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Author Topic: What do you think?  (Read 67820 times)

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« on: March 12, 2008, 10:42 »
deleted - too offensive for some - sorry

« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 14:21 by digiology »


« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2008, 12:20 »
I love it. My kind of humour. But the music doesn't return the power of the images. I would think more like a techno music theme or anything that make fly the listeners over the edges of the sequences. Something that push the absurdity to an other level if it's this that the video is trying to deliver.


« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2008, 12:54 »
Thanks Vonkara  :) All feedback is welcome and will be very helpfull for my family member (since I am too close to the person to give unbiased comments)

« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2008, 17:45 »
Very one sided, especially since the reason that our nation (US) has been in an armed conflict since the 1900's it's because it gets attacked first.
WWI innocent people, WWII Japan, Viet Nam against communism, First Gulf war Iraq invaded first a defenseless country, Twin Towers went down first( no images or metion of that) Afghan terrorist breeding ground and Taliban, Sadam lunatic. Once again very biased and please Hittler killed millions lest not compare Bush to that devil. Don't like it.

« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 18:15 »

Very one sided, especially since the reason that our nation (US) has been in an armed conflict since the 1900's it's because it gets attacked first.

Many people would not agree with that , and facts are on their side.

By the way , I like the artistic side of the  video, leaving the political message on side.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 18:23 by Lizard »

« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 18:19 »
Double post


« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 11:03 »
Tough crowd.  ;D

Yeah it was the artistic side I was looking for an opinion on (not the political message). Looking at it now I realize that may have been difficult for some to look past. It's just a bunch of regurgitated clips most of us have seen before. (I just thought they were cleverly put together.) I apologise if I offended anyone.  8)

« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2008, 12:14 »
Very one sided, especially since the reason that our nation (US) has been in an armed conflict since the 1900's it's because it gets attacked first.
WWI innocent people, WWII Japan, Viet Nam against communism, First Gulf war Iraq invaded first a defenseless country, Twin Towers went down first( no images or metion of that) Afghan terrorist breeding ground and Taliban, Sadam lunatic. Once again very biased and please Hittler killed millions lest not compare Bush to that devil. Don't like it.

I think you need to refresh your memory: Vietnam has never attacked USA, and probably never will. During that war, USA killed and poisoned (chemical warfare: that's USA) tens of thousands of civilians in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. People in those countries are still stepping on land-mines and undetonated bombs from your heroic war against communism.

The result of that war: Vietnam and Laos became communist regimes anyway (and still are), while Cambodia ended up as one of the most brutal regimes the world has ever seen, killing millions of its own people, only to be saved by the "evil" Vietnamese communists a few years later.

Iraq, as bad as it was under Hussein, has been thrown into havoc by an American occupation that has lasted for five years. People are being killed and molested every day, in much larger numbers than Mr. Hussein could ever dream of. In addition, thousands of Iraqis (mostly Sunni Muslims) have been forced to leave their country to live in refugee camps in neighboring countries, refugee camps where young Iraqi women, some of them children, are forced into prostitution because that is the only way they can earn money to buy food for their families. No money from the rich uncle in Washington to help those kids.

Oh, and by the way: Saddam Hussein never attacked USA either (he did attack Iran though, with American support, and Kuwait without), and he didn't support terrorism. He simply didn't want to share with anybody.

I could go on, but the list is too long for a web-page this size.

Getting rid of lunatics may sound like a good idea, but it's an even better idea to take a long look at what the consequences will be for those civilians that are going to be "saved" as a result of the action. And as for Mr. Bush, he doesn't need to walk far to find a crazy politician. I'm sure there must be a mirror somewhere in the White House.


« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2008, 13:46 »

I thought this was a Microstock board, not a place for people to spew their hatred of the USA. I find it interesting that the moderator is quick to delete threads of other controversy but leaves this trash unchecked.

« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2008, 13:52 »
Very one sided, especially since the reason that our nation (US) has been in an armed conflict since the 1900's it's because it gets attacked first.
WWI innocent people, WWII Japan, Viet Nam against communism, First Gulf war Iraq invaded first a defenseless country, Twin Towers went down first( no images or metion of that) Afghan terrorist breeding ground and Taliban, Saddam lunatic. Once again very biased and please Hittler killed millions lest not compare Bush to that devil. Don't like it.

I think you need to refresh your memory: Vietnam has never attacked USA, and probably never will. During that war, USA killed and poisoned (chemical warfare: that's USA) tens of thousands of civilians in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. People in those countries are still stepping on land-mines and undetonated bombs from your heroic war against communism.

The result of that war: Vietnam and Laos became communist regimes anyway (and still are), while Cambodia ended up as one of the most brutal regimes the world has ever seen, killing millions of its own people, only to be saved by the "evil" Vietnamese communists a few years later.

Iraq, as bad as it was under Hussein, has been thrown into havoc by an American occupation that has lasted for five years. People are being killed and molested every day, in much larger numbers than Mr. Hussein could ever dream of. In addition, thousands of Iraqis (mostly Sunni Muslims) have been forced to leave their country to live in refugee camps in neighboring countries, refugee camps where young Iraqi women, some of them children, are forced into prostitution because that is the only way they can earn money to buy food for their families. No money from the rich uncle in Washington to help those kids.

