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Author Topic: Russian photographers should be banned!  (Read 35037 times)

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« Reply #125 on: March 09, 2022, 09:26 »
Yeah, because them Russian photographers have been the most vocal when it comes to pushing for war?

Yeah, I heard that Russian secret photographic group actually forced Putin into war, threatening to blind him with Godox flash.

Not because of that, but because their international earnings will be fueling Putin's war economy, sponsoring the destruction of Ukraine, and the murdering of innocent civilians.

You don't want to be part of that, do you? I hope not.

But again, this is a moot point. Russian contributors are de-facto banned because they can't access their earnings anymore.

The same thing happened to Russians who use to make money from other American platforms, like Twitch:

"Payouts to the financial institution associated with your Twitch account have been blocked as a result of sanctions, ... Twitch complies with economic sanctions imposed by the United States and other governments, and is complying with those imposed in response to the situation in Ukraine. These sanctions may limit or impact your access to payouts, ability to monetize your stream, and/or financially support other creators."
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 21:10 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #126 on: March 09, 2022, 16:42 »
You have been brainwashed.


I think the problem is actually that you think the people you are arguing with have no knowledge of current affairs or history. You are bring things up about American imperialism and Western hypocrisy as if it is huge gotcha and no one has every heard about these things before.

What has this got to do with the people of Ukraine suffering right now? If you think these other issues also need attention then go make some noise about them elsewhere, why does it mean you cant also be concerned for the people of Ukraine? It isnt a team sport, these are actual human beings like you and those close to you being murdered or made homeless right now.

I dont think, I know they have no knowledge. I mention American imperialism and Western hypocrisy only because you seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. Be honest with yourself and others. Of course, the Russians are not innocent, but pretending that the Ukrainians are innocent is stupid. When the Russians were dying in Donbas, no one complained about this information. No one is sad for death of 14,000 innocent people. That's what I want to show you. What has this got to do with it...? Haven't you read the link? Don't you realize that much of the blame goes to American politics? Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is? I feel sorry for every individual. If I had the power, I would end the war immediately and sit politicians at the negotiating table. And one more thing: I am for justice on all sides. I mentioned once that I dont like Russians too much. As a tourists Russians and Chinese are rude. I like Americans more. When they come in my country they are nice. When I was in USA I felt there as home. Why I'm telling you this? I'm trying to make you understand.

« Reply #127 on: March 09, 2022, 18:24 »
Maybe your problem is the way you do things... Being aggressive, condescendant or childish never helps !! You probably must calm down a bit and explain things without being prejudgemental. And also, don't put everyone in the same bucket, everybody is looking for the truth. From one person to another, nobody has exactly the same informations, even you.. Respect other persons viewpoints, if you want them to do the same.

You have been brainwashed.


I think the problem is actually that you think the people you are arguing with have no knowledge of current affairs or history. You are bring things up about American imperialism and Western hypocrisy as if it is huge gotcha and no one has every heard about these things before.

What has this got to do with the people of Ukraine suffering right now? If you think these other issues also need attention then go make some noise about them elsewhere, why does it mean you cant also be concerned for the people of Ukraine? It isnt a team sport, these are actual human beings like you and those close to you being murdered or made homeless right now.

I dont think, I know they have no knowledge. I mention American imperialism and Western hypocrisy only because you seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. Be honest with yourself and others. Of course, the Russians are not innocent, but pretending that the Ukrainians are innocent is stupid. When the Russians were dying in Donbas, no one complained about this information. No one is sad for death of 14,000 innocent people. That's what I want to show you. What has this got to do with it...? Haven't you read the link? Don't you realize that much of the blame goes to American politics? Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is? I feel sorry for every individual. If I had the power, I would end the war immediately and sit politicians at the negotiating table. And one more thing: I am for justice on all sides. I mentioned once that I dont like Russians too much. As a tourists Russians and Chinese are rude. I like Americans more. When they come in my country they are nice. When I was in USA I felt there as home. Why I'm telling you this? I'm trying to make you understand.

« Reply #128 on: March 09, 2022, 20:19 »

I dont think, I know they have no knowledge. I mention American imperialism and Western hypocrisy only because you seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. .... 

so thankful we have you to enlighten (aka 'flame') us. you obviously haven't bothered to read the many messages showing detailed knowledge of actual history, rather than your histrionics & red herrings
Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is?
yes, do you? how is it all similar to Russian aggression & war crimes? MD warned European powers to stay out of the western hemisphere, and had nothing to do with American interference south of the border. yet another failed attempt at 'whataboutism'
As a tourists Russians and Chinese are rude. 
and you call others ignorant, then make silly statements like this?

