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Author Topic: Russian photographers should be banned!  (Read 35041 times)

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« Reply #50 on: February 28, 2022, 18:40 »

Well, I am not so sure if I like Germany getting all militarised again. We had a rule before that they wouldn't but that was let go some while back. But then they said they wouldn't do it anymore and stand back anyway. We have let it happen twice in the pretty recent history, I really hope we are not going to witness a third time, now that they are starting it up again....

Germany today is not Germany of 80 years ago (eg, 80 years of peace w France is unprecedented in the last 500+ years!) - those are the dominant countries of the EU and the natural leaders

« Reply #51 on: February 28, 2022, 18:41 »
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 18:44 by cobalt »

« Reply #52 on: February 28, 2022, 18:47 »
Russia has "only" 144 million inhabitants and gigantic amounts of mineral resources and raw materials. It is one of the most resource-rich countries on earth - with a rather small population compared to other resource-rich countries. Nevertheless, a large part of the Russian population does not exactly live in prosperity. Many are poor.

Why is it not possible to make 144 million people content and happy with these immense mineral resources? Why do people want to return to the "old greatness" and put world peace at risk? And risk that an endless number of states will turn against Russia? That precisely those that are not doing well economically will have even more problems? That there will be domestic unrest? Without economic necessity!

russia is 57th in per capita GDP well behind any other major industrial country (US is 13th), oligarchs control almost as much as the entire Russian GDP (even the massive inequality of the US 1% 'only' accounts for 40% of US GDP)

« Reply #53 on: February 28, 2022, 20:11 »

russia is 57th in per capita GDP well behind any other major industrial country (US is 13th), oligarchs control almost as much as the entire Russian GDP (even the massive inequality of the US 1% 'only' accounts for 40% of US GDP)

Here is an updated, 2022 list:


The USA is 7th, Russia is 53rd and there are 8 East European countries ahead of Russia. All of them EU and NATO members.
It shouldn't be a surprise that security and good trade relations are prerequisites for prosperity.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 20:18 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #54 on: February 28, 2022, 20:57 »
I hope stock agencies will do action. Russian photographers should be banned.
Depends if they support their countrie's aggressive action against the Ukraine. Or Maybe just Putins' aggressive action. Maybe not all Russians are supporting this war on the Ukraine so I wouldnt hold it against all of them.
Btw are you a Ukrainian? If not then why the hatred of Russian photographers? They may not all be supporting this.

« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2022, 03:21 »
Absolutely agree on that. The ghost of german past will always haunt germans for generations to come but to compare that society with present Germany is like saying all the americans that live in the south of the states are potential slavists. Those crazy people still exists in any country with a dark past but comparing generations is always a mistake.

In any case, all the new militarization we will see in the next decade is really sad. So many resources and energy put into something that brings no benefit to society, only pain and violence. I am so sad of what is happening now and utterly mad at Putin decision to start such a barbaric act in the XXI century. Everyday is darker and darker  :'(

Well, I am not so sure if I like Germany getting all militarised again. We had a rule before that they wouldn't but that was let go some while back. But then they said they wouldn't do it anymore and stand back anyway. We have let it happen twice in the pretty recent history, I really hope we are not going to witness a third time, now that they are starting it up again....

Germany today is not Germany of 80 years ago (eg, 80 years of peace w France is unprecedented in the last 500+ years!) - those are the dominant countries of the EU and the natural leaders

« Reply #56 on: March 04, 2022, 03:04 »
I hope stock agencies will do action. Russian photographers should be banned.

Such idiotic statements I just can't believe it! Because of you I'm on Russian side now!

What??? How???

That's just about as idiotic a statement as the original one that launched this thread!

Keep calm Martha, you are bragging too much.

What about those Russians risking their lives protesting in Russia against the invasion? Should we punish them too?


