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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 91007 times)

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« Reply #225 on: July 01, 2023, 17:48 »
If you listen to Ross Coulthart speaking about how he entered into the world of ufology he assumed he could explore the field and in a six month period he would be able to debunk it for good. In fact the more research he completed the further from his goal he became.

He was heavily involved in Australia's school incident. A very interesting case in which a or two ufos landed near a school. Somw of the children ran and got the teachers because they were so terrified. The teachers came running and one of the teachers had a camera and took film photos. It wasn't long before the authorities arrived and a military unit. The speed with which the military arrived suggested a nearby US bases forces had been deployed but if memory serves the arm badge didn't match. Regardless they interviewed the children and confiscated the teachers camera and threatened the teachers to never mention it again. Ross coulthart has explored the details significantly and even created a reunion of the children years later and got them all to draw what they saw.

It's very much the same incident as the school in Africa incident. Ross has also got a standing death threat against him for his journalistic work he did on biker gangs.

Westall incident 1966

« Reply #226 on: July 02, 2023, 13:13 »
.... The speed with which the military arrived suggested a nearby US bases forces had been deployed but if memory serves the arm badge didn't match. ...

so you're saying it had to be US since the Australian military is too slow to respond?  US forces in allied countries do not have authority to investigate or respond to local need unless specifically requested

your 'suggestion' is nonsense -- this 50 years old 'incident' (identified at the time as weather balloon(s)) took place in Melbourne, in the farthest SE part of Australia, 1300 MILES from central Alice Springs and 2700 miles from the only other US base (on the west coast) - did US 'forces' unse teleporters?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 13:27 by cascoly »

« Reply #227 on: July 02, 2023, 14:26 »
in this case how do his achievements, patents & reputation become evidence for accuracy wrt alien UFO? argument from authority does not give reliability to any statements they may make

That is true, but his achievements prove that he is no tin foil hat wearer and he would be risking his reputation telling lies. And also: he is a freaking consultant of the Pentagon and the CIA in the field of...., yes: UAPs/UFOs. In other words: he has seen things. And he is even an "experiencer" himself.

I cannot think of any possible motivation for someone like Nolan to claim that UFOs are "real", if it wasn't true (at least based on information available to him). ...

i never said he was crazy, just that experts in one field can be wrong when they enter a different one - ... you're again arguing from authority - his accomplishments don't extrapolate to his being correct on UFO - and it appears some of the reports in tabloids such as NYB Post & Daily Mirror have distorted his statements or taken them out of context. 

his account is much more nuanced in an interview he discussed some of this work -- many individuals had been found to have similar brain 'damage' without disability , among them pilots who saw UFO but many had MRI showing damage before claims of seeing UFO)

Question: How does the impact of electromagnetic frequencies factor into your hypotheses about what exactly transpired here?
With one of the patients, it happened on the Skinwalker Ranch. Given how deep into their brain the damage went, we can actually estimate the amount of energy required in the electromagnetic wave someone aimed at them. We don't think that has anything to do with UAPs. We think that that's some sort of a state actor and again related to Havana syndrome somehow.

it's an interesting, detailed interview in which Nolan  says "  The data is there  the explanation is not."

question:How many objects {alleged to have fallen from UFO} have you checked out that are not playing by our rules?
So of the 10 or 12 that I've looked at, two seem to be not playing by our rules. That doesn't mean that they're levitating, on my desk or anything, it just means that they have altered isotope ratios....Let's say we didn't have transistors today and one of these objects dropped a big chunk of germanium doped with other elements, or, you know, these little transistors. We would not have a clue as to the function, and we would ask 'why would anyone put arrays of germanium with these strange impurities in them what is this thing?'

it's an unexplained instance but doesnt follow other claims that these are metals unknown on earth - they can be reproduced.


i have a friend, a respected biologist in optical systems who became a sasquatch believer - certifying bigfoot  footprints.  i also met a famous geographer in Nepal who had stories of finding stro,ng physical evidence of yeti - but they always arrived a day late after yeti sightings

« Reply #228 on: July 02, 2023, 14:31 »
The time travel hypothesis was discussed in an off camera meeting between Cdr David Fravour and Bob Lazar. As more rime goes on Lazars ridiculed claims have slowly been substantiated one by one. Fravor requested a meeting and then got into postilation as to how they do what they do. And between them suggested that if they had a form of time travel then perhaps they aren't moving as fast as the impression seems.

