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Author Topic: Insurance for camera & gear  (Read 6169 times)

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« on: December 29, 2016, 20:49 »
Hi all,

Does anyone have suggestions for camera & gear insurance? I've been looking into Front Row Insurance Brokers ( Does anyone have any experience with them or other insurance solutions?

For reference, I'm in Canada and I would have about $12k replacement cost in gear.

Thanks for any advice.


« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 13:15 »
You wouldn't necessarily need (at least in US) a specialized photography policy to cover gear.   What you are looking for is what we call an Inland Marine or "floater" policy.  I recommend getting some recommendations for agents from your friends and getting at least three quotes.  You will want to check to see if there is a deductible and if the equipment is covered at actual cash value or replacement cost.   You also want to be sure the coverage will cover the equipment wherever it is (assuming you are mobile) and covers "special causes of loss" instead of "named perils."

Anyway, I have worked in insurance for about 30 years and insured my own gear, so if you have questions I will try and clarify.

« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2017, 14:41 »
You wouldn't necessarily need (at least in US) a specialized photography policy to cover gear.   

I'm in Canada and I could not get coverage for my camera gear under my home insurance policy, not even as a floater at an additional cost. AND my gear would specifically not be covered under the normal "contents" coverage of my home insurance policy. As far as they were concerned, if I earned even one cent from my images, I had to get a crazy expensive commercial policy. That's what you get for being a good customer for over 40 years. :-(

I couldn't find any other insurance company that would cover the gear as part of my home policy. I ended up getting a commercial policy from a company that offers specialized coverage. It's expensive too, but not as much as my regular insurance company would have charged. This policy does place some limits on the number of trips/amount of time I would be taking the camera gear out of the country.


« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2017, 08:38 »
Hi Jean,
I looked into insurance for my gear last year and from what I saw, they are the most solid choice for canadians. The company offering this insurance product is Essor (or used to be named Essor) and they were recommended to me in the past as the most complete solution for photographer for all things liability on a shoot, travel, lost equipment...  The price also seem pretty reasonable for what they offer.
I haven't purchased their product yet but I called them in the past and they are knowledgable and friendly.

hope it helps!



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