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Author Topic: Web Site or Blog???  (Read 5718 times)

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  • tough men are pussys
« on: January 26, 2007, 10:12 »
Now that I've retired my Canon A1 due to shutter failure and the cost to repair is more than I paid for it in 1978, I guess it's time to move completely into the digital age.  Web site or blog?

My son is a web site developer and he's offered (read after a lot guilt laid on him from me) to build either one for free.  From what I can gather, a web site needs more technical skills to update and if updated on a frequent basis could become very work intensive.  A blog, on the other hand can be updated by me whenever I can without a lot of effort.
Am I wrong? 

I will be on a more extensive voyage for the next 5-7 years, down the west coast, baja, sea of cortez, guatamala, costa rica, and then into the south pacific - or - back up through panama and into the caribe. 

Which format (site or blog) do you more experienced technical people suggest.  Something that I can update from rather remote locations although with internet connections, show some pictures, and make a log of the trip for friends, family, and interested persons?

Suggestions and experience with these formats is appreciated

« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2007, 10:27 »
i would suggest a blog.  They are getting pretty popular so people understand them and are more designed to display frequent and chronological updates.  They can also be set up to update by you sending the blog an email even... very simple

my vote: blog

ooh i am jealous.  I guess i have said this before, but i still dream of living on a boat off of my microstock earnings :)

« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2007, 10:27 »
Here's my experience:
I established my own website about a year ago, www.epixx.net. Since I had my own design-company then, it was an easy thing to do. After that, I've updated it once, and I have to realize that once or twice a year is the maximum of what I'll do, unless I pay somebody to do it.

I've considered a blog, and may still do that, but the most important thing for me is to show my photos to people, so about a week ago, I registered at two gallery sites: deviantart.com and smugmug.com. My personal galleries are at udvang.deviantart.com and epixx.smugmug.com.

They are very different in concept. Deviantart is very cool, but doesn't allow for any serious organizing of the photos. Smugmug is another animal altogether. Very well organized.

Both the sites allow people to order prints of my photos, and I make a profit out of each print sold.

Just my 2 cents

« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 10:36 »
It depends on what you plan on using it for.

If you are trying to create a site where you can sell your photos or market your business, then a web site is more appropriate.

If you are trying to write a journal and make it public, then a blog is more appropriate.

« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 11:28 »
You can always do both.  :D  That's what I do.  I do other things besides photography so my website gives me a place to post my non-stock and older photos as well as my artwork and online store information.  I use my blog to keep family and friends updated on what's going on in my life... although I don't update it very often here lately.  Both my blog and my website are about to get a major (and much needed) overhaul in the next week or two.  I agree that the website will take more work/knowledge to update so that might not be your best choice.  The blog, on the other hand, should be very user friendly, depending what type of blog you choose.  Good luck to you, we'd love to see it when it's done. 

« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2007, 11:37 »
and if you use a blog, people can have their rss readers automatically check for updates, so they are notified when you add another posting.  Another very handy feature.  I can't be bothered to check 10 different blogs everyday, but with the rss reader that notifies me of what to look at... it makes it easy to preview (or not) 10 blogs.

« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2007, 12:09 »
Blogs are maintenance-free and very handy for sharing infos in the present, very volatile though.  But if you don't have a permanent base while traveling, it is a convenient way to store on a daily basis, although you may check if you can keep everything at high resolution.

Websites are more grounded but require personal attention.

If you opt for a website:

- if you plan to sell your pictures, go for something already formatted online.

- if you don't plan to sell but would still like an online family album presentation, I would recommend to get a web name (GoDaddy is cheap), use a software like Adobe GoLive (I like it personally, very transparent approach), and create your own website with your own server at home (have it on a separate computer for security reasons).  This way you don't have to pay an outsider host and your work remains in your hands.  You can share it with your family with some passwords, or you can keep it totally public.  Your choice.

Mostly, choose what corresponds to your own needs and expectations.


  • tough men are pussys
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2007, 13:37 »

What a great bunch of replys  It sounds like blog is the way to go for me.  My son is hosting it so I don't have any charges, and he's already registered a name, and showed me how to get on it - I forgot how.

The idea is to keep everybody informed of what I'm up to and show some low res pictures.  I've registered on smugmug and alamy, in addition to the 10 or so stock sites.  In addition I hope to get published in some of the cruising mags, particularly when in guatamalan waters.

Hey leaf, I am looking for crew for some of the passages, I already have some booked, and I guess I'll show it on this blog thing and what's open and when.  I plan on being about a year in Mex.  Guat. then CR. then comes decision time. ;D ;D

« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2007, 15:06 »
Well if you would venture across the waters, and come to this side of the world i would consider it very seriously... I think you should scoot across the ocean up by greenland, come across to ireland, then norway and float down to italy and such.


« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2007, 19:52 »
From what I can gather, a web site needs more technical skills to update and if updated on a frequent basis could become very work intensive.  A blog, on the other hand can be updated by me whenever I can without a lot of effort.
Am I wrong?


Which format (site or blog) do you more experienced technical people suggest.  Something that I can update from rather remote locations although with internet connections, show some pictures, and make a log of the trip for friends, family, and interested persons?

Suggestions and experience with these formats is appreciated

I suggest using whichever offers you the features you want. If your needs are very simple then I would use a blog. If you need more features now or may want more features in the future like the ability to sell photos, other options on galleries, private sections for clients, etc then I would suggest starting with a decent content management system. Something along the lines of Drupal or Joomla will offer a great deal of flexibility and power. They are more involved to set up in the beginning but they are just as easy to use as a blog once they are set up.


  • tough men are pussys
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2007, 20:03 »
Thanks IR, I guess I'd better discuss this further with my IP (son)

Leaf wrote:   "scoot across the ocean up by greenland"

Nah, like Jimmy Buffett wrote "going where the weather suits my clothes" 

I don't think shorts and t shirts will work in the northern clime all year long.  Last time I came back to CA it took me a month to get used to frigid 75 degree weather ;D

Although, I did live 6 years in Spain and really miss the Med.


« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2007, 20:37 »
Geopappas summed it up pretty well. Based on what your plans are, sounds like a blog may be better short term, then when you settle someplace you may want a website to show off all the images you took.

And not to split hairs - but that's Harry Nillsen, not Jimmy Buffet.

« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2007, 01:56 »
Website And Blog. ;-)

You can go to Freewebs and create a website. It allows you to have a blog in the same website. You can take a look at my website but i never added a blog cos i aready have  a blog at VOX (really good blog site!)


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