David Fravors Tic Tac vanished into thin air. But shortly afterwards it was located on Radar some distance away. It had appeared at their exercise start point. Where they were conducting the air trials. It remained there stationary. It had also blocked on board sensors during the encounter.

just for context:

In U.F.O. arcana, one of the figures claiming a whistle-blowers knowledge of a secret U.S. program to reverse-engineer recovered alien technology is a man named Bob Lazar.

Heres how Lazar has told the story: As a physicist educated at M.I.T. and Caltech, he was hired by the U.S. Navy in the 1980s to work as a technician at S-4, a subsidiary of Area 51. By his account, the facility contains nine recovered flying saucers; in addition, Lazar has claim‌ed glimpses of alien cadavers and briefings on human contact with the Zeta Reticuli star system.

Heady stuff, this except that Lazar isnt actually a physicist, he was never hired by the Navy, he didnt graduate from M.I.T. or Caltech, and his only possible connection to military installations is a brief stint at a contractor firm associated with Los Alamos.

So to believe his story, you have to believe that once he turned whistle-blower, the Men in Black magically erased all evidence of his rsum. Alternatively, you can just assume that Lazar is an All-American bunkum artist an impression that his later career as a chemical salesman frequently in trouble with the law does little to dispel.

Ross Douthat

« Reply #229 on: July 02, 2023, 14:57 »

his account is much more nuanced in an interview he discussed some of this work -- many individuals had been found to have similar brain 'damage' without disability , among them pilots who saw UFO but many had MRI showing damage before claims of seeing UFO)

Question: How does the impact of electromagnetic frequencies factor into your hypotheses about what exactly transpired here?
With one of the patients, it happened on the Skinwalker Ranch. Given how deep into their brain the damage went, we can actually estimate the amount of energy required in the electromagnetic wave someone aimed at them. We don't think that has anything to do with UAPs. We think that that's some sort of a state actor and again related to Havana syndrome somehow.

it's an interesting, detailed interview in which Nolan  says "  The data is there  the explanation is not."

question:How many objects {alleged to have fallen from UFO} have you checked out that are not playing by our rules?
So of the 10 or 12 that I've looked at, two seem to be not playing by our rules. That doesn't mean that they're levitating, on my desk or anything, it just means that they have altered isotope ratios....Let's say we didn't have transistors today and one of these objects dropped a big chunk of germanium doped with other elements, or, you know, these little transistors. We would not have a clue as to the function, and we would ask 'why would anyone put arrays of germanium with these strange impurities in them what is this thing?'

it's an unexplained instance but doesnt follow other claims that these are metals unknown on earth - they can be reproduced.

As you can see yourself, he is not a "UFO performer" or part of the UFO Entertainment Industry. He examines stuff, and if something is of human origin, he will just gladly say the way it is. He has a reputation and I don't think that he could have motivation to tell lies.

But here is a recent interview with Nolan:

Recorded about 1 month ago. I don't care much what people like Greer, Corbell, de Long or Knapp say about UFOs. But when Nolan says something like that, it has a certain weight. And what he said was a bomb, as a matter of fact. Nolan has connections to the Pentagon and the CIA and he must have seen some stuff, about which he is not yet authorized to talk in detail right now. But I think we will slowly get to that point.

Your link is from 2021, and since then a LOT has happened in this field. I used to be on the fence a few years ago, but now not so much.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 15:22 by LDV81 »

« Reply #230 on: July 02, 2023, 15:41 »
Why do they crash if they are so advanced?

Nolan speculates that at least some of them are in fact intermediaries, drones, an intelligence test for us. Showing up on a planet ruled by monkeys with nukes who eat other animal species may very well be perceived as dangerous. So, maybe they want to see if we figure out what is behind that craft, as an intelligence test.

Here is what humans do with wild animals in forests and jungles. You might think that leaving a mirror in a forest or a jungle doesn't make sense and is in fact stupid. But nevertheless, humans do it and observe the reactions of the animals:

There are literally loads of such videos on YouTube. I have a feeling that denialism is similar to failing the mirror test.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 16:33 by LDV81 »

« Reply #231 on: July 02, 2023, 15:59 »
.... The speed with which the military arrived suggested a nearby US bases forces had been deployed but if memory serves the arm badge didn't match. ...

so you're saying it had to be US since the Australian military is too slow to respond?  US forces in allied countries do not have authority to investigate or respond to local need unless specifically requested

your 'suggestion' is nonsense -- this 50 years old 'incident' (identified at the time as weather balloon(s)) took place in Melbourne, in the farthest SE part of Australia, 1300 MILES from central Alice Springs and 2700 miles from the only other US base (on the west coast) - did US 'forces' unse teleporters?

