ban uploading the same shoot in different resolutions.


« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2025, 07:56 »
I thought somebody might find this interesting. I primarily produce videos with a portfolio pushing 14, 000 clips on P5, but have around 7, 000 images on various agencies. To give the graph some meaning my peak sales year was 2018 with sales of approx $40, 000

You and I seem to be very similar statistically.  I also have ~14K files (mostly video), and 2018 was my peak year.


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