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Author Topic: Worst First starts  (Read 2889 times)

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« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2025, 10:28 »
I suggest Trump investigate Biden's policy towards Ukraine and put Biden in the electric chair.


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« Reply #51 on: January 28, 2025, 21:59 »
So... "Biden gave Russian Na.zi putin permission and the green light to occupy and genocide Ukraine" is a factual statement because... Biden said things to Putin, and nobody knows what things he said to Putin, but it's possible that one of the things he might have said to Putin is that 'you have the green light to occupy and genocide Ukraine'?!

I've heard it all now!

So because Trump also said things to Putin that I don't know about, I can also make up absolutely anything and just present it as fact?! This is fun!

Trump should be sent to the electric the chair because, not only did he give the green light to Putin to invade ukraine and commit genocide, he also signed an agreement to work with Russia to develop time travel technology so that the US and Russia could go back in time and eliminate every ukranian that ever existed. They'd then stop ukraine from ever being created in the first place, thus eliminating its very existence.

It also came to light that trump absolutely despises stoker2014, an infamous member in some stock photography/video forum. He said that although he loves the poorly educated, stoker takes things too far, and portrays his fans in a bad light. trump was of the opinion that stoker might be a Biden plant to make him and his supporters look bad.

How do I know all this? Well, trump and Putin have had a bunch of phone calls and meetings over the years, and although I don't know everything they spoke about, they probabaly said all that stuff at some point. So it must be true.

« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2025, 03:35 »
SpaceStockFootage, I have never voiced my personal opinion on this issue. It was all the opinion of Ukrainian experts. But in this case, it was already voiced by the President of Ukraine. He voiced it quite clearly, and made it clear that he believes that putin agreed with Biden on the bloody war and genocide in Ukraine. Therefore, replace my nickname in your trolling text with the last name of the President of Ukraine.

« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2025, 13:36 »
.... Biden said things to Putin, and nobody knows what things he said to Putin, but it's possible that one of the things he might have said to Putin is that 'you have the green light to ...

in fact it's been normal for every other president for meetings to be recorded and transcripts recorded.  but trump had many meetings that were never recorded & nothing is known about major discussions w world leaders

« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2025, 13:45 »
Trump also denies citizenship to children born in the US to immigrants,which goes against the US Constitution,I think he forgot that the USA exists because of immigrants.
Not from all immigrants, but only from illegal immigrants.
Laws change as the times change. The old rules about birth right citizens, needs to be revised to eliminate anyone illegal who comes here, just to give birth, which makes their child a citizen. The law was to protect new immigrants, here legally, who were not a citizen yet and welcome new citizen children to the country....

it's neither a rule or a law it's the 14th amendment to the constitution and no one can change or ignore it w/o another amendment - which  takes 2/3 vote in congress & 3/4 of states to approve.

at the time it passed, there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant; rather the 14th amendment was one of the 3 important amendments passed after the civil war - it was designed to grant citizenship to and protect the civil liberties of people recently freed from slavery

« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2025, 15:09 »
It was all the opinion of Ukrainian experts.

A good start. Name your experts and link their expertise here in the forum.

« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2025, 15:36 »
It was all the opinion of Ukrainian experts.

A good start. Name your experts and link their expertise here in the forum.
Doctor, go back to your hospital. Politics is higher mathematics for you.

« Reply #57 on: January 29, 2025, 15:54 »
It was all the opinion of Ukrainian experts.

A good start. Name your experts and link their expertise here in the forum.
Doctor, go back to your hospital. Politics is higher mathematics for you.

Thanks, that's exactly the stupid answer I was expecting. There are no experts, it's all made up.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2025, 16:28 »
Trump also denies citizenship to children born in the US to immigrants,which goes against the US Constitution,I think he forgot that the USA exists because of immigrants.
Not from all immigrants, but only from illegal immigrants.
Laws change as the times change. The old rules about birth right citizens, needs to be revised to eliminate anyone illegal who comes here, just to give birth, which makes their child a citizen. The law was to protect new immigrants, here legally, who were not a citizen yet and welcome new citizen children to the country....

it's neither a rule or a law it's the 14th amendment to the constitution and no one can change or ignore it w/o another amendment - which  takes 2/3 vote in congress & 3/4 of states to approve.

at the time it passed, there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant; rather the 14th amendment was one of the 3 important amendments passed after the civil war - it was designed to grant citizenship to and protect the civil liberties of people recently freed from slavery

So true in so many ways, and a different time. There was no transcontinental RR. If someone walked in from Mexico, or Canada, they were in territories, in many cases. Colorado, North Dakota,South Dakota, Montana, Washington,Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona were not states. To get someplace else, it wasn't like things are today. Travel was difficult and fraught with perils.