« Reply #129 on: March 10, 2022, 00:39 »
What is happening now in the western media is bias, provocation and unprofessionalism. This is especially true for Britain. I have never seen so much poison against the Russians. How did they not drown in that?

Remembered official quotation from past:

In November 1991, in her speech in Houston, ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said that according to the estimates of the world community, it is economically feasible for only 15 million people to live in Russia.

Those. she proposed getting rid of 100 million people. There is no arguing with such bloodlust.

Why are the British so angry? Yes, because they were not allowed to quietly pump out resources from third countries. Have you forgotten what the development system of this country is based on? Remember her story. India, colonies, etc. Now they were given between their legs and kicked out of the Russian Federation.

Imagine, Russia has been cleansed of all Western trash: fast food, premium items and cars. Yes, thank you for this!

« Reply #130 on: March 10, 2022, 00:47 »
Yep, you're right, Fox News is definitively bias, provocation and unprofessionalism...

What is happening now in the western media is bias, provocation and unprofessionalism. This is especially true for Britain. I have never seen so much poison against the Russians. How did they not drown in that?

Remembered official quotation from past:

In November 1991, in her speech in Houston, ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said that according to the estimates of the world community, it is economically feasible for only 15 million people to live in Russia.

Those. she proposed getting rid of 100 million people. There is no arguing with such bloodlust.

Why are the British so angry? Yes, because they were not allowed to quietly pump out resources from third countries. Have you forgotten what the development system of this country is based on? Remember her story. India, colonies, etc. Now they were given between their legs and kicked out of the Russian Federation.

Imagine, Russia has been cleansed of all Western trash: fast food, premium items and cars. Yes, thank you for this!

« Reply #131 on: March 10, 2022, 02:29 »
Well ....you can always go back to your Ladas. At least being a mechanic will then be a prospective amazing and successful job in the future in Russia. Time to change vectors for the wrench?  ::)

Imagine, Russia has been cleansed of all Western trash: fast food, premium items and cars. Yes, thank you for this!

« Reply #132 on: March 10, 2022, 02:34 »
"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.

« Reply #133 on: March 10, 2022, 02:54 »
Well . I would not call this nazism. This word is more appropriate to bombing a Children's hospital for example.

Many people here believe Russian stock contributors or russian citizens in the west should be not responsible for what Mr Putin does. But the fact is that in times of war citizens of the enemy are blocked. If you look at history that happened with german in the allied states for a well-known reason. If the conflict escalates, more and more russian citizen will not be able to conduct business in the west. This is neither fair nor desirable, but that's one of the collateral damages that happen in war.

The best thing than can happen is that Putin goes back to mother Russia and lets Ukrainians rebuild their country. If it does not, more pain is ahead, for russian contributors and for those that are not. War has these consequences....most people loose some way or another.

"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.

« Reply #134 on: March 10, 2022, 03:26 »
"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.

Putin has long been preparing a break from the global internet to turn more closely to a Chinese model to insulate it from the west. So stock agencies don't need to restrict Russian contributors, their own regime will soon block all links to the outside world. What a great country!

« Reply #135 on: March 10, 2022, 07:24 »
Yeah, because them Russian photographers have been the most vocal when it comes to pushing for war?

Yeah, I heard that Russian secret photographic group actually forced Putin into war, threatening to blind him with Godox flash.

Not because of that, but because their international earnings will be fuelling Putin's war economy, sponsoring the destruction of Ukraine, and the murdering of innocent civilians.

You don't want to be part of that, do you? I hope not.

But again, this is a moot point. Russian contributors are de-facto banned because they can't access their earnings anymore.

The same thing happened to Russians who use to make money from other American platforms, like Twitch:

"Payouts to the financial institution associated with your Twitch account have been blocked as a result of sanctions, ... Twitch complies with economic sanctions imposed by the United States and other governments, and is complying with those imposed in response to the situation in Ukraine. These sanctions may limit or impact your access to payouts, ability to monetize your stream, and/or financially support other creators."

Getting back to usual buccaneer tactics? Nothing unusual or surprising.

« Reply #136 on: March 10, 2022, 07:28 »
Well . I would not call this nazism. This word is more appropriate to bombing a Children's hospital for example.

