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Author Topic: Neat Image ?  (Read 3481 times)

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« on: December 04, 2007, 18:01 »
Anyone uses Neat Image? Does it complement well CS2 ?


« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 18:32 »
No - I very occasionally use the noise reduction filter in CS2.  I know people say its not as good as NeatImage etc, but on the other hand if time is spend learning how to use it effectively it seems to work very well.

Best thing is to avoid noise in the first place by getting exposure right (or slightly over exposing).

I found my D200 noisy at first.  Then after a while I realised I simply wasn't getting exposure right.

I found that my camera habitually underexposed by between a third and half a stop.  Even when the histogram was indicating whites off the end of the scale, subsequent readings with the eyedropper in PS gave readings of about RGB 248.

I found that this half a stop or so make a big difference to noise, artifacts, saturation etc etc.

Nowadays I rarely use noise reduction.  Perhaps once in every hundred pictures, and then only for blues, reds and shadows.


« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 19:07 »
For me they are all about the same. They reduce noise but also trow all details away, in my opinion.  I have the D200 too, and it's very true it's underexpose pictures and at the same time sharpness have to be adjusted too, on lot of pictures.

Now it seem the D300 overexpose. Don't have feedback on the sharpness at this time.

« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 19:22 »
i dont use neat image but i do use noise ninja.  I have been happy with that.  i bought the advanced version (whichever one that is called) That can be incorportated into photoshop actions.  I have it set to run on a seperate layer so i can apply noise reduction to just the parts of the image that need it (usually skies)

« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2007, 01:31 »
I have been using Neat Image exclusively for noise reduction and have recently upgraded to the Pro+ version. Its an amazing piece of software and it has completely eliminated my digital noise rejections from using my ultra compact Canon Powershot SD750 ...

It is very much a part of my post-processing ... and best of all you can use the basic version for free (however, it that version will not save metadata, you have to upgrade $50-$75 to get the additional features)

I hope this helps ...


« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2007, 07:44 »
I have tried Neat Image (not as plugin), I feel like there is something I don't do right. I was not satisfied at all, it gave me too many artifact. It's probably because I have not took enough time to learn it...

Since I have tried the plugin of "noiseware professionnal", from "Imagenomic", I stick with it.


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