I never said any such thing. A fabrication of your attitude again. The opinion of the investigators stated (had you bothered to watch the video) stated that the military forces arrived within 20 minutes of the event. As such the nearest bases that had the ability to arrive in that time frame and wearing the appropriately coloured uniform were US forces from a base with the 20 minute time frame. Goodness for a skeptic you do go off half cocked don't you. I will assume this renders the rest of your post ... nonsense.

« Reply #232 on: July 02, 2023, 16:19 »
"Heady stuff, this except that Lazar isnt actually a physicist, he was never hired by the Navy, he didnt graduate from M.I.T. or Caltech, and his only possible connection to military installations is a brief stint at a contractor firm associated with Los Alamos."

More poorly researched copy and paste ... lazy

Despite his records being removed including an attempt at removing his birth certificate George Knapp did track down an archived copy of a newspaper report about Bob Lazar. In the article it stated that he was a Physicist working at Los Alamos labs. The article was I believe about his jet car that he drove to work at the labs.

Los Alamos confirmed to Knapp that Bob worked there. Knapp asked for records of employment which they agreed to supply in a week. The week came and went and when it reached week three he called again and was told that Bob didn't work there and never had and that no such employment records existed.

He confronted Bob about this to which Bob's response was ... ok let's go ill take you there right now. George accepted and they went. Lazar entered the labs and without any hesitation took George through the complex and introduced George to the people that worked there. They knew Bob.

Later George tracked down the reporter who wrote the article about Bob and suggested that he was mistaken and that Bob was a chancer. The reporter firmly corrected George and stated that if he had mistakenly called Bob a physicist out at Las Alamos when he wasn't they would have sacked him because they would never accept someone credited with them and that title if he wad no such thing. The reporter was never sacked. Bobs name also appeared in the telephone directory at the labs.

Whilst Bob has recieved much in the way of weekly death threats, governmnent searches of his home and complete contempt from skeptics and believers in equal measure one thing that he hasn't recieved much of is money. When he appeared onnthe Joe Rogan experience he paid his own fares. And he wasn't paid to appear. Whether he is telling the truth or not, you certainly do not have a single clue either way and at this point you are just embarrassing yourself.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #233 on: July 03, 2023, 09:25 »
The UFO propaganda machine is designed to tell the lies over and over and also discredit anything that doesn't agree with the propaganda version of the story. Anything that shows evidence that does follow the story line is vigorously attacked, but anything that follows the propaganda mission is accepted without questioning.

They claim to be searching for the truth but instead are ignoring the facts that would show their claims are vague fantasy science fiction.

This may be true for some, maybe even for many people in this field. But your claim is arrogant and ignorant.

Garry Nolan was asked to examine the Atacama skeleton. Stephen Greer was convinced that it was extraterrestrial. Garry Nolan examined the skeleton, and guess what. He said it was human. He had no problems to admit it.

If you accuse serious researchers and respected scientists like Garry Nolan of being part of "UFO propaganda", you are making a fool of yourself. There are some clowns in the field, yes, but people like Nolan are the real deal. Look at his scientific achievements, registered patents, position and reputation in the world of science. And then listen to what he says about UFOs.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton? Are they tall or short (as they have been reported as both and many others) or do they look like us. How many different races of aliens are visiting us, yet we see none and they don't just pick up a phone and call someone.

I'm always wondering if we have all these different aliens, coming from who knows where, different places, they must know about each other. Yet we can't seem to figure out, where they come from. Air, underground or from the water?

But just for the simple question, what do aliens look like? Things like physical appearance, height, hands, eyes?

« Reply #234 on: July 03, 2023, 09:33 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

« Reply #235 on: July 03, 2023, 09:43 »
Yet we can't seem to figure out, where they come from. Air, underground or from the water?

Because we are not very smart as a species, in the grand scheme of things. The US military has reports of trans-medium craft, operating in the air and under water at speeds and acceleration beyond our science.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 10:48 by LDV81 »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #236 on: July 03, 2023, 09:46 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

« Reply #237 on: July 03, 2023, 09:50 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

What's the problem? Nolan examined it said it was human. That is the whole point. Read the context of the post. A poster claimed that there is some "UFO propaganda" rejecting all evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative. And here you have people like Nolan.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 09:58 by LDV81 »

« Reply #238 on: July 03, 2023, 11:17 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

Someone chopped off your fingers? Do your own research. Lol ...