Many people here believe Russian stock contributors or russian citizens in the west should be not responsible for what Mr Putin does. But the fact is that in times of war citizens of the enemy are blocked. If you look at history that happened with german in the allied states for a well-known reason. If the conflict escalates, more and more russian citizen will not be able to conduct business in the west. This is neither fair nor desirable, but that's one of the collateral damages that happen in war.

The best thing than can happen is that Putin goes back to mother Russia and lets Ukrainians rebuild their country. If it does not, more pain is ahead, for russian contributors and for those that are not. War has these consequences....most people loose some way or another.

"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.

Are you talking about Afghan Children's hospital or Vietnamese? Maybe one in Yugoslavia? Libya? Please be more precise.

« Reply #137 on: March 10, 2022, 09:19 »
Maybe your problem is the way you do things... Being aggressive, condescendant or childish never helps !! You probably must calm down a bit and explain things without being prejudgemental. And also, don't put everyone in the same bucket, everybody is looking for the truth. From one person to another, nobody has exactly the same informations, even you.. Respect other persons viewpoints, if you want them to do the same.

You have been brainwashed.


I think the problem is actually that you think the people you are arguing with have no knowledge of current affairs or history. You are bring things up about American imperialism and Western hypocrisy as if it is huge gotcha and no one has every heard about these things before.

What has this got to do with the people of Ukraine suffering right now? If you think these other issues also need attention then go make some noise about them elsewhere, why does it mean you cant also be concerned for the people of Ukraine? It isnt a team sport, these are actual human beings like you and those close to you being murdered or made homeless right now.

I dont think, I know they have no knowledge. I mention American imperialism and Western hypocrisy only because you seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. Be honest with yourself and others. Of course, the Russians are not innocent, but pretending that the Ukrainians are innocent is stupid. When the Russians were dying in Donbas, no one complained about this information. No one is sad for death of 14,000 innocent people. That's what I want to show you. What has this got to do with it...? Haven't you read the link? Don't you realize that much of the blame goes to American politics? Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is? I feel sorry for every individual. If I had the power, I would end the war immediately and sit politicians at the negotiating table. And one more thing: I am for justice on all sides. I mentioned once that I dont like Russians too much. As a tourists Russians and Chinese are rude. I like Americans more. When they come in my country they are nice. When I was in USA I felt there as home. Why I'm telling you this? I'm trying to make you understand.

I have no problem. You have problems with others. You don't accept that some might think differently. You are childish, not me. I just put a mirror against your comments, that's it. And no, not everyone is looking for the truth. Next post under yours, read it. Prejudgemental - that's the word, indeed. I will respect others when others behave.

« Reply #138 on: March 10, 2022, 09:25 »

I dont think, I know they have no knowledge. I mention American imperialism and Western hypocrisy only because you seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. .... 

so thankful we have you to enlighten (aka 'flame') us. you obviously haven't bothered to read the many messages showing detailed knowledge of actual history, rather than your histrionics & red herrings
Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is?
yes, do you? how is it all similar to Russian aggression & war crimes? MD warned European powers to stay out of the western hemisphere, and had nothing to do with American interference south of the border. yet another failed attempt at 'whataboutism'
As a tourists Russians and Chinese are rude. 
and you call others ignorant, then make silly statements like this?
It is very very similar and
No really, I don't read all the messages here. They are irrelevant and biased. Yes I do know. It's so similar to the situation we are dealing now. You just need to have some IQ to connect the dots. Sorry. Yet another failed attempt of "Ihaterussians" rhetoric.

"The Monroe Doctrine was a United States foreign policy position that opposed European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. It held that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the U.S. The doctrine was central to U.S. foreign policy for much of the 19th and early 20th centuries."

Hope you can read. If you can't do it slowly many times. Maybe you childish nature will let you go... Maybe.

It's not silly statement and if you don't understand, not my problem. Not only my words but the words of many people in tourism industry.

« Reply #139 on: March 10, 2022, 09:27 »
"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.

Yes, those people here like Nazism. I saw that in the first posts when all this started.

« Reply #140 on: March 10, 2022, 09:32 »
Well . I would not call this nazism. This word is more appropriate to bombing a Children's hospital for example.

Many people here believe Russian stock contributors or russian citizens in the west should be not responsible for what Mr Putin does. But the fact is that in times of war citizens of the enemy are blocked. If you look at history that happened with german in the allied states for a well-known reason. If the conflict escalates, more and more russian citizen will not be able to conduct business in the west. This is neither fair nor desirable, but that's one of the collateral damages that happen in war.

The best thing than can happen is that Putin goes back to mother Russia and lets Ukrainians rebuild their country. If it does not, more pain is ahead, for russian contributors and for those that are not. War has these consequences....most people loose some way or another.

