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Author Topic: My attempt to self promotion through my personal website :-)  (Read 4286 times)

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  • Boris Jaroscak
« on: September 21, 2010, 14:20 »
It is some time since I decided, that I will create some kind of online self promotion photo/graphic portfolio website for myself but I always delayed and delayed it, thinking that I will create it at some other time. But these days when I read here at MSG about self-promotion by personal website and things like that, it gave me some initial impulse to try it also myself. ;D

So finally I started to play with it little bit. It is far from finished I like to do web on the fly ;) with some vision, but with will to change things, if some new ideas came to my mind through natural development / thinking process.

I created it keeping in mind these main aims / ideas of "promotional" personal website.

1. Common / typical aim why would one want to have a personal website. I think there is no need for explanation.

2. Possible promotion of my own photo/graphic portfolio to catch some buyers for my images. I.e. Boost of own sales. But because I am just an amateur / hobbist photographer (and I must say, I like it this way and do it for fun mostly!  ;D), I know that my photos will hardly attract many buyers / visitors.

3. But in case of unsuccessful attracting of buyers for my photos, there is still a chance to indirectly catch some (new) buyers through referral. I.e. they could not be willing to buy my own images, but when being attracted by keywords and stuff on my website, they still can end as a possible stock buyers.
And same concept applies for new possible contributors.

So for now I created these "promotional" sections of my website:
Catalogue listings:

Listing of my photos:

Listing of my Stock Graphics:

Also listing of my 3D Models if you want to take a look:

Not all of my stock photos / graphics are listed there for now. I placed there just some (80) to see how it will work. When I will have more time I will probably add more. It is really slow process of adding those photos (because there is need to use my own previews generated from my original files) + filling info / data manually to my db one by one. There is no easy way how to automate this process, filenames of my photos on my backup external HDD where I store my photos, dont correspond to names on agencies, etc. ... also ID for referral link construction is needed for every image. There is no simple way how to do this in batch. Only to manually locate those images, one by one visualy by sight and filling what is needed ... and this is really, really slow.
But I am lucky that I have just few hundreds of photos online. :D
(I dont want to imagine how it would be if I had thousands and thousands of photos, like some other people here.)

So caching data is slow Maybe you ask yourself, whether it cannot be powered by some API, such as DT API for example, to simplify things ...
No, cannot (in most cases). Dreamtime API is great piece of thing that is no doubt, but legally it is just too restrictive, to be used on a personal website. Because websites powered by DT API need to be exclusively bound to promote only DT (with only just a few exceptions such as Pixmac) and thus that is something that would be just too restrictive on personal website. Logically, I on my personal website want to have a freedom to mention also other places and agencies where I sell my stuff, although DT is no doubt my favorite agency.
Also not all of my photos are accepted by DT and also I dont sell my graphics there...

So back to project, I created also bigger preview pages. Just for photos and graphics for now.
(For 3D models maybe later)

Example of larger preview page in case of stock graphic

Example of larger preview page in case of stock photos

I decided that in case of stock photos I will link all possible buyers to the DT. With a few exceptions in the case of photos that were refused by DT, but were accepted somewhere else. DT is by all means my favorite agency as I said + they also have a great referral program so choice is easy here.

But I dont sell my graphics at them, so in case of my stock graphics I will link to YAYMicro and maybe also to GraphicLeftovers.

So thats what I wanted. Just to share ...
Any comments, whether negative or positive are welcome of course.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 14:25 by jareso »


« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2010, 16:38 »
Nice clean design, I like it.

The only problem could be when you will add many pictures: it could become boring to browse through too many pages of photos. A solution is maybe organising galleries by theme?

I've been thinking about my own web site but never did it for the same reason you mentioned: filling data manually is very slow. Maybe "exiftool" - run in batch mode from the command line - could extract iptc and automate some passages to fill the database, but it requires some programming: not difficult probably, but it takes a lot of time to start up and I never found the time to actually try.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 16:41 by microstockphoto.co.uk »


« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2010, 17:23 »
Great job Boris! Hope it is a big success for you :)


  • Boris Jaroscak
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2010, 17:26 »
Thank you for your comments. I am happy that you like it. :)

Yes I was thinking about some kind of filtering to add to it. First came to my mind search box, but that would be probably totally useless, because I have only small portfolio as I said and hardly the user could match those few keywords available on few hundreds (when will fill it completely) of my images. Also I was thinking about making click-able (searchable) keywords at large page/image previews, but that would sill be not good, because that searches (even partially restricted) through keywords would still lead to search results with just 1 - 2, or 3, or simply very few images. (Of course this depends on keywords but most would be like that.)
Better would be probably to leave keywords non-clicable (just to attract traffic / search engines) and as you suggested, to create some kind of more generic custom browseable categories / filters / themes, or so. Such as architecture, nature, animals, landscapes, etc. that would produce more thematic results grouped together.

Yes, filling data is slow and there is another problem that completely prevents it from automating this somehow - most of my older photos dont have IPTC filled with keywords, descriptions, etc.

So I dont have other choice than do it manually.  :-\

« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2010, 17:45 »
I've been thinking about my own web site but never did it for the same reason you mentioned: filling data manually is very slow. Maybe "exiftool" - run in batch mode from the command line - could extract iptc and automate some passages to fill the database, but it requires some programming: not difficult probably, but it takes a lot of time to start up and I never found the time to actually try.

Nah, you just have to find the right tool. Totally automatic included IPTC extraction, no dabase and SEO-optimized:


« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2010, 17:52 »
I was wondering if you were going to come in and help out Flemish :)

« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2010, 18:51 »
I was wondering if you were going to come in and help out Flemish :)
I'm not much inclined to help folks in my ignore list, especially if they might become competitors. Of course, I had a look at the code already. No danger ;)  For now, I'm just looking very hard at my shared dropbox.  ::)


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