"ill try again ... i demand answers now run off and get them for me 🤣

« Reply #239 on: July 03, 2023, 11:22 »

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

obviously through dna analysis. Assuming they aren't actually descended from us they should in theory be different from us. But this planet is old. Maybe like we broke away from the apes "allegedly", they broke away much sooner.

« Reply #240 on: July 03, 2023, 12:45 »
.... The speed with which the military arrived suggested a nearby US bases forces had been deployed but if memory serves the arm badge didn't match. ...

so you're saying it had to be US since the Australian military is too slow to respond?  US forces in allied countries do not have authority to investigate or respond to local need unless specifically requested

your 'suggestion' is nonsense -- this 50 years old 'incident' (identified at the time as weather balloon(s)) took place in Melbourne, in the farthest SE part of Australia, 1300 MILES from central Alice Springs and 2700 miles from the only other US base (on the west coast) - did US 'forces' unse teleporters?

I never said any such thing. A fabrication of your attitude again. The opinion of the investigators stated (had you bothered to watch the video) stated that the military forces arrived within 20 minutes of the event. As such the nearest bases that had the ability to arrive in that time frame and wearing the appropriately coloured uniform were US forces from a base with the 20 minute time frame. Goodness for a skeptic you do go off half cocked don't you. I will assume this renders the rest of your post ... nonsense.

ROFL! YOU suggested US forces in your quote, now you're trying to wiggle out - NO US forces were withing 20 miles of Melbourne - please list the bases from which US forces cold have arrived. (i've documented my claim - as usual you spout nonsense with no facts,  - then you're annoyed when someone calls you out!

and your continued ad hominen attacks just show how weak your arguments are

« Reply #241 on: July 03, 2023, 12:48 »
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 12:50 by cascoly »

« Reply #242 on: July 03, 2023, 12:55 »

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

obviously through dna analysis. Assuming they aren't actually descended from us they should in theory be different from us. But this planet is old. Maybe like we broke away from the apes "allegedly", they broke away much sooner.

allegedly??  do you not accept evolution?   you dont accept the relation between apes & humans, but you guess at an 'alien' species before the divergence 6-9 MILLION years ago

there is no fossil evidence for such creatures -- learn some biology - species don't 'break away', with isolation, mutations & natural selection they change slowly over time.

« Reply #243 on: July 03, 2023, 13:33 »

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

obviously through dna analysis. Assuming they aren't actually descended from us they should in theory be different from us. But this planet is old. Maybe like we broke away from the apes "allegedly", they broke away much sooner.

allegedly??  do you not accept evolution?   you dont accept the relation between apes & humans, but you guess at an 'alien' species before the divergence 6-9 MILLION years ago

there is no fossil evidence for such creatures -- learn some biology - species don't 'break away', with isolation, mutations & natural selection they change slowly over time.

Your English is actually quite bad i was mistaken. You have the ability to write it perfectly clearly but you lack some ability when reading it. The word maybe isn't used when stating known facts. We use it when we don't know. I don't claim to know. So I used maybe. I used allegedly to stop you jumping on me for claiming it as fact. I do not know if we descended from apes. Therefore I wouldn't claim it to be so. Some skeptics would argue that if we descended from apes ... why do we still have apes.

As for attacks against you, you are irrelevant. I merely respond to your attacks claiming nonsense and delusional opinions. Which serve  no purpose but to inflate your ego further. You obviously cannot moderate yourself so I'll moderate myself.

Clearly your self proclaimed superiority on all matters is significantly lacking when it comes to the simple act of being polite and having a conversation. I feel sorry for you because it must be a lonely place to be. Ah well.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #244 on: July 04, 2023, 12:05 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

Someone chopped off your fingers? Do your own research. Lol ...

"ill try again ... i demand answers now run off and get them for me 🤣

I have looked and I can't make sense of this, I thought someone who has the answers and experience would be able to give me some clear ways to identify what the aliens look like. As I've asked, it's not that difficult, is it. There are all kinds of claims and sightings, what do they look like? Tall or short. How many fingers. What do the eyes and heads look like.

How can you talk about all these alien sightings and no one can say what they look like? They aren't invisible are they?

Or are you just avoiding the answer, because you don't have one?

Yes I have fingers... I'll just leave it at, I'm asking a question, can't I ask questions? Jezz, nice answer "Do your own research.".  :o
« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 12:10 by Uncle Pete »

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #245 on: July 04, 2023, 12:09 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

What's the problem? Nolan examined it said it was human. That is the whole point. Read the context of the post. A poster claimed that there is some "UFO propaganda" rejecting all evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative. And here you have people like Nolan.