"Russian photographers should be banned!" - this is pure nazism. American photographers supposed to be banned because of the war in Afghanistan? Israeli and Turkish because of the war in Syria? I guess that Russian photographers are leaders on microstock agencies and that many do not like that.

Are you talking about Afghan Children's hospital or Vietnamese? Maybe one in Yugoslavia? Libya? Please be more precise.

He doesn't know about that. He is blind. This member is spreading hate here and should be banned!

« Reply #141 on: March 10, 2022, 10:50 »
I think we are talking about the Rusia UKrania war here. But yes, I condemn US bombing when it causes civil deaths. It does not matter if it was in Hiroshima or an Afghanistan village. The same way I condemn Russian bombing in the City of Homs, Grozny or Kiev. Have I made myself clear now.

Are you talking about Afghan Children's hospital or Vietnamese? Maybe one in Yugoslavia? Libya? Please be more precise.

« Reply #142 on: March 10, 2022, 11:02 »
I think you didn't had your Nescafe today !!

Maybe your problem is the way you do things... Being aggressive, condescendant or childish never helps !! You probably must calm down a bit and explain things without being prejudgemental. And also, don't put everyone in the same bucket, everybody is looking for the truth. From one person to another, nobody has exactly the same informations, even you.. Respect other persons viewpoints, if you want them to do the same.

You have been brainwashed.


I think the problem is actually that you think the people you are arguing with have no knowledge of current affairs or history. You are bring things up about American imperialism and Western hypocrisy as if it is huge gotcha and no one has every heard about these things before.

What has this got to do with the people of Ukraine suffering right now? If you think these other issues also need attention then go make some noise about them elsewhere, why does it mean you cant also be concerned for the people of Ukraine? It isnt a team sport, these are actual human beings like you and those close to you being murdered or made homeless right now.

I dont think, I know they have no knowledge. I mention American imperialism and Western hypocrisy only because you seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. Be honest with yourself and others. Of course, the Russians are not innocent, but pretending that the Ukrainians are innocent is stupid. When the Russians were dying in Donbas, no one complained about this information. No one is sad for death of 14,000 innocent people. That's what I want to show you. What has this got to do with it...? Haven't you read the link? Don't you realize that much of the blame goes to American politics? Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is? I feel sorry for every individual. If I had the power, I would end the war immediately and sit politicians at the negotiating table. And one more thing: I am for justice on all sides. I mentioned once that I dont like Russians too much. As a tourists Russians and Chinese are rude. I like Americans more. When they come in my country they are nice. When I was in USA I felt there as home. Why I'm telling you this? I'm trying to make you understand.

I have no problem. You have problems with others. You don't accept that some might think differently. You are childish, not me. I just put a mirror against your comments, that's it. And no, not everyone is looking for the truth. Next post under yours, read it. Prejudgemental - that's the word, indeed. I will respect others when others behave.

« Reply #143 on: March 11, 2022, 06:16 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......

Except only in Ukraine they are killing civilians. 13.000 of them. Your evidence of the genocide? Let's say he is guilty of: Native Americans genocide, Aborigines genocide, Colonialism, WW1, WW2, atomic bombs, Vietnam, slavery. Are you good now?

If you would stop supporting the lies and stop defending the attacks on civilians with not related whatabout, you might see the truth.

Anonymous has successfully breached and leaked the database of Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media, releasing to the public over 360K files.

Russia has a federal agency that controls the media and distributes the Russian government the lies. Why does Russia want to block ban Facebook and Wikipedia. Is there something in the truth that they can't tell the Russian people? Putin will be tried as a war criminal.

« Reply #144 on: March 11, 2022, 06:18 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......

Except only in Ukraine they are killing civilians. 13.000 of them. Your evidence of the genocide? Let's say he is guilty of: Native Americans genocide, Aborigines genocide, Colonialism, WW1, WW2, atomic bombs, Vietnam, slavery. Are you good now?

If you would stop supporting the lies and stop defending the attacks on civilians with not related whatabout, you might see the truth.

Anonymous has successfully breached and leaked the database of Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media, releasing to the public over 360K files.

Russia has a federal agency that controls the media and distributes the Russian government the lies. Why does Russia want to block ban Facebook and Wikipedia. Is there something in the truth that they can't tell the Russian people? Putin will be tried as a war criminal.

Just came here to check if you have already started to measure skulls to check race purity of stockers.

« Reply #145 on: March 11, 2022, 07:21 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......