People came in on a boat, and many through the Ports, legally, with papers and documentation or without, but they registered as they entered the country. There were quotas after that. But here's the big one... "there were no federal laws governing who could enter and who couldnt until the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882." So there's your point, that there was no illegal immigration, until then.  :)

70% of the immigrants came in through New York city. Most of the rest came in on the West coast. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. All of my Grandparents came in through Ellis Island. People didn't migrate or walk in, and the railroads were something new, cars didn't exist. It wasn't at all anything like now.

My answer, which I know is just too simple and ignores the politics, division, special interest groups, debate and all the potential conflicts, would be create a new amendment that says, The 14th amendments does not apply to anyone, giving birth to a child, if they are here illegally. Done, door closed, all the appropriate protections remain in place.

« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2025, 20:22 »

70% of the immigrants came in through New York city. Most of the rest came in on the West coast. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. All of my Grandparents came in through Ellis Island. ...

My answer, which I know is just too simple and ignores the politics, division, special interest groups, debate and all the potential conflicts, would be create a new amendment that says, The 14th amendments does not apply to anyone, giving birth to a child, if they are here illegally. Done, door closed, all the appropriate protections remain in place.

my grandparents came thru in 1900 also - but in the 1920's immigration from southern Europe (non-aryan!) was mostly stopped until the 60s

good luck in getting any amendment passed w a 2/3 senate vote in current climate! much less 3/4 states - the ERA amendment was active for over 20 yrs & couldn't get enough states to accept it - today it wouldn't even pass congress

« Reply #60 on: January 30, 2025, 03:33 »
good luck in getting any amendment passed w a 2/3 senate
Thank you.

Such a policy is not a matter of one day. Unlike the Democrats, Trump is trying to do something. People who go to the goal can reach the goal, unlike people who do not. The Democrats' rating can continue to decline and it may happen that Democrats will no longer be in politics.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 03:36 by stoker2014 »

« Reply #61 on: January 30, 2025, 03:37 »
It was all the opinion of Ukrainian experts.

A good start. Name your experts and link their expertise here in the forum.
Doctor, go back to your hospital. Politics is higher mathematics for you.

Thanks, that's exactly the stupid answer I was expecting. There are no experts, it's all made up.
A stupid question = a stupid answer. If you don't know what you're asking, just shut up, "expert".  ;D ;D ;D

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2025, 12:17 »

70% of the immigrants came in through New York city. Most of the rest came in on the West coast. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. All of my Grandparents came in through Ellis Island. ...

My answer, which I know is just too simple and ignores the politics, division, special interest groups, debate and all the potential conflicts, would be create a new amendment that says, The 14th amendments does not apply to anyone, giving birth to a child, if they are here illegally. Done, door closed, all the appropriate protections remain in place.

my grandparents came thru in 1900 also - but in the 1920's immigration from southern Europe (non-aryan!) was mostly stopped until the 60s

good luck in getting any amendment passed w a 2/3 senate vote in current climate! much less 3/4 states - the ERA amendment was active for over 20 yrs & couldn't get enough states to accept it - today it wouldn't even pass congress

Yes, right and correct. Compromise and negotiation are words that were used in the past to describe how the politics of the US functioned.

Speaking of that, bring back the ERA amendment and pass it properly. Even if it's not necessary because of the way the laws are now, I'd say the ERA needs to be on the books, for the future.

I have relatives in Argentina and Canada, because, they couldn't get into the US due to quotas and limits. Both sides of the family in Canada, a bunch of the Italians in Argentina. My Aunt in Windsor said they went there and worked, planning on moving to the US later, but found they liked Canada much better.  :) Right across the bridge to Detroit, who would have imagined that?  ::)

In Wisconsin Wurst First would mean, you have a Brat, before the rest of the meal. I'm sure that will confuse many people reading here, but I'm going to attempt to drop out of the political shouting match. It's just to senseless and futile. I'll make breakfast instead and enjoy my day. Many photos to edit...


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