And there might even be a courageous stock photographer or two in those crowds of protestors, all willing to risk their lives and freedom to speak truth to power. Someone is taking photos of the demonstrations, after all, and making them available world wide.

But whether they're in the crowd or not, people just like us do not deserve to have their livelihoods stripped away just because Putin is a callous, cruel madman.

Putin is holding NATO back and keep Russians safe. Just keep calm, take a breath and learn something new, ok?

Aha! Another Eastern European who can't stand a woman who has a brain and speaks her mind.

Yep, looks like we have another sexist in our midst. Sweet Zero has a buddy online, it seems. (The only one he has, unfortunately.)

No big surprise there.

I've never said you have a brain. And as it looks to me, you judge me and my thinking by my nationality? Hmmm, very intelligent.

Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtOx6dW_0vU

« Reply #57 on: March 04, 2022, 08:52 »

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Otherwise, #russiantroll #putinpropaganda

« Reply #58 on: March 05, 2022, 22:20 »

russia is 57th in per capita GDP well behind any other major industrial country (US is 13th), oligarchs control almost as much as the entire Russian GDP (even the massive inequality of the US 1% 'only' accounts for 40% of US GDP)

Here is an updated, 2022 list:


The USA is 7th, Russia is 53rd and there are 8 East European countries ahead of Russia. All of them EU and NATO members.
It shouldn't be a surprise that security and good trade relations are prerequisites for prosperity.
Good god, my country GB is just ahead of Japan.

« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2022, 02:16 »
What do you personally think Putin will do when he's finished with Ukraine ?

I hope stock agencies will do action. Russian photographers should be banned.

Such idiotic statements I just can't believe it! Because of you I'm on Russian side now!

What??? How???

That's just about as idiotic a statement as the original one that launched this thread!

Keep calm Martha, you are bragging too much.

What about those Russians risking their lives protesting in Russia against the invasion? Should we punish them too?


And there might even be a courageous stock photographer or two in those crowds of protestors, all willing to risk their lives and freedom to speak truth to power. Someone is taking photos of the demonstrations, after all, and making them available world wide.

But whether they're in the crowd or not, people just like us do not deserve to have their livelihoods stripped away just because Putin is a callous, cruel madman.

Putin is holding NATO back and keep Russians safe. Just keep calm, take a breath and learn something new, ok?

Aha! Another Eastern European who can't stand a woman who has a brain and speaks her mind.

Yep, looks like we have another sexist in our midst. Sweet Zero has a buddy online, it seems. (The only one he has, unfortunately.)

No big surprise there.

I've never said you have a brain. And as it looks to me, you judge me and my thinking by my nationality? Hmmm, very intelligent.

Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtOx6dW_0vU

« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2022, 03:25 »
Topic: Russian photographers should be banned!

Sooooooooooooooo immature!

« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2022, 03:35 »

It was not NATO expanding. It was the free democratic will of many countries who suffered under the Russian boot, deciding and voting to join an alliance able to guarantee their integrity. Putin believes that he is entitled to dictate, what sovereign countries should do, while his propaganda is blaming NATO for the expansion.
NATO forced no country to join.

Not true. A lot of countries were pulled in without voting with referendums avoided at any costs after analysis showed that majority of people is against integration. Croatia is one case. And it was done under a pupet premier which was imprisoned later for stealing national money and selling national companies to private investors from the west under-priced while being bribed.

Ivo Sanader is a convicted criminal which had full support of highest European authorities. Second guy from the right on the photo of the ceremony on the day Croatia joined NATO saluting its flag.

And here he is taking a 10M Euro bribe to sell national oil company for which he got 6 years among other things he did.

And here is the same guy being arrested in Austria after he escaped from Croatia.


And here is Merkel publicly supporting his elections on his party meeting:

And a proof that Croatia never had a referendum on NATO integrations and joined on a declaration  by a convict even though under constitution joining international integrations requires a referendum.


