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Author Topic: some little problems  (Read 4203 times)

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« on: December 30, 2011, 08:19 »

Here i am again, i'm having a little problem with fotolia poller again, for months now the pollers works fine in the amount actualization but it does nothing when i click on it (it doesn't direct me to the fotolia page) it's not a very important thing and i was waiting for some actualization of either firefox or PN but things are the same after months.
Then on the other hand, i became a Photodune and DepositPhotos contributor this month, i added the pollers from the "get more" list, the PD one is fine but the DP does not show anything, i had some sales but it does not even show 0.00
Just wanted to ask if you think something i can try to fix this, and start the new year with this great tool working 100%

Thank you.

« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 09:32 »
I think the FT poller no longer points to the right location after they revamped their site, so it no longer works... It does not work for me either.

« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 11:17 »
From reports I've been getting the FT poller works fine for 'most' people (I server-side (soft)updated it when fotolia revamped their site) but clicking the button does nothing because I haven't done a 'hard-update' since they changed the site so the button 'thinks' it is logged out of FT even when it's not.

I'll check the DP one on the Get More list, it's not been updated since it was first added so may need a tweak (I don't really maintain the ones on the Get More list at the mo because it's so time-heavy).

The 123rf thing is still a known issue too, and since they've now added a dumb captcha to their earnings page, I will probably remove them as a 'proper' agency in the next release and relegate them to Get More too.


There are a bunch of other bugs creeping in on the workflow-improvement stuff too, but I've been spending a LOT of time on picWorkflow lately and haven't had the time I'd like to spend on the picNiche toolbar to spare.
That said I'm planning a rewrite of it from-scratch to make it all fit a bit more with the current model of browser-ui-ness (and to do a chrome port), though finding the 2 weeks to rebuild it is proving tough :)

I'm not doing much on 'minor' updates (mainly because mozilla have made it such a PITA to update), and I know it's not perfect at the mo (if it ever was ;)) but I hope to get it totally revamped in the next couple of months :)


« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2011, 12:54 »
No need to make excuses. You are offering a free tool and overall it seem to work well for most people. I dont see much complaining on the site. I suppose you have only 24 hrs in a day too?  ;)
None the less it is good to stay informed about problems now and then, I think

What I do is the following: When starting Firefox, I am logging in to all the sites where I have an account (when they dont open or update automatically). I also start the earnings page at 123RF and  fill out the captcha.
While all the pages on all the sites are left open, I refresh the toolbar. Works for most sites and as long as Firefox stays open the sites are updated when new sales come in.

Personally I would like to see 123RF staying in the toolbar.


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