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Author Topic: Russian photographers should be banned!  (Read 34933 times)

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« Reply #150 on: March 11, 2022, 20:48 »

EU ban seems like some type of communism.

When lies are exposed...
you don't have a clue!  how is that possibly about communism?  you continue to expose your ignorance of basic logic & political thought!

When lies are exposed...

Well if the EU bans russian information and on the other hand Facebook (Meta) allows hate speech against russians you can definitely say there is no equal share of information anymore. But keep it up, it must serve some good goal, I guess?

first, 1 was commenting on their ludicrous claims of communism

as usual, i'll ask, but know you have no evidence for your claims.  criticism of Russia's aggression is not hate speech; while ignorance & misinformation have no claim to 'equal time' (not to mention outright lies spewing from Russia [Ukrainian attacks on their own people, biowarfare, etc]) 


« Reply #151 on: March 12, 2022, 01:42 »
as usual, i'll ask, but know you have no evidence for your claims.
It is all over the news. But if you missed it, here is a link, for example:

« Reply #152 on: March 12, 2022, 05:14 »

EU ban seems like some type of communism.

When lies are exposed...
you don't have a clue!  how is that possibly about communism?  you continue to expose your ignorance of basic logic & political thought!

When lies are exposed...

Can I tell you a secret? I use my brain. Two countries in the world have banned the media. Both communist. Can you now see the pattern?

« Reply #153 on: March 12, 2022, 05:18 »

« Reply #154 on: March 12, 2022, 06:00 »

« Reply #155 on: March 12, 2022, 12:45 »

« Reply #156 on: March 12, 2022, 14:35 »
Jewish * must be a new species. Until then, I had believed that they were mutually exclusive.

« Reply #157 on: March 12, 2022, 15:57 »
If anyone still wonders how the Russian 100% state-owned media is brainwashing the masses, here is an example:

Comment from the Twitter OP: Please see what the host will do on the Zwiezda (Ros.) Channel when the program participant mentions that Russian soldiers are now dying in Ukraine ...

... and here is a loose translation of that exchange:

- Here we are many persons with military experience from Afghanistan, the Chechnya campaign, and Donbas. We have there even our boys from Donetsk and Lugansk and special forces who are dying now, and our country...
- No, no, no, no! I don't want to hear that! Listen to me! Wait! Stop! Listen!
-  ... they die, anyway...
- Wait! Stop! You can't stop or what?
- ... I only want all of us to stand now and keep a moment of silence in their memory...
- What are you doing?
- ... a minute of silence for our boys who fight for Russia ...
- Can you stop him?
- ... and for Donbas...
- Can you stop now? I will tell you what our boys are doing. Our boys are destroying the fascist scum
- ... it's correct, but...
- Let me finish. This is the triumph of the Russian army. It is the rebirth of Russia!

The only question we can ask ourselves now is what floor number that officer will accidentally fall from.

Hi all, any latest democratic practiсes updates? My chief concern is yellow star badges for Russian photographers - is 1930s design still trendy or we must look forward to something new and exclusive? A reply from our friendly colleagues from shiny freest states is highly appreciated.

« Reply #158 on: March 12, 2022, 16:39 »
- is 1930s design still trendy or we must look forward to something new and exclusive?

Yes, you are so right. This is exactly what we are seeing.
History repeats itself. It is the 30s all over again:

Just replace:
- fascist Germany with fascist Russia.
- the annexation of Austria with the annexation of Crimea.
- the annexation of Sudentenland and Czechoslovakia with the annexation of Donbas and Luhansk
- the invasion of Poland with the invasion of Ukraine
- Putin with.... you know already.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2022, 19:16 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #159 on: March 13, 2022, 02:37 »
Putin has been a murderer since his early days killing thousands by starving or bombing residential buildings. He is a psycho, like Stalin or Hitler. This is not new.

Can't understand the rage now, big business with him and his friends in the past (and now, mainly in the USA).

All russian citizens must be switched off from everywhere (visas, accounts, cards, internet, etc.) in western countries. If they want to be beasts, they can not live or make business in our countries.

« Reply #160 on: March 13, 2022, 03:02 »
And continuing the logic. Efforts of many countries were needed to end the II war. Ordinary Germans who was against the regime were powerless to accomplish it. It was before the nuclear era. Now the collective efforts are needed again. But the political and economical ones, otherwise we probably will not see what happen after. The game without rules it is just a non-stop change of the rules. Call for a collective responsibility brings nowhere. If it was applied to all Germans, the modern world could become a dystopia. In the news i see a lot of messages that russians started to leave their country too, about 200 000 for now. Who cannot change the regime, can at least stop feeding it by living and working there. The regime loses its brain capital. The world become too small to use a war for conflict solving. And the world has many other problems.
I sent money to a charity. Everybody does what he can to help Ukrainian population. Status quo of the borders should be restored. Without starting a III war. Call for a highest qualification of politicians, elected in the democratic part of the world.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2022, 06:07 by changingsky »

« Reply #161 on: March 13, 2022, 07:57 »
ALL germans were guilty for Adolf Hitler.