Except only in Ukraine they are killing civilians. 13.000 of them. Your evidence of the genocide? Let's say he is guilty of: Native Americans genocide, Aborigines genocide, Colonialism, WW1, WW2, atomic bombs, Vietnam, slavery. Are you good now?

If you would stop supporting the lies and stop defending the attacks on civilians with not related whatabout, you might see the truth.

Anonymous has successfully breached and leaked the database of Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media, releasing to the public over 360K files.

Russia has a federal agency that controls the media and distributes the Russian government the lies. Why does Russia want to block ban Facebook and Wikipedia. Is there something in the truth that they can't tell the Russian people? Putin will be tried as a war criminal.

EU ban seems like some type of communism. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/03/02/eu-imposes-sanctions-on-state-owned-outlets-rt-russia-today-and-sputnik-s-broadcasting-in-the-eu/

When lies are exposed...

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #146 on: March 11, 2022, 09:37 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......

Except only in Ukraine they are killing civilians. 13.000 of them. Your evidence of the genocide? Let's say he is guilty of: Native Americans genocide, Aborigines genocide, Colonialism, WW1, WW2, atomic bombs, Vietnam, slavery. Are you good now?

If you would stop supporting the lies and stop defending the attacks on civilians with not related whatabout, you might see the truth.

Anonymous has successfully breached and leaked the database of Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media, releasing to the public over 360K files.

Russia has a federal agency that controls the media and distributes the Russian government the lies. Why does Russia want to block ban Facebook and Wikipedia. Is there something in the truth that they can't tell the Russian people? Putin will be tried as a war criminal.

Just came here to check if you have already started to measure skulls to check race purity of stockers.

I think the question was, why is there a Federal agency in Russia that controls media and is responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media? I never heard of the agency before today, so I looked. Here's something interesting. "A number of experts recruited by Roscomnadzor are associated with pseudo-scientific and sectarian movements, including HIV-deniers, ultra-conservative, anti-vaccination and alternative "medicine" activists." Oh wow, nice bunch off in their own world?

The invasion is nothing more than a big lie, which has led to war crimes and other humanitarian atrocities.

Microstockers are independent individuals and we aren't part of any governments. Attacks on people are misguided, as the people aren't the ones in power who are invading and committing these crimes. Lets leave them out of the debate.

If you want ethnic cleansing look no further than Russian history.

« Reply #147 on: March 11, 2022, 11:33 »
If anyone still wonders how the Russian 100% state-owned media is brainwashing the masses, here is an example:


Comment from the Twitter OP: Please see what the host will do on the Zwiezda (Ros.) Channel when the program participant mentions that Russian soldiers are now dying in Ukraine ...

... and here is a loose translation of that exchange:

- Here we are many persons with military experience from Afghanistan, the Chechnya campaign, and Donbas. We have there even our boys from Donetsk and Lugansk and special forces who are dying now, and our country...
- No, no, no, no! I don't want to hear that! Listen to me! Wait! Stop! Listen!
-  ... they die, anyway...
- Wait! Stop! You can't stop or what?
- ... I only want all of us to stand now and keep a moment of silence in their memory...
- What are you doing?
- ... a minute of silence for our boys who fight for Russia ...
- Can you stop him?
- ... and for Donbas...
- Can you stop now? I will tell you what our boys are doing. Our boys are destroying the fascist scum
- ... it's correct, but...
- Let me finish. This is the triumph of the Russian army. It is the rebirth of Russia!

The only question we can ask ourselves now is what floor number that officer will accidentally fall from.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 19:53 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #148 on: March 11, 2022, 18:49 »

EU ban seems like some type of communism. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/03/02/eu-imposes-sanctions-on-state-owned-outlets-rt-russia-today-and-sputnik-s-broadcasting-in-the-eu/

When lies are exposed...
you don't have a clue!  how is that possibly about communism?  you continue to expose your ignorance of basic logic & political thought!

When lies are exposed...


« Reply #149 on: March 11, 2022, 18:56 »

EU ban seems like some type of communism. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/03/02/eu-imposes-sanctions-on-state-owned-outlets-rt-russia-today-and-sputnik-s-broadcasting-in-the-eu/

When lies are exposed...
you don't have a clue!  how is that possibly about communism?  you continue to expose your ignorance of basic logic & political thought!

When lies are exposed...

Well if the EU bans russian information and on the other hand Facebook (Meta) allows hate speech against russians you can definitely say there is no equal share of information anymore. But keep it up, it must serve some good goal, I guess?


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