OK I thought you were saying this is some kind of proof of alien life forms, when it was instead a deformed fetus that had DNA defects.

I also wondered how someone claiming it was Alien DNA (not you, someone else) would have alien DNA to compare it to, instead of jumping to the conclusion that, since they don't know why it's different, it must be space visitors.

« Reply #246 on: July 04, 2023, 12:24 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

Someone chopped off your fingers? Do your own research. Lol ...

"ill try again ... i demand answers now run off and get them for me 🤣

I have looked and I can't make sense of this, I thought someone who has the answers and experience would be able to give me some clear ways to identify what the aliens look like. As I've asked, it's not that difficult, is it. There are all kinds of claims and sightings, what do they look like? Tall or short. How many fingers. What do the eyes and heads look like.

How can you talk about all these alien sightings and no one can say what they look like? They aren't invisible are they?

Or are you just avoiding the answer, because you don't have one?

Yes I have fingers... I'll just leave it at, I'm asking a question, can't I ask questions? Jezz, nice answer "Do your own research.".  :o

facetious though isn't it. You know and I know, and you know I know, that if someone had a body in the public domain we wouldn't even be having this conversation. David Attenborough would be slithering all over it. It was a dull attempt Peter. Clumsy.

But you know ... perhaps if you did your own research and found one in the public domain you could be sitting there now ... polishing your Nobel prize.

« Reply #247 on: July 04, 2023, 12:39 »
How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

What's the problem? Nolan examined it said it was human. That is the whole point. Read the context of the post. A poster claimed that there is some "UFO propaganda" rejecting all evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative. And here you have people like Nolan.

OK I thought you were saying this is some kind of proof of alien life forms, when it was instead a deformed fetus that had DNA defects.

I also wondered how someone claiming it was Alien DNA (not you, someone else) would have alien DNA to compare it to, instead of jumping to the conclusion that, since they don't know why it's different, it must be space visitors.

Well would it be the same as ours?

Though judging by the US going in to meltdown about a guy with a beard, dressed as a Disney princess at Disney working in the Fairy Princess makeover room with children, I doubt if alien DNA did make it into the public domain the US could cope. Judging by the comments on every platform a large section of the US would mallet it into a smear with their shoe whilst wailing about "their Lord" 🙄 tragic.

« Reply #248 on: July 04, 2023, 13:10 »
OK I thought you were saying this is some kind of proof of alien life forms, when it was instead a deformed fetus that had DNA defects.

I also wondered how someone claiming it was Alien DNA (not you, someone else) would have alien DNA to compare it to, instead of jumping to the conclusion that, since they don't know why it's different, it must be space visitors.

You don't need to know alien what DNA is like to confirm that some species is not from Earth, or rather not part of the same evolutionary tree as us.

But if there is a shadow biosphere (hypothetical) on Earth, such lifeforms would also seem "alien" to us:

Nolan talked about such a possibility in some interviews.

« Reply #249 on: July 04, 2023, 14:02 »

obviously through dna analysis. Assuming they aren't actually descended from us they should in theory be different from us. But this planet is old. Maybe like we broke away from the apes "allegedly", they broke away much sooner.

allegedly??  do you not accept evolution?   you dont accept the relation between apes & humans, but you guess at an 'alien' species before the divergence 6-9 MILLION years ago

there is no fossil evidence for such creatures -- learn some biology - species don't 'break away', with isolation, mutations & natural selection they change slowly over time.

... I do not know if we descended from apes. Therefore I wouldn't claim it to be so. Some skeptics would argue that if we descended from apes ... why do we still have apes. ....

given your history here i can accept YOU dont understand evolution, but The theory of evolution is one of the fundamental keystones of modern biological theory supported by over 100 years of scientific evidence.
you keep using weasel words like 'some skeptics' so you  can later claim you never made these silly claims. 

the only 'skeptics' who think we descended from apes are those such as religious fundamentalists who think the literal bible is a scientific source.  no scientifically knowledgeable  person claims we descended FROM apes  -=-  instead, evolution shows we descended from a common  ancestor 6-9 million years ago, so there's no scientific reason for apes to disappear

but and this isnt off the UAP topic - scientific ignorance is greater in the US than in any other developed country - more people believe in astrology (and likely UFO aliens) than believe in science like evolution; resulting in a population w/o the basic knowledge to make intelligent decisions.  (unfortunately these people can also vote)


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