ALL russians are guity for Vladimir Putin.

« Reply #162 on: March 13, 2022, 08:23 »
ALL germans were guilty for Adolf Hitler.

ALL russians are guity for Vladimir Putin.

Not true.

« Reply #163 on: March 13, 2022, 11:17 »
ALL germans were guilty for Adolf Hitler.

ALL russians are guity for Vladimir Putin.
And all Americans are guilty for Trump?

« Reply #164 on: March 13, 2022, 12:55 »
Can I tell you a secret? I use my brain. Two countries in the world have banned the media. Both communist. Can you now see the pattern?
1. cherry picking, plus Russia hasn't been 'communist' since 1990 and, again, logic fault

2. here's the 10 most censored in 2019 (obviously Russia should now join the list)

North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Equatorial Guinea

3. Or -- Media Is Partly or Completely Restricted in 132 Countries, According to the 2021 World Press Freedom Index


« Reply #165 on: March 13, 2022, 16:31 »
Can I tell you a secret? I use my brain. Two countries in the world have banned the media. Both communist. Can you now see the pattern?
1. cherry picking, plus Russia hasn't been 'communist' since 1990 and, again, logic fault

2. here's the 10 most censored in 2019 (obviously Russia should now join the list)

North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Equatorial Guinea

3. Or -- Media Is Partly or Completely Restricted in 132 Countries, According to the 2021 World Press Freedom Index

I don't really want to play the advocate of the devil here, but if countries that hold up the principle of free speech and then ban certain media because of the news that they spread or on the other hand you have companies that have stricts rule against hate speech but suddenly allow hate speech against one particular people, it's becoming really weird. You eventually might ask yourself if the principles are really true, or that they allow you just as long it doesn't deviate to much from the thinking that is allowed. And then those countries are not that different as the countries they accuse for not having free speech. It's almost exactly the same.

« Reply #166 on: March 14, 2022, 02:22 »
ALL germans were guilty for Adolf Hitler.

ALL russians are guity for Vladimir Putin.
And all Americans are guilty for Trump?

Trump is a r.etded clown. He only can be a president in the USA. But he is not Hitler or Putin.

« Reply #167 on: March 14, 2022, 02:48 »
For all of you Russian haters, your lovely Israeli guy has spoken:

How can he be an Israeli? I thought you said he was a Nazi?

Jewish if you will. Happy?

Your comments are filthy and you sound just like those idiots on RT comments  always screaming about jew this and jewws running the world and jew-America and how hitler was right.

If you are an example of how russians think these days then your country is lost.

You are either a complete idiot or a nasty fascist and a disgrace to humanity.

I really think Leaf needs to block you and close this thread

« Reply #168 on: March 14, 2022, 02:48 »
Trump said that mexicans are dirty, lazy and criminals.

But he never could have said: "Mexico is not a real country, mexicans are animals unable to live, not people, and I'm going to make Mexico a parking lot" because these actions would have been stopped in the USA. The USA is not a perfect country, we know it well, but is not Russia, North Korea or the Nazi Germany. Russia is.

In fact, Trump lost the general election and now there is a new guy in charge. The young one.

Yesterday, russian obsolete weapons hit really close to Poland's border (15Km.), an EU and NATO country. All ukrainians are going to die soon, but we all are really close to extinction.

Only russians can stop the new Hitler, because It's too late for the rest.


« Reply #169 on: March 14, 2022, 08:53 »
Putin has been a murderer since his early days killing thousands by starving or bombing residential buildings. He is a psycho, like Stalin or Hitler. This is not new.

Can't understand the rage now, big business with him and his friends in the past (and now, mainly in the USA).

All russian citizens must be switched off from everywhere (visas, accounts, cards, internet, etc.) in western countries. If they want to be beasts, they can not live or make business in our countries.

Let's se where we can find Stalins and Hitlers:

All American citizens must be switched off from everywhere (visas, accounts, cards, internet, etc.). If they want to be beasts, they can not live or make business in our countries.

« Reply #170 on: March 14, 2022, 08:54 »
Can I tell you a secret? I use my brain. Two countries in the world have banned the media. Both communist. Can you now see the pattern?
1. cherry picking, plus Russia hasn't been 'communist' since 1990 and, again, logic fault

2. here's the 10 most censored in 2019 (obviously Russia should now join the list)

North Korea
Saudi Arabia
Equatorial Guinea

3. Or -- Media Is Partly or Completely Restricted in 132 Countries, According to the 2021 World Press Freedom Index

Don't forget the EU.


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