Oh, and by the way: Saddam Hussein never attacked USA either (he did attack Iran though, with American support, and Kuwait without), and he didn't support terrorism. He simply didn't want to share with anybody.

I could go on, but the list is too long for a web-page this size.

Getting rid of lunatics may sound like a good idea, but it's an even better idea to take a long look at what the consequences will be for those civilians that are going to be "saved" as a result of the action. And as for Mr. Bush, he doesn't need to walk far to find a crazy politician. I'm sure there must be a mirror somewhere in the White House.

I guess by trying to write a short response to a very complicated issue I made myself sound naive, ignorant and stupid. Of course Vietnam never attacked the US, I'm very aware of that. I should have written a more grammatical correct answer and separated more of the historical events of the 20th century. But the facts are that WWI was not started by the US, WWII was not started by the US, the first Gulf war was not started by the US. The World Trade Center towers were not destroyed by the US eventhough some people would love for that to be the case.
   And yes what we have in Iraq is the result of bad planning and poor understanding of history. I guess the last thing in the Bush administrations thoughts was the age long hatred that the Sunnis and the Shiites have towards each other. Saddam was the only thing keeping those fanatics from slaughtering each other like dogs. But "a lo hecho pecho" that is what is done is done and we have to finish what we started and not run away from the problem.
   I enjoy reading the comments on this site and like adding to them. If my views seem strong sometimes you need to just walk in my shoes sometimes. I'm not trying to offend anyone especially here were we seem to enjoy the fellowship. This is not the SS forum where it seems everyone has a chip on their shoulders.
   We will disagree of course on many things but I will hate for this to become another place were we have to tip toe around so as not to offend each other.
    I still don't like the video and yes it is political. My opinion take it that way, you don't know who I'm so that is the way you should take it.
   Peace to all.

« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2008, 13:58 »
I don't totally disagree with what Epixx said, as USA foreign intervention has always been guided by economical interests (is anyone going to help Tibetans?). We lived under a cruel military dictatorship in Brazil and the USA was quite happy about it.

I agree however this is not the place to discuss this subject.



« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2008, 14:28 »
Well I deleted the link as I did not intend to offend anyone. Sorry. Again I was looking for comments on the artistic side of the video (not the political).

BTW - This is the OFF Topic section

« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2008, 14:40 »
Well I deleted the link as I did not intend to offend anyone. Sorry. Again I was looking for comments on the artistic side of the video (not the political).

BTW - This is the OFF Topic section

I didn't see a need to deleted it you had every right to ask opinions and yes is the off topic area so anything should be OK (I think). I hope it was not me, I was just giving my opinion on something that is controversial.
Like I said before peace to all.

« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2008, 15:21 »

I thought this was a Microstock board, not a place for people to spew their hatred of the USA. I find it interesting that the moderator is quick to delete threads of other controversy but leaves this trash unchecked.

this is the off topic area so it is allowed to be 'off topic'

I haven't deleted it because people are simply stating their opinions - wethere they are right or wrong is not up to me.  The posts in this thread have been quite cival and debate like - despite the fact that they are strongly appoosed to eachother.  If you look in the boards of the various stock sites you will see many controversial threads - controversy is hardly a thing to be moderated.

Very few threads or posts have been moderated in this forum (largely thanks to the group we have here) and I write a notice when it is done.  Things that are not acceptable are personal attacks or foul language - the few times anything has been moderated it has been for these reasons.

just for interest sake here - In the past 2+ years that this site has been around a total of 65 posts have been moderated out of the  37,868 posts that have been made.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 15:26 by leaf »

« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2008, 15:49 »
ahmen..Leaf is cool!

« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2008, 18:52 »
Sorry for my rant (well... not very sorry, but a little bit), but sometimes, a little perspective is useful. Nothing personal. Friends can discuss politics too sometimes, even if they disagree.   :)


« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2008, 19:16 »
Well I deleted the link as I did not intend to offend anyone. Sorry. Again I was looking for comments on the artistic side of the video (not the political).

BTW - This is the OFF Topic section

I didn't see a need to deleted it you had every right to ask opinions and yes is the off topic area so anything should be OK (I think). I hope it was not me, I was just giving my opinion on something that is controversial.
Like I said before peace to all.

No worries jorge! I didn't delete it because of you. Mostly because I wasn't getting the feedback I was looking for and it was just invoking a heated political debate amongst members.

Plus I do not want to be perceived as someone that "spews hatred" against anyone.

Peace Love Heart Rainbow Unicorn and all that!


« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2008, 04:53 »

I thought this was a Microstock board, not a place for people to spew their hatred of the USA.