"Croatia had considered holding a referendum on NATO membership. On March 23, 2007, the Croatian president Stjepan Mesić, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and President of parliament Vladimir eks declared that the Croatian constitution does not require a referendum on this issue."

Also Croatian referendum for joining EU had turnover under 50% and thus it was non constitutional. So the constitution rule about 50% turnover was changed to enter the EU and than changed back the very next week.

And this is a FACT nobody can challenge.



« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 03:42 by Lizard »

« Reply #62 on: March 06, 2022, 04:12 »
And also a statement before EU referendum given by Croatian foreign minister at that time in all main Croatian media frightening pensioners:

Vesna Pusić: I don't want to be too cruel, but if we don't join the EU, you won't get a pension!

Links to the statement from the main Croatian media ( just use google translate) :





So that's that democracy. Same propaganda as used by eastern block. No difference at all.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 04:15 by Lizard »

« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2022, 05:07 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

« Reply #64 on: March 06, 2022, 05:27 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you understand a statement : 'If you don't vote to enter EU, you will not get your pension"."
A pension for which people payed all their life and which is their property.
Do you understand that's a blatant blackmail with threat to take peoples property if they don't vote as instructed ? Do you understand that is totalitarianism and dictatorship at its best and has nothing to do with democracy. 

Also in any law, an agreement signed under threat is not a legally valid agreement. An agreement signed using fraud or misleading is not a valid agreement. I can not force you to sell me your house for 5 Euros and if you sign that that's not a valid contract.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 05:36 by Lizard »

« Reply #65 on: March 06, 2022, 06:28 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

This is not correct. The turnout for the referendum was only 43% (= only 43% of eligible voters took part in the referendum - for whatever reason). This 43% of the participating population voted 67% in favor of joining the EU.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 06:35 by Wilm »

« Reply #66 on: March 06, 2022, 07:05 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

This is not correct. The turnout for the referendum was only 43% (= only 43% of eligible voters took part in the referendum - for whatever reason). This 43% of the participating population voted 67% in favor of joining the EU.


Exactly what I said, and for a referendum to be valid more than 50% of voters should take part.

Article 6 or Clanak 6 in Croatian:

Na dravnom referendumu odlučuje se većinom birača koji su glasovali, uz uvjet da je referendumu pristupila većina od ukupnog broja birača upisanih u popis birača Republike Hrvatske.


The state referendum is decided by a majority of the voters who voted, under the term that the referendum was attended by a majority of the total number of voters registered in the voter list of the Republic of Croatia.

43% turnaround is not majority of registered voters.


And here is the full law on official government site.



So what I stated is absolutely true, and by Croatian law that referendum was not valid.

If we wanted to exit EU and we had a new referendum with 49% turnaround with 100% of votes for the exit , the referendum would not be valid and we would have to stay in EU.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 07:11 by Lizard »

« Reply #67 on: March 06, 2022, 09:19 »
This is the funeral of a veteran of the SS division "Galicia" in Ukraine. Pay attention to the uniform of soldiers and officers.
The Russian army is not fighting the people of Ukraine, but the *.
If this photo is not enough for you, just google "nazi azov battalion"...

This is true information.

« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2022, 09:27 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #69 on: March 06, 2022, 09:28 »
I did, it was educational.

Azov is a far-right all-volunteer infantry military unit whose members estimated at 900 are ultra-nationalists and accused of harbouring neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

900 all volunteer military. And that's supposed to justify invading a country, to take over, and murdering the civilians.

In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......


« Reply #70 on: March 06, 2022, 09:59 »
See below (poll from April-May 2021):

I can bet that the pro-NATO sentiment today, is much closer to unanimity, after seing what not being in NATO can do to you.
There are still a few Lizards here and there, but they are only a small, vocal minority.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 10:16 by Zero Talent »

« Reply #71 on: March 06, 2022, 10:43 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

This is not correct. The turnout for the referendum was only 43% (= only 43% of eligible voters took part in the referendum - for whatever reason). This 43% of the participating population voted 67% in favor of joining the EU.


Exactly what I said, and for a referendum to be valid more than 50% of voters should take part.

Article 6 or Clanak 6 in Croatian:

Na dravnom referendumu odlučuje se većinom birača koji su glasovali, uz uvjet da je referendumu pristupila većina od ukupnog broja birača upisanih u popis birača Republike Hrvatske.


The state referendum is decided by a majority of the voters who voted, under the term that the referendum was attended by a majority of the total number of voters registered in the voter list of the Republic of Croatia.

43% turnaround is not majority of registered voters.


And here is the full law on official government site.



So what I stated is absolutely true, and by Croatian law that referendum was not valid.

If we wanted to exit EU and we had a new referendum with 49% turnaround with 100% of votes for the exit , the referendum would not be valid and we would have to stay in EU.

Which means 57% of the countries population simply did not give a f*** about whether to join the NATO or not and of the 49% who cared enough to vote , the vast majority of 67% voted in favor of it. How in the world are you twisting this around to support your claim that countries were "forced" to join the NATO?  :o

« Reply #72 on: March 06, 2022, 11:04 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

This is not correct. The turnout for the referendum was only 43% (= only 43% of eligible voters took part in the referendum - for whatever reason). This 43% of the participating population voted 67% in favor of joining the EU.


Exactly what I said, and for a referendum to be valid more than 50% of voters should take part.

Article 6 or Clanak 6 in Croatian:

Na dravnom referendumu odlučuje se većinom birača koji su glasovali, uz uvjet da je referendumu pristupila većina od ukupnog broja birača upisanih u popis birača Republike Hrvatske.


The state referendum is decided by a majority of the voters who voted, under the term that the referendum was attended by a majority of the total number of voters registered in the voter list of the Republic of Croatia.

43% turnaround is not majority of registered voters.


And here is the full law on official government site.



So what I stated is absolutely true, and by Croatian law that referendum was not valid.

If we wanted to exit EU and we had a new referendum with 49% turnaround with 100% of votes for the exit , the referendum would not be valid and we would have to stay in EU.

Which means 57% of the countries population simply did not give a f*** about whether to join the NATO or not and of the 49% who cared enough to vote , the vast majority of 67% voted in favor of it. How in the world are you twisting this around to support your claim that countries were "forced" to join the NATO?  :o

First learn to read, this is about referendum on joining EU not NATO.

Referendum about NATO NEVER TOOK PLACE even if it had BY LAW and CONSTITUTION.

Croatia was pulled in by a declaration written by a bribed guy who is rotting in the prison for working against the country and accepting bribe from western companies.

For loosing independence absolute majority of all voters have to agree and Croatia had only 67% of 43% that voted on EU referendum.

1,299,008 people were for joining EU out of 4,504,765 voters which is 28% and by constitution they needed 51% of all voters. 

In both cases the LAW was broken and supreme court didn't give a f..k cause they are all puppets. 

« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 11:09 by Lizard »

« Reply #73 on: March 06, 2022, 11:45 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*. Do you think because some crazy extremist minorities a country has the right to bomb and kill innocent children , women, men, many who are totally against any radicalism. You are totally out of your mind if you think the same way as the leader of Russia.

 Putin will pay for his genocide. Have no doubt about it. If you ask me, it will be sooner than later. The whole world is against him.....well not the whole world. It seems North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Eritrea support him. Great partners.......

Except only in Ukraine they are killing civilians. 13.000 of them. Your evidence of the genocide? Let's say he is guilty of: Native Americans genocide, Aborigines genocide, Colonialism, WW1, WW2, atomic bombs, Vietnam, slavery. Are you good now?

« Reply #74 on: March 06, 2022, 11:52 »
I hope stock agencies will do action. Russian photographers should be banned.
Cancel culture in action! Stop hate, world need love!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 12:00 by alexandersr »


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