"spewing hatred" is perfectly understandable considering the situation. It's incredible the suffering of the Iraqi people now as a result of America's moronic foreign policy- just as it was incredible the suffering of the Vietnamese people. Just saying "communism" is a completely moronic justification, by the way jorgeinthewater. I think justifying Iraq by saying "Sadam lunatic" is also pretty lame, when you consider all the vaste array of lunatics that America supports when it's convenient to do so. But those who supported the war dont know much about that do they? To them, Saddam= hitler=bad, black and white, us vs them, all very simple, god is on our side, we ll win because we are good and they are evil. Very, very moronic. A country of overweight armchair imperialists that know absolutely NOTHING about the outside would should stick to their tv and donuts.

« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2008, 05:34 »
I am against the war in Iraq but I am not anti USA.  They saved the UK in WWII.  People say they entered the war too late but I still think if it wasn't for the USA, I probably wouldn't be here.

I just hope the next president has more sense than George Bush.  Tony Blair was just as bad and should have resigned when no WMD's were found in Iraq.  I am disgusted by the politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.  Hopefully they can't get any worse.  Let's hope they can withdraw from Iraq and go after the real terrorists.

« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2008, 05:35 »
Well - I can't resist putting my $0.02 in, mostly in regard to the statement
"Just saying "communism" is a completely moronic justification, by the way jorgeinthewater."

Is not.To pass a judgement like the above - one needs to be familiar with the subject. I am - an believe me, while USA and the president do a lot of things which are simple, crude, or outright stupid at times - it does not come even close to the true evil of communism.
I guess some familiarity with history and political systems would be of great help (if not limited to information just from newspapers and just recent years or events).

 It would be good if one restricted his comments to things he is familiar with. It is fashionable (bashing USA) - and I must say this is plain uninformed and simpleminded in this case...

And I am not even American - but things like this really piss me off.

OK, enough of ranting, back to photography.


« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2008, 06:36 »
Is not.To pass a judgement like the above - one needs to be familiar with the subject. I am - an believe me, while USA and the president do a lot of things which are simple, crude, or outright stupid at times - it does not come even close to the true evil of communism.
I guess some familiarity with history and political systems would be of great help (if not limited to information just from newspapers and just recent years or events).

 It would be good if one restricted his comments to things he is familiar with. It is fashionable (bashing USA) - and I must say this is plain uninformed and simpleminded in this case...

And I am not even American - but things like this really piss me off.

OK, enough of ranting, back to photography.
Im fully aware that communism is a load of crap. However, that doesnt make it justified to go to war with the country, just as "hes a dictator" isnt a justification. You want me to proove that? Take a look at what happened in Vietnam. You think that "communism" is a good enough excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of people in three countries? Well, considering that it didnt even stop the communism, it clearly isnt, is it?
This war shows an equal lack of understanding, and has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people because Americans made a mistake. Well, that's all well and good- unless youre an iraqi.

« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2008, 06:38 »
Oh well, I would have liked to see the video.

Yap Vietnam was a blunder, and Gulf II too. Apart from that, Western Europe would have been an economical desert now under a collapsed Communist regime, South-East Asia (and parts of China) would have been a cruel Japanese protectorate under a godlike Emperor and Israel would have had its second holocaust.

Every century had its superpowers. Don't have to remind what Colonial powers Portugal and Spain did with the Indians and the Belgians in Congo. The US only had only one colony: the Philippines. Instead of * it dry like the Spanish the 300 years before, they installed a working democracy, a judicial system, and above all an educational system from kindergarten up to college. Then, after liberating it at the cost of many tens of thousand young lives from the Japanese, they gave the Philippines the choice between full US statehood or independence. The US installed a working democracy in Japan too, AND in Germany.

The difference between the contemporary superpower and the previous ones is the total democracy, free speech, and a constitution that protects the people against corruption from an absolute state and global freewheeling of power-drunk leaders. There is no Great Firewall in the US like in China.
Mistakes can happen, bad ones like Vietnam. But after a while it gets corrected thanks to the power of the voting people. That's why Obama-Clinton will be elected ;-)

« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2008, 06:42 »
Well, that's all well and good- unless youre an iraqi.
Reality check: the Americans don't kill Iraqis. Some fundamentalists of their own people do it.


« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2008, 06:50 »
Oh what a cliche! As you well know, they wouldnt be killing each other like this if it wasnt for the war.

« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2008, 07:09 »
Harry - you need a reality check. Seriously.
As I said before - forming opinions on the basis of leftist propaganda is, well, naive and uninformed.
I am not pro-war. But the world we live in is not ideal, and crap happens.
It is the long-term results and effects that count. The very fact that you can express those opinions of yours is a proof that the system you are bashing actually works (again - it is not ideal, but nothing better has been invented so far).

Regarding "Oh what a cliche! As you well know, they wouldnt be killing each other like this if it wasnt for the war.":
BS, pure and simple. Please learn something about Middle East and its history for the last 1400 years - and maybe you arrive at different conclusion.
You are a target - whether you want it or not - by the very fact of who you are, what you believe in, and what passport you carry.
There are good and bad people everywhere: what is important - is the proportions of each and the influence they carry.

And now - seriously again - back to photography.



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